CDC Officials Give Update On COVID-19 | NBC News (Live Stream Recording)

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials give an update on the COVID-19.

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CDC Officials Give Update On COVID-19 | NBC News (Live Stream Recording)
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for every person that becomes they need to start the 14 days over think about


He said, "we believe.." and "we think.." and "it's not thought.." So much uncertainty.


Rest in peace Dr. Li Wienliang Wuhun Died Feb.6, 2020 at the age of 34, you'll be remembered for the warning of preventing this virus and saving many lives. A Hero


There have already been a ton of people that have flown in from China, and they simply had their temp taken. If the virus can infect people without symptoms, it sure sounds like it could already be here and we just don't know it yet.


Your answer to the child being quarantine on the plane is NO basically.


Does it occur to them that people may have felt desperate to get out of Wuhan if they were sick? Like, if you were the mother of a two year old, what would you do to get your child on the plane? How many people took something like aspirin or Tylenol to lower their fever so they could get back to America? They need more than a "temperature check" to get past screening.


We have to remember...all of this started a little more than a month ago with ONE PERSON


sure let them all back in, no problem... what could go wrong


So, since the longest incubation ever observed for the nCoV (NOVEL coronavirus) is reportedly 14 days, the CDC takes 14 days to be the longest possible period w 110% surety. Um?


There's a lot of things uncertain about the coronavirus, but God will still be with us every step of the way. He will help us if we put our faith in him and ask him to.


Soo— 5% of cases are presenting symptoms after 12.5 days——. The issue that nobody is talking about is that the virus is “stealthy”. It or able to enter the immune system without detection and then a drastic immune response occurs once it’s detected- hence the pneumonia. The pneumonia is a result of A cytokine storm occurs and produces too much fluid in the lungs bc the body is attempting to fight off the virus. Normally cytokines are a good immune response but because the rapid response the body takes— it makes it worse..
anyways- we also have had cases- such as the family on japan that all got sick once their son returned from wuhan. The son, never was ill or exhibited any symptoms whatsoever. The mother demanded that her son be tested and he tested positive for the virus. That being said- is the virus in a dormant stage? He’s obviously contagious- how long will he be contagious for since he has not “gotten the symptomatic virus “.

So there’s a lot of unknowns— and this guy is just regurgitating a script as not to cause panic. He’s using a lot of the EXACT same language as. CDC WHO and health and human services. In fact he mixes his words up a few times and swaps words from sentences these other organizations are also using as answers being given. He struggles with the script. And does well with logistics & off script answers and question.
Look up the #event201 simulation drill ran in October on YouTube. It will blow ur mind


you know the problem is is that there are carriers and they will not show signs there are some people who will not be affected but they are carriers and they will go around and they will spread it then it will spread to others and you know how it goes from there people zombieville 101


1) the 14-day observation period has proven false now. There are cases in China that were about 20 to a month. 2) there are a large number of cases that the virus was passed to other people from "normal" people. This silent transmission makes the fight against the coronavirus difficult. The CDC should monitor what is going on more closely. Otherwise, the current measure will definitely fail


“Should people be racing out to buy masks?”.... No, No they should not be, but for the reason being there ARENT ANY LEFT!!! They are already SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE!!! And if you call your local pharmacies, they are going to tell you, as long as they are honest, that the providers, the wholesalers are sold out right now, too! So, no, don’t run out to buy Masks... you most likely won’t find any...btw... check out Amazon's precious price gauging rt now, too! The price of the item may look slightly normal but in your cart, it goes up over 100+ dollars plus exponential shipping rates and that’s getting them in a month from now!


if the govment says do not wear a mask, that means, wear a mask


Question about citizenship is met with "no more questions" 🤔


Only in California would they allow this to happen. My God, let's just bring the virus right into the states because of our bleeding hearts. And again who is paying for all of this? This guy was stumbling all over his words. This is the stupidest thing ever!


Could someone in sound make sure we can hear what is being said. I have volume all the way up and have to put ear to speaker. Not helpful if no written transcript for hearing impaired, hard of hearing. 😀


I hope those "fake smiles" are a tick. Otherwise this is the end days.


Ah... now we can all sleep peacefully, knowing that it's all been taken care of. Rest assured that all of this will be over soon and everything will be rainbows and lollipops. And unicorns will return from where they have been hiding.
