Top 10 Best Zelda Games

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But wait, doesn't #tearsofthekingdom come out tomorrow? Yes. Yes it does. Shut up. I want to do this and it will likely take a while to get a full opinion from me lol.


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4:58 I actually love that the first dungeon's boss doesn't require the beetle, but is instead a test of how well you've masted the sword control at that point, it felt like the game was sitting me down and telling me "okay for most basic enemies it's gonna be okay to just waggle the wiimote, but now you gotta git gud or you're not gonna have a fun time"


It's a miracle that Majora's Mask is as good as it is considering its infamously short development time. How they packed so much into that game with only a year to work on it is crazy. And explaining the reused Ocarina of Time assets by making Termina a parallel world to Hyrule was genius.


The thing with Yuga is that he's Lorule's Ganondorf equivalent, just like Hilda is its Zelda. So who can hijack Ganon other than his alternate reality counterpart?


The other thing about Skyward Sword is that it really focused on building up the ancient forgotten lore behind the bulk of the entire franchise! HOW the Master Sword was created, the reason WHY Link, Zelda, and eventually Ganondorf/Ganon are who they are, WHERE the spirit of the Master Sword originated and WHY Link is usually the only individual worthy enough to wield it, and so on.


I hope we get a remake of Minish Cap and the two Oracle games like we did for Link's Awakening. They need more love.


12:00 "When was the last time you really heard someone say something negative about Twilight Princess?" Any Zelda video that the channel Triple Jump has ever done. They HATE Twilight Princess for (what I think are) completely unfounded reasons. Like the art style. Even though TP is a fucking BEAUTIFUL game.


Man, this is a hard series to rank considering how many great games we have to choose from, but these are who I'd say are my top 10:
10. *Link's Awakening*
9. *A Link to the Past*
8. *A Link Between Worlds*
7. *The Minish Cap*
6. *Ocarina of Time*
5. *Twilight Princess*
4. *Skyward Sword*
3. *Breath of the Wild*
2. *The Wind Waker*
1. *Majora's Mask*

Can't wait for Tears of the Kingdom tomorrow, I genuinely think it can manage to be the best one in the franchise.


My heart will always go to Majora's Mask.


It's so refreshing to see in Between worlds getting some recognition


I remember about five to six weeks before OoT came out, I told some buddies of mine how the game was going to be so revolutionary and awesome, and they remarked how it would be forgotten in another five or six weeks. Not five or six months later, I had since moved on and no longer had ties to most of those buddies, but it was clear that OoT was here to stay. Of course, my favorites ended up being Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask, but still; OoT and its impact on the gaming world was undeniable.


Nice list! It's great to see Minish Cap and Spirit Tracks get more love!


I 100% agree that Majora’s Mask is the best Zelda game. I will say though that the younger me was freaked out by the sudden dark tone of the game. Here is what the younger me was like: “Aghhh the moon with the ugly face is falling aghhh!”


I like that Spirit Tracks was on the list. Is of my favorite games and I love the overworld theme that synchronizes perfectly with the rithm of the train.


Personally I think Yuga is one of the best villains in the series since he steals the plot from Ganon, the narcissistic side of his personality is unique in the way he carries it and how he treats everyone else as a pawn (including Ganon), and because of his personality he’s one of the only Zelda villains who is actively detestable, and he’s one of the most evil villains in the series

Also if anything, Demise makes Ganondorf more sympathetic since he doesn’t have a choice but to be evil.


I wasn’t a huge fan of Spirit attacks in the short time I tested it out years ago, but the overworld theme is by far one of my most favorite pieces of music ever. That, and Dragon Roost Island fight each other for first, miles ahead of anything else, closely followed by Gerudo Valley.


14:34 Holy shit! An Eli Drake reference? NICE!


Post-list audio was missing when I watched this, so I gotta make the reference.
"Where's the Kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering Kaboom!"


I wouldn't advise a newbie to start with Majora's Mask even if it didn't have the time limit or moon. It clearly expects people to have played Ocarina of Time before.


I don’t agree with everything in this list, but FINALLY a top 10 that DOES NOT include the first Legend of Zelda game. I feel like most people include that one in their top 10 just out of respect for it being the one that started it all and blah blah blah.

But despite it being a great game and being the origin of the franchise, almost every single game that released after it is much better. People need to be honest with themselves. If you like it and it’s your favorite or whatever that’s totally fine though


I can’t wait to see Tears of the Kingdom somehow bring everyone together and unanimously become the number 1 game in the series, if not number 2.
