Top 8 Worst Decisions In Starfield

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Starfield has some pretty cruel outcomes if you're not careful. Here are 8 of the worst decisions you can make in the game


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1. Botch the bank heist 00:21
2. Letting Tomasar go 01:38
3. Cheating on your Spouse 02:46
4. Being a Lone Wolf 03:40
5. Paying for Crew Members 04:37
6. Rushing the Main Story 05:33
7. Choosing the Wrong Traits 06:12
8. Choosing Terrible Skills 07:34


If the game was meant to not be a Lone Wolf than Bethesda could of added companion combat options. They really regressed in that area and it is ridiculous how the companions get in your way or blow your cover.


I screwed up by watching this video about someone’s personal preference of play style.


Playing as a lone wolf is the only way


If you survey planets, botany is pretty handy, as is zoology. It allows you to scan the plant 4 times instead of 8, so it saves a fair amount of time on looking for some tiny hard to find plants.


All these years. All the Bethesda games... my follower STILL runs in front of me when im shooting at someone.


Where can you get the outfit for Andreja shown at 3:15? Black leather pants and black tank?


After rushing through to the end I just turned around and went back. It actually seemed like a more "cannon" ending when I did that vs when I rushed to the NG+. Also, the Introvert trait + Isolationist skill + Alien DNA makes for a great lone wolf playthrough.


oh I completely disagree with #4. All the Constellation characters basically share a hive mind when it comes to their personalities and likes/dislikes with how you handle things. While there are others you can have go with you, none of them have fully developed stories making them just not too bright mobile storage spaces that occasionally take a few bullets from you. Enter the Isolation skill which turns you into far more than the sum of your parts with a companion. No, it is certainly not a bad decision to play alone - just another VERY viable path to take.


Fuck man, on my ng+ I went into the galbank and digipicked the safe, giving me a bounty of 500. Mf freestar security ran in and started shooting me, totally ignoring the hostage takers 😂😂


As far as hiring crew members is concerned, if you are trying to make your ship ridiculous in one way or another, you can hire multiple random crew members that have ship specialties and make your ship crazy good. You could also hire a bunch of dudes for your outposts to make them better


I chose to let Tomas live expecting more after the quest but thats where it stops. Maybe in the future DLC that ending plays a part who knows but I didn't expect it to end like that. Sidenote, on my first playthrough Terrormorphs had this scary demonic voice in my head and on my ng+ playthrough the terrormorphs I encountered on the New Atlantis attack had this creepy female voice.


After completing all side quests and getting to the end where they want you to play it over and over to be able to complete it, I realized my worst decision was buying Starfield.


Bethesda missed an opportunity to have you "smoke out a mole within the UC" and play that spy vs spy game.


8:00 LOL, botany is a cool skill since it allows you to build outpost that produces organic material that may not be very expensive, but it is relatively light so you can store tons of it on ship and sell it. Not to mention that some stuff like lubricant is not easy to get. There are far more useless skills.


Unfotunately, companions are a pain. They "glue" to you and this is very annoying. Being very close, they prevent scanning, you have to move away all the time. They often bitch and Sarah even shouts at you if you try to carry too much. Every new game, Bethesda does the same mistake, they give us bad companions. And do not forget that they always get in front of you when you are shooting or even mining. Any other game company gives us interesting companions.


I disagree with #5 & 8. The hire able crew that have actual names all have their own backstory you can talk to them about, they do comment on the galaxy around you (just not as much as the Constellation crew), and about 1/3 of them are morally "flexable" and won't get pissed of with theft and random murder. Also you pass a persuade check you can cut their hiring fee in half and 10k credits or less is peanuts in this game after your first few hours. Higher ranked Commerce skill also cuts down their recruitment fee.

Picking the wrong skill isn't a hindrance so much as it is hiccup. There's no hard level cap so if you think you picked the wrong skill you can always grind out another one in short order.


4:49 I disagree, and paying for crew members is not a mistake, it's a lesser explored gameplay mechanic. Go to the broken spear in Cydonia. There you will find a Pilot named Andromeda Kepler, just hire her! I know she wants 18k in credits, if you don't have it, get it, she is worth every dime. She has a fantastic backstory, and even flirts at the idea of joining constellation.

While Constellation has better pilots including me, Andreja's voice lines get so effing repetitive! Hearing Andromeda's sweet angelic voice turn into a battlecry as she screams at the ecliptic mercs trying to kills us is reward enough for me. That was the whole point of hiring crew members: more intersting companions to choose from.


Where do you get those black pants and tops the ladies are wearing, or are they a mod?


What I found annoying was that I did the Ryujin quest line solo, with all companions back at the Lodge. I helped Ryujin complete the [spoiler] and had one installed myself (loving it!👍). But when I finished the last quest in the line, everyone from Constellation gave me a rash of shit!! How do they even know what I did for Ryujin? They weren’t even in the same star system when I did the quests! And I didn’t give my name when speaking to SSNN either.
