Did Scientists Just Discover Cosmology Is ALL WRONG? | Unveiled

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Have we been wrong... about SPACE?? Join us... and find out!

In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at a crucial study in cosmology, that could have a major impact on how we understand space and the universe from this point forward...

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Do you agree with the accepted model, or this new theory? Is the universe expanding, or static?


Red shift indicates how fast and in which direction an object is moving, not how far away it is. The bluer it is, the object is moving towards us; the redder it is, the object is moving away from us - bluer doesn't equal closer and redder doesn't equal farther away. That being said, the farther away an object is, the faster it's moving away from us due to the expansion of spacetime, but all red shift indicates is the speed and direction the object is moving.


Science, physics, mathematics and cosmology has a way to go.


Greetings from Sweden!

Keep up the great work with this channel! 🎉❤


The video is trying to say that the June 29, 2023 paper of Cosmology in Minkowski space by Lucas Lombriser is potentially the truth and modern understanding is wrong. If it gets peer reviewed and accepted then maybe, but the click bait title and representation in the video is annoying with this channel. However for those interested this is the abstract from that paper:

Theoretical and observational challenges to standard cosmology such as the cosmological constant problem and tensions between cosmological model parameters inferred from different observations motivate the development and search of new physics. A less radical approach to venturing beyond the standard model is the simple mathematical reformulation of our theoretical frameworks underlying it. While leaving physical measurements unaffected, this can offer a reinterpretation and even solutions of these problems. In this spirit, metric transformations are performed here that cast our Universe into different geometries. Of particular interest thereby is the formulation of cosmology in Minkowski space. Rather than an expansion of space, spatial curvature, and small-scale inhomogeneities and anisotropies, this frame exhibits a variation of mass, length and time scales across spacetime. Alternatively, this may be interpreted as an evolution of fundamental constants. As applications of this reframed cosmological picture, the naturalness of the cosmological constant is reinspected and promising candidates of geometric origin are explored for dark matter, dark energy, inflation and baryogenesis. An immediate observation thereby is the apparent absence of the cosmological constant problem in the Minkowski frame. The formalism is also applied to identify new observable signatures of conformal inhomogeneities, which have been proposed as simultaneous solution of the observational tensions in the Hubble constant, the amplitude of matter fluctuations, and the gravitational lensing amplitude of cosmic microwave background anisotropies. These are found to enhance redshifts to distant galaxy clusters and introduce a mass bias with cluster masses inferred from gravitational lensing exceeding those inferred kinematically or dynamically.


We don't know that it's expanding.
Redshift could have an intrinsic aspect that counters Doppler. Light as Einstein actually postulated, could have a variable speed, the Hubble constant could be wrong, or entirely unnecessary. The electron could have mass and that mass could be variable. Euclidean space could be the reality, therefore no curvature. All of this could lead to a perpetual non-expanding universe with no discernible beginning, oh, and no black holes.
It could be electric.


Expanding in a 3D universe and contracting in a higher dimension


I've always felt the current model wrong. My feeling after wondering about this all my life 40+ years, is like we have in nature of the sun how we and the rest of the solar system revolve around her. And as we zoom out we see how our milky-way and others go in that same circle. And if we could zoom more out we would see maybe giant super milky-way that would circle as well, milky-way in an milkshake. So we need to zoom out the map, maybe a never ending zoom out. Im sorry if i wasted your time reading this nonsense, but these are my humble thoghts.❤❤


I don't agree with the new model but I'm sure the current model is wrong.


Aerondell clearly a Tolkien fan who named that star


Its annoying to hear again and again that galaxies are 'moving away from us'. They don't move. New space is created between them and us. This fact is so far beyond our intuition that is not even more difficult for us to accept that the rate of this creation is not steady. This has nothing to do with acceleration. Not at all!


How can we know what we don't know what we don't know?


LMFAO!!!! Scientists have gotten so much wrong, I don't know where to start.


If it gets peer reviewed and accepted then maybe, but I will not hold my breath. The video is trying to say that the June 29, 2023 paper of Cosmology in Minkowski space by Lucas Lombriser is potentially the truth and modern understanding is wrong.


There is probably a shell of frozen hydrogen at the outermost circumference of the hollow sphere


All of this is BS. The Universe was created by our Lord.
