How to replace CRANKSHAFT POSITION SENSOR on any common rail engine(FULL VIDEO)

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Hello everyone and welcome to a new episode on my howtodo youtube channel. In today's episode I will show you how to replace and repair any problems related to the engine position sensor. In this video I work on a Passat b6 from 2010 with a 2.0 cr engine, but the exact same method is used on other types of engines and engines from the vague group.

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Thank you so much…it is the same installation in a 2013 TDI CJAA engine


this is the best video i've found for this. are you able to list all the gaskets you recommend changing during this job?


Hi, Just wondered if you have changed the cam sensor on this engine before?


Any tips on getting the crankshaft sensor out if it’s tight and a bit stripped?


this can be done without removing anything just done it on my 2011 audi a3 today using a endoscope did not fix my problem tho


Why you’re talking so fast lol nobody is running away
