Are we always alone? Huxley vs. Heidegger.

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-CORRECTION -- it's from the Doors of Perception, not Brave New World! My mistake. -MM
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"The maturity of a man consists in once again having found the seriousness of a child, at play"


Always thought provoking and straight to the nub, this channel has few peers. Thank you for your good work.


"I am a rock, I am an island.
And a rock feels no pain
And an island never cries."
(Paul Simon)


The first thing I committed to memory was the first serious thing I ever read as a young lad of 16 years.

"Midway along the journey of our life
I woke to find myself in a dark wood,
for I had wandered off from the straight path."

Canto I, Inferno

After that it was Blake's Tiger Tiger and Donne's Death be Not Proud


Blessed is the man who endures trials and temptations, his reward is the crown of life.


"My God, My God why hast thou forsaken me"


Joyce’s prayer to Daedalus from Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. “I will forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race. Old artificer, old Father, stand me now and ever in good stead.” As an introvert I probably lean a bit more to Huxley, but I would be remiss if I didn’t disclose that I have always felt accompanied. I can remember walking alone with my dog Blinker when I was 3. At 81 I can still see the sky, feel the breeze and a presence that enfolded both of us. Alone is not lonely to me. I have spent today completely alone but still accompanied by the inner world.


Both are right. First we must understand that we are "pieces of others"; when we remove from our self everything that is not our self, nothing remains.

Then, while we fully understand what we are, we also understand that we ourselves create entire world (which is, all of it, our self) .

When we love another, we love our own image of that other; this image is our own creation (the other is only inspiration), therefore by loving it we actually love ourselves.


"He does give to us His Joy
That our grief He may destroy.
Till our grief has fled and gone
He does sit by us and moan."
(William Blake)


The first quote I ever memorised was from Julius Evola’s “Ride the Tiger”: “The desert encroaches. Woe to him whose desert lies within.” Although I believe he is quoting Nietzsche here.


These ideas and quotes about being "alone" are rich and thought-provoking, but wow, they are just the barest, smallest tip of much bigger discussions. I genuinely appreciate the effort and I'm really happy to watch these thought-provoking videos. Of course, it's hard to even compare these two views on aloneness and say things like "Heidegger is closer to the truth" without dismissing 99% of what's valuable within these ideas. Following along Huxley's lines: There's absolutely no way to know whether the vast majority of our own personal experience is even commensurate with anyone else's! Happiness, sadness, restlessness, we think that all these ideas are somehow comparable between different humans. But this all may be an illusion! Just listen to a wacko conspiracy theorist or a superficially coherent moron or a political or religious zealot speak for a while. Then ask yourself -- is *any* understanding even possible, beyond perhaps objective material observations? It's a bit terrifying to think about, since you might end up realizing we are all inescapably alone, but there's much to explore here! Thanks again for the video. Love your work.


I have worked with dying patients for years. Deaths vary. In the very last moments of their consciousness some want to hold on to others (they try to hold hands with them and have their presence) while others prefer complete privacy. But even in those private moments many of the patients are in a company of dear ones in their mind, since often they have been hallucinating them (usually their dead relatives) nearly constantly in their last days.


“In many ways nonsense is a more effective organizing tool than the truth. Anyone can believe in the truth. To believe in nonsense is an unforgeable demonstration of loyalty. It serves as a political uniform. And if you have a uniform, you have an army.”
(Mencius Moldbug)


You are always alone, but you are so in the company of others. Nobody knows your thoughts except for those few you are able to put into words, so you are alone in most of your thoughts. Being with others is the remedy for being alone, but it is not a cure. And while we may not have to face death alone, we do pass into it by ourselves leaveing the others behind. Being alone is the burden of being a conscious individual among billions of conscious individuals.


I usually take the time to sit with quotes and write them down, but I never actually memorize any. This is something I will commit to practicing going forward. My memory is much worse than in my youth and I should practice memorization more actively.


I'd say feeling like you are alone isn't the same thing as actually being alone. Just because the blind man can't see the sun doesn't mean it's not there. He can still feel it's warmth on his skin. My guess is a lot of people feel alone because they are laying in the shade.


All events are relative to the individuals time and place, but every event is relative to the speed of light. Read that years ago by a local newspaper writer writing about Einsteins theory of relativity. Became aware Nothing is faster than light. Nothing as the ground of BEING and generating abstractions coming from Nothing becomes possibly via declarative contextual language.


What I committed to memory, and yet did not recite frequently, has gone from memory, long ago.
Pater noster
Qui es in coelis
Sanctificetur nomen tuum
Adveniat regnum tuum
Fiat voluntas tua
Sicut in coelo, et in terra.
(the Lord's Prayer, in Latin)
I do repeat daily.
Panem nostram, quotidiam da nobis hodie
Et dimitte debita nostra, sicut ut nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem
Sed libera nos a malo


Huxley sounds wrong on this philosophically but i felt he only knew as much as he knew or understood things. If heidegger said it exactly like that compared to huxleys, then it goes another layer deeper than Huxley on this specific matter.

Im guessing that Huxleys thought for what he said, was influenced by fabian socialist philosophy (has different views to other socialism/communism thoughts like ML's or traditional socialism)


All of these thoughts fall flat without considering class struggle. They are effectively castrated.
