Capricorn Man Just Wants To Be Friends

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He's most likely said things that have made you doubt if he likes you. He might even like what you're posting on Instagram. However, there are some strong indications that those factors do not outweigh how he genuinely feels.

If you see these indicators, he simply wants to be friends with you. It's time to face the facts.

1. He's not making any moves.

He doesn't want anything more than to be friends with you. Guys are made up of physical creatures. Even a hesitant guy will make his feelings known if he has affections beyond friendship.

2. He doesn't make eye contact with you.

Flirting is a technique for increasing sexual tension.

If two people genuinely like each other, they will flirt. But if he's not doing anything, making no flirting remarks or gestures, he's not interested.

How can you know whether a joke is just that, or whether it's flirting? It will, after all, happen frequently. If he's flirting with you, he'll text you or go out of his way to find you. However, if it is only a jest, it is done for the sake of convenience.

It could just be friendliness or his attitude if he runs into you and appears to be flirting. But it's flirting when he goes out of his way to see you or texts you with flirty comments.

3. He isn't actually texting you.

Friends do text each other now, but not every two minutes. Sure, he texts you, but if he doesn't text you too much, he's probably just trying to be friends. A friend will text you to arrange plans or to discuss a show that you both enjoy.

4. He refers to you as a buddy.

You're a pal if he uses phrases like "friend" or "buddy." Because he isn't really thinking about what you are to him, he may just introduce you with your name and no descriptor.

He wouldn't call you his friend if he liked you. He makes it apparent that he only regards you as a buddy by using the word "friend."

5. He is deafeningly

You might flirt with him or playfully touch him, but he doesn't reciprocate. It's a no-go if you express your sentiments and he doesn't flirt back or touch you, instead offering an uneasy smile.

Even if he realizes you like him, he would avoid it totally if he only wants to be buddies. He is concerned that bringing it up may jeopardize their friendship. He'll simply ignore it in the hopes that it will go away.

6. He mentions other women.

If he shows you his Tinder profile and the female he wants to ask out, he's clearly only interested in you as a buddy. This could be a clear indication that he simply wants to remain buddies.

He is softly implying that he prefers someone else instead of coming out and asking you to go on. He wouldn't solicit your opinion on other ladies if he liked you.

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Don't you think all men are like that in general 🤔
