Why 3 European Countries Still Support Putin

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Five months into the war in Ukraine and Europe is still looking fairly united against Putin's war. However, there are a few European countries who are sympathetic to Russia; Serbia, Hungary and Belarus - in this video we explain why

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2:31 Yugoslavia was not a "close ally of the Soviet Union" for very long at all. By 1949, Yugoslavia already had better relations with the USA than with the USSR, * and, in 1961, they hosted the founding meeting of the "Non-Aligned Movement", leading other countries that sought to join neither side in the "Cold War". The idea that that Yugoslavia must have been a Soviet ally just because it was "communist" is a "Western" misconception - part of the myth of monilithic world "communism".

*By this point, the Communist Party of Yugoslavia had been kicked out of Cominform for supposedly not being Marxist enough, Yugoslavia was receiving Marshall Plan aid from the USA, and apparently the USA voted to elect Yugoslavia to the UN security council, while the USSR voted against it.


Yugoslavia wasn't a close ally of the Soviet union and Serbia has condemned the invasion.


Just a correction at 2:33, Yugoslavia were not close allies of the Soviet Union. Relations soured between Yugoslavia's Tito and Stalin, and Yugoslavia founded the non-aligned movement instead.


I'm so glad for this comment section. Healthy discussion, not censored, free. We should value this, as most news outlets don't have a comment section on their sites anymore. Keep it up TLDR!


Important sidenote missed is that Hungary is landlocked, and provides energy/heating needs over 60% from gas during winter, and while most other EU countries simply import liquified gas via seaports to cover the gas loss from sanctions, Hungary's only two option is either freeze their people, or at least partly play nice to Putin for the time being. The EU acknowledged this, and specifically gave exemption to Hungary on gas embargo because of this.

Other sidenote is Obran's FIDESZ party is in rule since 2010 in the country (!!!) and our second nuclear reactor's construction is years if not a decade late at this point, and the government backpedaled in residential solar policies is recent years - both which would have greatly eased the pain Hungary feels right now, and is entirely FIDESZ's fault.


Very generic explanation from my side:

Belarus: puppet regime,
Serbia: historic connection, both culture and religion + resentment towards europe and the west due to what happened in the 90s
Hungary: strong leader who wants to take the benefits of being in the EU but at the same time also wants to be an autocratic dictator similar to his buddy East.

Also, would add that there are a lot more elements in many countries that openly like Putin, they are just awfully quiet at the moment as it would be bad publicity
(i.e. Salvini and Le Pen)


Serbia does not support Russian invasion of Ukraine. The government of Serbia condemned the invasion and voted in UN against Russia. They only don't want to impose sanctions to Russia, as that would hurt their economy and geopolitical power projection.


What do you mean by "Serbs have a long and complicated history with NATO"? A more accurate statement would be "NATO repeatedly took sides against Serbia and Serbs during the break up of Yugoslavia and attacked Serbia and Serbs multiple times, killing Serbs and destroying Serbian buildings and other infrastructure. (Serbia and Serbs never attacked or retaliated against any NATO country.)"


"There are two main reasons Serbia support invasion." If you mean on government when saying Serbia, it tooks stance of neutrality.


NATO interventions in Yugoslavia. That is so funny and biased. I would suggest you UK guys to ask Tony Blair for additional information as you clearly lack some here. :)
And there is huge difference between supporting and being neutral about imposing sanctions. Serbia knows damn well they are no good for peace or reconciliation.


Hungarian here. You miss the most crucial point in support for Russia. Both Serbia and Hungary are full of territorial grievances, supported by revanshist attitude from the nationalistic parts of their population. Both Hungarian and Serbian governments are walking a tightrope, presenting themselves as normal western powers who have given up on territorial claims against their neighbors, while the core constituents of their respective voting blocks are committed to reconquering these territories. Russian disinformation plays into this, at least weekly we have some carve up of Ukraine giving substantial territory to Hungary.


NATO bombed Serbia in 1999 and did everything possible against them. I'm not saying who's in the right and wrong, but it's not rocket science to figure out why Serbia is anti NATO.


2:34 the paragraph is not quit there.. Croats also wanted so much of the state of Bosnia and they also committed atrocities against Serb majorities in provinces near the Croat border in order to have more Croat land.
You also misunderstood the role of the Yugoslav army. It didn’t transform in a Serb army at all! It only continued its mission: To keep Yugoslavia unite and intervene in situations that put the integration of the state in danger...


I've gotta say the title is slighly misleading. One might be deceived into thinking that Serbia is actively and literally supporting Russia's military intervention by sending troops, weapons or whatnot, whereas in fact the country's leaders have come out and said they support Ukraine's territorial integrity and have voted against the invasion at the UN.
The Z sign graffiti, t-shirts with Putin's name and so on, these are done for and by marginal groups, but the media keeps giving them unnecessary attention.
You are right about one thing though, the Serbs are generally speaking and with good reason ANTI Nato, thus likely to be appearing as supportive of whoever Nato's up against. Their country's southernmost province has been de facto occupied by Nato for two decades now, so one has to understand how they feel about it.


Why are US invasions and Russian or other invasions so different?? Why are more than 1 million dead civilians in Iraq not bad for ´´the world public´´ but a limited invasion of the Russians in the Ukraine such a huge topic? So I already know the answers.


Most of Europe recognized Kosovo when it separated from Serbia so quickly, and that is OK in the end, but it is not clear to me why it was a problem to recognize the breakaway Ukrainian provinces in the East - if they did the same, and recognized them, this bloody war would have been prevented. That is kind of hypocritical from the Europe (of course not all countries recognized Kosovo, but most of them is)


As a Hungarian I have a few things to add. First, Hungary is very heavily reliant on Russian gas. It would be foolish to risk the supply becoming overpriced or shut down. Secondly, Hungary and Russia are currently cooperating on expanding Hungary's only nuclear plant at Paks that is also a large part of the country's economy. Thirdly, Hungary and Ukraine had some quite serious issues over the treatment of Hungarian minorities within Ukraine so some Hungarians hold the stance of 'they are getting what they deserve'. I do not agree with them, as civilians should not suffer for their leaders decisions but past grievences do exist non the less. As far as I can tell, Orbán is making the best of a difficult situation regarding the balancing of not burning bridges towards Russia but upholding humanity towards the refugees from Ukraine, not even only the ethnic hungarians either.


Serbia does not supprot Russia in its war against Ukraine, it just chooses to stay military neutral and not impose sanctions. The president clearly stated that Serbia respects Ukranian teritorial sovereignty and condemns violence and destruction of war. That can be hardly called a support!

Edit: We do hold a grudge against NATO though. You would, too, if you still remembered the terror of bombing in '99 and no one being held responsible for it. The injustice still burns bright in our collective memory.


Belarus is the only one of the three you could really call a Russian ally. Serbia and Hungary are revanchist because they have been screwed over in the past, which makes them sympathetic to opponents of the current status quo, like Russia. If we're being honest, Serbia has a legitimate claim to the Serbian half of Bosnia, while Hungary has a legitimate claim to some relatively small parts of Slovakia, Serbia, and Romania which are majority Hungarian. Serbia in particular is very sympathetic to Russia because Serbia was bombed by NATO (which is supposed to be a defensive pact) even though none of the countries involved in the Yugoslavs wars were members of NATO at the time. Truth be told NATO despite being a defensive pact has a history of offensively intervening in regions that are not part of NATO, Yugoslavia and Libya being the main examples. This is not to suggest that what Russia is doing is in anyway good, but rather to acknowledge the reality of the past.


I can tell you that Cyprus where I live are also very pro Russian. There are not too many Cypriots that are not sympathetic to Putin. We have a lot of Russians here. They bring a lot of cash and Cyprus very much resents the help Ukraine has received as opposed to the complete lack of help they had from Europe when they were invaded by Turkey. I would suggest that if Cyprus was not in the EU they would take very different positions.
