League of Legends Jungle Lulu
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I uploaded similar video before but I wanted to show you a better route. Why waste your health trying to get the two little golems anyway? Reached level 4 @ 4:14. Order is ancient golem - wolves - wraiths - elder lizard - wolves - wraiths. Made a few misses when shooting Q. Anyway, just wanted to show people that Lulu can jungle. Not the fastest jungler ever but it works and she survives. She's one of the strongest gankers in game too. Make sure you gank a lot since you're slow. You don't want to pick Lulu when your opponent is Lee Sin or Shyvanna. They're such pedophiles and they are gonna rape you hard. Oh and the runes I used are AS, defense, magic resist, and defense. You don't really need movement speed cuz she already has 35% movement speed bonus in her W.