Paul Wallis - True Meaning of the Bible, Ancient Aliens & Suppressed Technologies - Q & A

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Paul Wallis unravels the secrets of ancient aliens, suppressed technologies, and hidden histories!

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I just want to commend Mr. Wallace for his bravery for stepping aside from his decades of studying and teaching Christianity to bring his well developed logic and information to the masses.


Your spot on Paul! Elena Danaan has stated that nibiru is like a mother ship, its like our moon was ! What we see is a massive object up there, but really was flown into postion, its been made to not move now ! But i have actually seen some planet looking objects through a telescope with a filter and its amazing ! Its so upsetting that Nasa and scientist keep all this stuff secret for us ! The lies need to end now ! Love watching 5th kind and you brother ! Peace and Love !


I had a multiple near death experiences and an actual bleed totally dry for 12 minutes until I was transported to the ER. Was in a limbo while I was in surgery for 25 hours, remained in an induced coma for two weeks and was having multiple surgeries, daily, during that period. After a month later I was able to recover my consciousness but my body was still awaiting skin grafts and physical therapy to relearn how to walk again, gun shot to the chest point blank was rough, those .40 cal hollow points hit hard. I advise to avoid that situation at all costs. Ok my point was is the fact that I watched the exact minute of my last heart beat when I died, there was a clock on the wall. When I had noticed that my heart had stopped beating I was able to watch the clock up till 7 minutes after it first stopped. After that I remember being in a confined small space with myself stretched out on the ground and one person with me leaned in over my chest. I was floating horizontally face down looking at me and the person below. That scene after years of reflection was the inside of the helicopter that they flew me to the hospital in. That person with me was the flight nurse and I was on the floor of the helicopter and the reason it was dark, I finally realized that it was 1:00 am when the accident happened, I had not known why it was so dark and small. Don’t remember hearing the rotor or engine nor the nurse for that matter. I remember seeing that we are not alone, there are lots of us experiencing mortal life and then we transition to a new/different world/realm and experience consciousness in a different aspect. I never saw anything bad or spooky nor seperation. Everyone was coming from all over and merging together right in front of me passing by from left to right. All happy and no sorrow at all. We all headed towards the same direction with eagerness and happiness. Unity was a fair description but LOVE is really the feeling I got when I met everyone else.


🤔I would like to propose Paul Wallis as one of the main members of the committee of Humans to "meet-and-greet" ETs, in the event of a "first-contact"!🤗 ... Please don't let it be the military or any politician to be the ones representing our Human Race to any visitors!😱


If you look into the old summerian texts you find that lot of those story's are the bases for the Abrahamic religions.
God, also known as Yahweh, is referred to as "Elohim." The term "Elohim" is plural, and its translation means "the powerful ones." In the biblical text, God says, "Let Us make (asah) humans in Our image, according to Our likeness." The use of "Us" is plural, which suggests that we are not referring to a single deity but rather to multiple gods.

This plural language implies the presence of multiple beings who, while not gods in the traditional sense, are not terrestrial either. This concept bears resemblance to the ancient Sumerian story of the Anunnaki, whose name means "those who came from the heavens." According to this story, these beings, not humans, came to Earth and created humans using their own DNA combined with that of existing human-like species of that era. This narrative might provide an explanation for what is often referred to as the "missing link" in human evolution, in my opinion.


You’re description of Plato’s tea experience, and the law of attraction
Was fantastic. All of your answers are full of useful, applicable wisdom. Really appreciate you. ✊❤️


In Sitchin's translations of the cuneiform texts (which were shown to be incorrect in many respects), the Annunaki were said to have come from nibiru. There is nothing to suggest it is a planet however. But a large space station Refugio (for entities which once lived on mars is another thing), it could have been. The need for gold could be explained by the need for a space station to be completely coated in it, to stop cosmic particles passing through it and its occupants continuously, and altering their DNA. Given that gold leaf is used for this very reason on all manned moon trips, and is used on expensive satellites to prevent damage to them from particles, l wonder if Nibiru was simply a space station tethered out near one of Jupiter's moons or some such location.


Jesus sojo gematria 1775.
- JOHN 17:16


Thank you Mr Wallace, I follow you, Matt and Billy Carson, and I learn everyday many new things, a person who practice the south indian culture, I see from my knowledge that everything comes from astrology. The myths etc, are basically star systems turned into gods. Yes many great kings and queens lived but humans turned them into ancestor gods. Sakyamuni Bhuddha was athiest, he was enlightened and his damma teachimgs etc, focused on simplicity and kindness, love etc. He knew there is no gods, just those passing through with something to teach, learn or probably negative intentions. We are the gods, there is no greater or less than ourselves.
I was devastated when I learned many truths, but now Ive recovered and moving on. I have all I could want materially but always knew that my spiritual journey was going to take a very wide turn.
Thank you for your teachings and much blessings Sir.👍❤🌞


If the gods of the Bible are not gods, where does the story of Jesus belong. He seems to be an opposing opinion for the local "gods".


Nébiru is an enormus vaisel and not a planet . Prince Ea is on it acording to Helena Danaan. Its the most recent news about what is going on.


Christianity, good or bad? That depends on which end of the gun you find yourself. If you’re confused, then I suggest you talk with a First Nation elder.


Paul, you mention the Christian Roman Empire and the Spanish conquest of America (you have also talked about English colonization). Nevertheless, I have the impression that this suppression of knowledge started far before in time. The most recent examples knew the power that ancient knowledge had, because it had been hidden before.


Are you familiar with Serb Orthodoxy and how it's derived from their pagen past, It seems to me that their Gods also bear a lot of resemblance with the Anunnaki gods. In general that Mythology is facinating.


"Noah was a surly man" 😆 what? I was thinking in my mind, why is the church mentioning this idiot or guy with a problem as he is? After that, I started looking at things differently. Being raised orthodox christian all my life. It was my own doing of trying to be a better orthodox christian that i started questioning and making mental distance. I still believe in many of morals mentioned, such as "do not steal" 🙂


The romain catholique with a jésuites pope is exclusive and dark.
The word Catholique meens universel There for, it have to be inclusive.
The cathares were The real Catholique and that is wy they were atack bi the roman Catholique.
Romain catholique jésuites bad
Catholique cathares Franciscain good.
There is a Franciscain ancien secret order that would have the same informations jésuites but with good intentions. Its probably because of the génétique of prince Ea base more on coopération then compétition.
Tanks for speading information.


You did the correct thing by doing it with the understanding you have concerning the Anunnaki


My whole problem with the theory that the Annunaki developed humanity as a slave race to mine gold is this. Assuming the annunaki we're a technologically advanced race who had mastered interplanetary travel and maybe even inter-galactic travel why would they bother with a race of biologic slaves with lots of weaknesses and inadequacies? Would they not have been able engineer a superior robot work force ideally suited to the job? The whole slave-species idea seems a bit lame.


I believe the truth of all things is within us all; the truth is what resonates in us; what makes us feel whole, complete, worthy, satisfied, and loved.
I know for sure that I have a spirit guide as does every one of as (as for the God) I don’t think we find that out until our human experience is over.
I definitely don’t feel that we are alone in the universe & I believe in the next couple yrs we’ll discover more facts as to space & even of our own earth. 🌏


🎉😂1.8 Million Subscribers!!! Yeah Baby!!! On With The Show Big Brother xx#😂🎉
