How to Upgrade Sophos-XG Firmware to 18.0.1 | What's new in it & What's Changes you must need after

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Hello Guys, I hope all of you are doing well, Today I come back with a new Tutorial on Sophos-XG Firewall Up-gradation to the Latest Firmware v18.0.1. In this tutorial you are going to have the Details Discussion & Step by Step Instruction on this Firmware Up-gradation Process.

All of you are also going to know What's the immediate changes you must need after the Up-gradation & What's new or Changes you are going to see in this Firmware after a Successful Up-gradation.

So, I hope this is going to be a very much Helpful Video for all of you if you are Planning to Up-grade your Sophos-XG Appliances to the Latest v18.0.1. My next Video is going to be on HA-Configuration in Two Sophos-XG Firewall on Firmware v18.0.1.

I hope all of you are keep in touch with me by Subscribing my channel & hit the bell-button as well to receive notification Immediately after Uploading a New Video in my Channel.

Till Then Take Care & Be Safe
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hi sir, can u guide us how to enable TLS 1.3 in sophos Xg 230
