The historical context of Jeremiah (and Lehi), and the fall of Jerusalem. Ep. 177

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Reading the Old Testament can be really hard, partly because the authors of the Old Testament largely assume that you are already familiar with a lot of the historical context surrounding the stuff they’re writing about. In a past episode, we talked about some of the historical context of the book of Isaiah. In this video, Dave does the same thing with the book of Jeremiah. Having this background information will be super helpful as you read Jeremiah, but also as you read 1 Nephi in the Book of Mormon (since Lehi and his family lived in Jerusalem at the same time as Jeremiah).


— Latter-day Saint scholar Jeffrey Chadwick proposed that Lehi and his family left Jerusalem around November of 605 BC. This date is quite a bit earlier than the mainstream view (which is usually somewhere closer to 587ish BC), and rests on the notion that Lehi/Nephi did not recognize the authority of King Jehoiakim (the puppet king installed by Egypt), but instead recognized Zedekiah as the true king. Zedekiah would have been about 8 years old at that time Jehoiakim was installed, but this isn’t much of an issue as Josiah was only 8 when he took the throne. It’s an attractive theory, but is weakened by a lack of evidence to suggest that anyone else believed anciently that Zedekiah was the rightful king, instead of Jehoiakim. Perhaps further research will shed more light on this subject.


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Look at the graphics! Really well done. Need more of these!


You are the Man David! Thank You for always enlightening our minds 🤯🙏🏽


I read the Bible when i was growing up - my family was Roman Catholic - it's too bad we didn't have online videos back then because David has made it much more easy to understand, particularly with the maps and other graphics.

My problem with the Old Testament is all the violence in it, all the war-fare, but of course that was what was happening during that time. My core belief is non-harming and I believe thou shall not skill means not killing anyone or anything on purpose without exceptions.


Beautiful, thank you for sharing this insight.


Who does your graphics? They're first class. 😁


My favorite biblical book and period of history.👍😳
So much happens from 620-580 BC in that area.


Jeremiah’s writings were for us to realize the LDS church is now the great and abominable church, the great and spacious building, and the latter day equivalent of apostate Israel.

Unless we wake up and realize this, we too will be destroyed all while saying “God would never let the church leaders lead us astray.” Turned out great for them. Let’s try it ourselves.


Been looking through some of your videos here trying to find the points that Joseph Smith brought regarding the renewed gospel. Looked on your website as well didn't find too much information. Is there a video on it or some kind of source you can point me to? Thank you 😊


Very helpful definitely insightful indeed keep it going bro.


A topic that should be talked about is daily repentance!❤ Do it!!!


2 Corinthians 7:1
Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Timothy 2:19
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.


This was extremely helpful. Biblical history of what, when & where is very confusing to the newcomer. Making the Old testament a bit undesirable to read.


I would like more Historical information for Lehi if possible, if anybody can point me somewhere. Thanks


Left out a big detail: Jeremiah 23 is a prophecy with an additional latter-day fulfillment about the situation of the LDS church right now.


I believe Lehi was a temporary ally of Pharaoh Necho II of Egypt. Lehi rejected Josiah and followed the pharaoh into Egypt. The Bible says "words of Necho from the mouth of God" 2 Chronicles 35:22. Not listening to the words of Necho, from God, is why Josiah was destroyed. Lehi saw this with his own eyes most likely.

Everything makes more sense if you realize Lehi escaped into Egypt, not Arabia. The Nile river is 3 days by camel from The Red Sea. That's the ONLY river that flows continuously anywhere near the Red Sea.

Lehi's river camp is in Egypt, on the Nile. The altar of stone Lehi built is still visible today. Archeological evidence for the female name "Sariah" is also at this location. This is where Lehi's sons made the return journey to Jerusalem twice.

After stopping in Egypt, the Tree of Life Vision encourages Lehi to move out of Egypt. The vision refers to Egypt as a dangerous place, spiritually and physically. The vision shows other Jews following Lehi who perish because they don't grab the Iron Rod. The Iron Rod is the Word of God and Jews that don't keep their Old Testament beliefs (law of Moses) will fall in Egypt. This happened to Jeremiah. Jeremiah was strongly against going to Egypt yet went anyway and was killed there. It is Lehi's adherence to the Iron Rod, specifically the prophesies of Isaiah, that save him. After escaping Egypt, the Nephites praise Isaiah and credit Isaiah for their salvation.


“Historical Context”

… it’s man made.
No deity behind it

The End


Joseph Smith was a false prophet like Muhammad because according to 2 Corinthians 11:4 paul warned people to be aware of people who bring a different gospel, different Jesus, different spirit. According to galatians 1:8 satan can transform into an angel of light. According to 1 John 1:4 we should test the spirit if they are from God .Joseph Smith is a false prophet like Muhammad because he said Jesus is a created being which is false because according to the bible Jesus is God John 1:1, 14, 18, John 20:28, John 10:30, John 8:58 .God is uncreated .Joseph smith even changed the verse in John 1:1 to show that Jesus is not God and that Jesus is a created being like all others Joseph smith was a false prophet like Muhammad because he brought a different gospel, different Jesus, different spirit.


According to 1 Timothy 6:16 God alone has immortality and according to Isaiah 42:8 God doesn't share his glory with anyone which means only God is immortal and uncreated. Nobody can become God .that's a false teaching from satan .
