GMB 22nd August 2019

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With Richard Madeley, Ranvir Singh, Sean Fletcher, Laura Tobin and Sabrina Elba.
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Good Morning Britain with Ranvir Singh, Richard Madeley, Sean Fletcher & Sabrina Elba




Son of Perdition Revealed

Sabrina Dhowre Elba is a transgender male name Sebastian aka Sabi aka Tobias aka Satan transformed into a black woman (a child of light), who is married to Idris Elba. Look at Tobias name backward you get Sabi. Idris Elba calls Sabrina, Sabi. Idris Elba is Mighty God AHAYAH, I AM THAT I AM, MIGHTY GOD, in the flesh.

AHAYAH MIGHTY GOD had promised to send his Word, YashaYah, MessiYah, who is AHAYAH MIGHTY GOD in the Flesh to save us after 5500 years. They, The Father AHAYAH and YASHAYAH, MessiYah the Son, are back in the Earth. The enemy thought to change times and laws as mentioned Daniel 7:25: AHAYAH MIGHTY GOD Said we were upside down. So 2020 would be 5050.

Isaiah 24:1
Behold, AHAYAH MIGHTY GOD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it UPSIDE DOWN, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.

The FALL AWAY, The Corona Virus, Covet19 and the Son of man is being revealed, next, the Day of AHAYAH MIGHTY GOD Wrath.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a FALLING AWAY FIRST, and that MAN  OF  SIN BE REVEALED, the SON  of PERDITION; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of AHAYAH, MIGHTY GOD, shewing himself that he is God.

Sabrina Dhowre Elba aka Tobias, aka Sabi aka Sebastian aka Satan, be 3-Ring Bind to the Highest Power in AHAYAH'S Iron, Bars, Fetters and Sterling Silver & bronze chains of Fire & Scourges to the Maximum Power, Strip you of your powers, rebuke you from the Earth and return you back to the bottomless pit, inside the Lake of Fire, For all eternity, FOREVER, PRP, For your repeat offenses and trespasses against the Most High AHAYAH, I AM THAT I AM, THY MIGHTY GOD and the children of Israel, BACK BACK OUT CEO DESTRUCTO, Sabrina Dhowre Elba, FLIP THE SCRIPT, Switch, Slash All MOB, MIB, Alpha Numeric, Decode, Reveal, PRP, in YashaYah's name. So be it, Aman Aman Aman Aman Aman

Son of Perdition Revealed.

🔥🔥🔥OMG Idis you calls Sabrina Dhowre, Sabi. Sabi is backward for Tobias. Tobias is the albino, your twin brother, Sebastian, from Heaven, who is Satan transformed who fell from heaven as Satan. Sebastian is Sabrina, is a male, transformed into a woman, transgender. Your marriage to him would be INCEST.. When in Heaven, your names were, Sun and Son; Sebastian is pretending to be a woman, as mentioned in the Forgotten Books of Eden to destroy you.. Looks like the Most High, AHAYAH is taking him down. The fall away, with the corona covet 19 virus, now the Son of Perdition who is Sabrina aka Tobias, being revealed; and judging by you calling Sabrina, Sabi, YOU KNEW WHOM HE WAS ALL ALONG, WOW! Now, your picture attached to this post looks like the moon shining as the Son. Next is the Wrath of AHAYAH MIGHTY GOD, I AM THAT I AM, full cup without mixture.
