Complete Folder structure of MVC Project | Part - 4 | #techtalktricks

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Welcome to Tech Talk Tricks and in this video, we will see the complete project folder structure of MVC project which was created in previous video.So watch the complete video of mvc project structure.

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We have created our first MVC 4 application in the previous section. Visual Studio creates the following folder structure for MVC application by default.

Let's see significance of each folder.

App_Data folder can contain application data files like LocalDB, .mdf files, xml files and other data related files. IIS will never serve files from App_Data folder.



Controllers folder contains class files for the controllers. Controllers handles users' request and returns a response. MVC requires the name of all controller files to end with "Controller". You will learn about the controller in the next section.

Fonts folder contains custom font files for your application.

Models folder contains model class files. Typically model class includes public properties, which will be used by application to hold and manipulate application data.

Scripts folder contains JavaScript or VBScript files for the application. MVC 5 includes javascript files for bootstrap, jquery 1.10 and modernizer by default.Views
Views folder contains html files for the application. Typically view file is a .cshtml file where you write html and C# or VB.NET code.

Views folder includes separate folder for each controllers. For example, all the .cshtml files, which will be rendered by HomeController will be in View : Home folder.

Shared folder under View folder contains all the views which will be shared among different controllers e.g. layout files.

Additionally, MVC project also includes following configuration files:

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Sit kuch planning ki Kya jsp and servlet ke video bnane ki ..kab se start kr rhe ho ..?


Sir ji kab se start kr rhe ho JSP and servlets...please make on video JSP and servlets


Apke channel pr advance Java JSP and servlets ke tutorial nii hai ..please make on video JSP and servlets


mujhe App-Data and App_start file nahi aata by default in files kiun nahi aati
