Minecraft Story Mode : All Wither Storm Moments

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The Game Is Created By Mojang Studios And Telltale Games, And The Music Is Made By Antimo And Welles

These Are All The Wither Storm Moments In Minecraft Story Mode (MCSM)

The Wither Storm Is A Dangerous Creature That Destroys The World.
It's Created By 3 Wither Skulls And Soul Sand+Command Block.
When Created, The Wither Storm Will Pick Up Blocks And Eat It, It Will Become Bigger And Bigger Until It's Going To Destroy The World,
Phase 4 Has 3 Heads With 3 Tractor Beams That Can Pick Up Mobs And Players And It Has 5-8 Tentacles That Can Attack Players And Destroy Whole Buildings.
In Phase 5 There Are 2 Extra Large Tentacles The Wither Storm Also Can Use To Destroy Things, And The Back Of The Wither Storm Also Grows,

But It's Not Over Yet... When You Come Closer It Comes Back Alive And Continues To Destroy The World, But It's Split In 3 Wither Storms (One Is Big And The Others Are Small)
But These 3 Can Regenerate 2 Heads So Then They Have 3 Heads!?!?

So.. Who Am I?
I'm LucasDotje And I Make Wither Storm Videos. I Really Like Playing Minecraft And I Even Tried The Wither Storm In VR. Even Tough I Wanted To Say More. I Think This Will Be The Best. I Hope You Enjoy And Feel Welcome

Definitely Don't Miss These Epic Videos :

#witherstorm #minecraft #mods #minecraftstorymode

0:00 Wither Storm Phase 0
0:30 Wither Storm Phase 0.5
0:40 Wither Storm Phase 1
0:56 Wither Storm Phase 1.5
1:13 Wither Storm Phase 2
2:17 Wither Storm Phase 2.5 (Tractor Beam Activated)
2:32 Wither Storm Phase 3
3:06 Wither Storm Phase 4
5:24 Escaping The Wither Storm In A Forest
6:25 Inside The Temple
8:56 Wither Storm Phase 5 (In Redstonia)
10:27 Wither Storm Phase 4 (In Boomtown)
11:13 Wither Storm Phase 6
13:56 Making The Formidi Bomb
15:32 Wither Storm After Formidi Bomb
19:27 Command Block Comes Back Alive
20:04 Wither Storm Back Alive
20:40 Wither Storm Phase 7
21:28 Wither Storm Phase 8
23:30 Wither Storm Chase
26:32 Wither Storm Phase 9
34:09 Inside The Wither Storm
35:28 Command Block Phase 1
36:32 Command Block Phase 2
39:41 The End
40:49 Reuben
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I love Ivor'e delivery on each line. His VA did so well and the line "I took such care..." when it first kicks off is my favorite in the first Ch


This was *by far* my favorite season of Story Mode. How a damn Minecraft game was able to portray the sheer power and terror caused by a mindless killing machine is absolute stunning, but a surprise I appreciate like no other.

Everything about the Wither Storm is intimidating: the monster's name, the sheer size that only grows, the horrific appearance, the chaos it causes and the fear it brings, all under the knowledge that it's born from a command block, which is probably the most powerful device in all of Minecraft (if we're assuming it's in-universe).

Wither Storm is even logically terrorizing, with its continuous growth making time your damnation. The only chance you had to kill it was at the beginning, and now it's rampaging through every biome known to man, consuming all it sees for the only purpose to satisfy its insatiable hunger. Your job only becomes more and more impossible as the Storm grows and grows in size and power. A horrifying concept, as you need to make a plan and get the necessary tools to act on said plan, but every second that goes by makes that very plan less and less likely to work.

If you take too long, the Storm will become an unstoppable force of nature, and the world will succumb to the turmoil of a ravenous terror created by a block that can bend reality to complete whatever task it was programmed to achieve. Unfortunate for you, it has been programmed to annihilate, and annihilate this world it will do.

(Don't tell the Wither Storm that we enabled infinite world generation though, that might be a bit awkward)

What raps this all up in a neat bow is my favorite part of this beast: *the theme.*

I am a cello player, so I have decent experience in the art of music. Tunes and melodies alone can express any feeling you choose to display without speaking a single word, which is incredible. The theme of the Wither Storm breeds a feeling of utter terror, accompanying the disorder the Storm causes like a child to its mother. Its memorable, with only a few guitar strings needing to be played for the wrath of the Wither Storm to be remembered deeply.

That is good music in my opinion. We fear Darth Vader thanks to the Imperial March, and I truly believe we get a similar feeling when the theme of the Wither Storm looms its dreary head around the corner. Also, most importantly, the song kicks ass. I don't even need to explain the deep meaning of all this; the theme is simply cool as hell, and I bet you can agree.

A fantastic antagonist for the first season, and although I wasn't interested enough to watch season two, I will never forget such a scary villain like the Wither Storm.


Story mode was always such a underrated game. I loved the idea of a wither storm. It’s the first otherworldly thing to be featured in a Minecraft.


The fact a single wither with a command block started all this


26:58 The fact that the Wither storm just let this guy chat without doing anything to them was ridiculous


The rest of this game was a poorly written cringey mess, but the Wither Storm was the best thing to come out of Minecraft Story Mode


I love how when Ivor yells retreat, the wither storm just slowly looks at him like: you said what

Edit: Mom I’m famous


26:14 as you can see on the background, this guy is just a fantastic person I ever seen in my entire life


I'm SO GLAD THIS GAME'S RECIEVING THE ATTENTION IT DESERVES. Everyone thinks all the Minecraft side-games flopped, but i think both seasons of Minecraft Story Mode were excellent. S1 builds up your story plot and who you are going to make a friendship with, S2 is the one that tests your loyalty and friendship.


Reuben shall rest in peace. Goodbye. He will be remembered by all minecraftians 😢.


Me trying to resist the urge of laughing to reuben turning into a raw porkchop when he died:

But still, Reuben is a name that many minecrafters should know..
May he fly high with his braveness...


If Minecraft: Story mode was a movie and the wither storm had 42 minutes of screen time that would make it one of the villains with the most screen time (ones that aren’t the main character, that is) 42 minutes of pure wither storm shows how much of a boss it is, especially since other games barely give their villains much except for the final fight or whatever


What monster could've put more terror in the world of Minecraft than a mega sized wither, astonishing season.


The thought of this thing. If The New Order of The Stone had failed at defeating the storm. The Minecraft world would have been ruined entirely. I suspect Romeo has been watching Jesse since the beginning of this, since he knows he slayed The Wither Storm. The Minecraft world would have been completely destroyed and eaten by The Storm.

Everyone would have to gather as many resources as possible, and move to either The End, or to the Nether. It would be the only safe places to be, and no one could go back because of the monstrosity that awaited them there.

Given time, The Storm would have become as big as the world of Minecraft itself. Those Prismarine Colossus’s in The Sea Temple, in Season 2, would have been completely consumed and destroyed. Eventually, it could maybe even find the hole below the bedrock. That would then also be in ruins. Already, there are terrifying monsters down there, but a Wither Storm terrorizing it would make it 10x worse.

That giant Enderman could definitely put a hell of a fight, but may or may not be defeated, too. Nothing will survive. The world is gone. Eventually, who knows what will happen. If people connect the portal hallway and the such to this world, the storm could spread through those worlds too, consuming each and every single world, possibly. I would assume Romeo would have to intervene as some point. Maybe the moment The Order fails, or to the point where that thing gets too big. I remember one of the characters saying that you need the power of The Command Block itself, or something as powerful as it, to destroy it. I believe it was Ivor. Romeo created the Minecraft world. But what are the limits to the Command Block? Are there limits to it being able to create? Who knows.

That being said, No one would be able to stop The Storm, except Admins. The best anyone else could do was slow it down with Formidi-bombs. If someone had enough luck to find the Command Block book before The Storm could have eaten it up, then they might have a chance. Really the best chance anyone has against it is to make Formidi-bombs to slow it down. Only an Admin can truly kill it. (Except for the slim chance that someone gets a command block book and survives long enough to gather a team / army to take it down with it. Now speaking of such. Theoretically, what would happen if The Storm ate the book? The Book has the power of the Block itself. Would it increase its power strength and ability? Say, make it twice as resistant to Formidi-bombs, or the such? Who knows.

Anyway, that is the end of this LONG LONG rant or whatever. It’s just my thoughts. If you took the time to read ALL of this, thank you for reading. Please tell me your thoughts!


0:00 Wither Storm Spawned Phase 0
0:31 Wither Storm Phase 0.5
0:50 Wither Storm Phase 1
1:15 Wither Storm Phase 2
2:02 Wither Storm Phase 3
2:20 Withers Storm Phase 4
2:33 First Tentengale
2:57 Run Away From Wither Storm
3:06 Wither Storm Phase 6
3:30 Surviving Wither Storm
4:21 Helping Peoples
4:36 Gabriel
4:46 Going To Gabriel’s Temple
5:00 Withers Storm Following
5:18 Closeing To Gabriel Temple
5:44 Wither Fireing Skulls
6:08 Close To Gabriel Temple
6:26 Gabriel Temple
6:40 Nether Portal
6:51 Nether Portal Lit
7:19 Withers Storm Phase 6.6
7:39 A Crystal Ambylet
7:46 The Wither Storm Break in
8:34 Wither Storm Phase 7.1
8:55 in The Nether
9:04 Wither Storm Phase 8
9:31 Wither Storm Phase 8.9
10:26 In To The Nether
10:43 The Wither Storm in The Nether
10:58 Kingdom’s827
11:15 Back To The Overworld
11:38 The Wither Storm Phase 10.9
13:32 Wither Storm Destroying The Town
13:55 Crafting TNT
14:38 59 Players Left
14:48 Crafting The Fombidbomb728287181717717
15:05 Fobimdbomb To Wither Storm
15:34 The Wither Storm Died
16:44 42 Players Left
18:04 The Players Are Careing
18:50 Wither Storm Still Died
19:16 Finding The Players
19:28 The Command Block LIVE
19:38 The Wither Storm ALIVE
20:07 Withers Storm Stayed Up
20:23 Wither Storm Phase 13.6
20:44 Withers Storm Phase 17.9
21:35 The Wither Syompiyontal
21:54 The Endermans
23:34 Rideing On Horse
23:54 Jesse Died
24:01 Jesse Respawned
26:07 The Wither Storm Phase 19.8
26:30 The Wither Storm 9 Heads
26:51 Axol Now That
27:24 Enderman
29:47 All The Enderman Angry At Wither Storm
30:09 Jesse Steal Enderman Block And Get Angry
30:25 Run Away
30:46 Snowballs
31:07 Laser Becoemeal
31:26 Reuben
33:09 Fireworks
34:14 in The Wither Storm
35:33 Command Block Phase 4
36:33 Command Block Phase 3
39:41 Command Block Phase 0
40:05 THE END!
40:11 Wither Storm Died
40:26 Reuben
41:37 Reuben Last Death
41:41 Reuben Died
41:48 Over For Reuben😢
42:16 The End!


I love how even natural mobs are scared of the wither storm. This thing is so powerful thing breaks the laws of the code in these creatures, just to run away from the thing except for Enderman they probably see it is just a blinding light of God and she will at least in the second form coming to reclaim what it wants and that’s why the Enderman are walking towards it.


It really shows how powerful the wither storm is and how quickly it grows within 5 minutes it turned into its "storm phase" aka phase 4


i hate how the plot went from "WE NEED TO DEFEAT THIS GOD SLAYER" to "ok lets go on wacky adventures


Reuben's death broke me the most. He was a sweet little pig, and he was a friend.


The Fact that the game turned out to be this good but eventually died out of nowhere
