Songs That Changed Music: David Bowie - Heroes

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David Bowie is regarded as one of the greatest and most influential songwriters of the 20th century. His innovative work is highly acclaimed by critics, fellow musicians, and his vast audience.

Following his “Thin White Duke” era of the mid-70s, David Bowie was ready to put the drug-fueled Los Angeles lifestyle behind him. He took up sanctuary in Berlin in the latter part of 1976, where he’d end up making a trio of albums called the “Berlin Trilogy.” Even though all three albums were tied to the city where he took up residence, Heroes was the only one recorded solely in Berlin.

Berlin was a creatively charged place in the ‘70s when Bowie began living there. He quickly took an interest in the German music scene, which included bands like Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, Cluster, Harmonia, and Neu!.

Bowie met renowned musician Brian Eno in 1976, and the two began work on the first of three albums from the Berlin period. Tony Visconti handled the production, and Low was released in January 1977. The album is grounded in art rock and experimental rock, and features Bowie’s very first explorations of electronic and ambient styles, thanks to Eno’s influence.

Again sharing co-production with Visconti and songwriting with Eno, Bowie began work on Heroes (album) in the summer of 1977. This album incorporated more pop and rock elements than Low, partly due to King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp’s involvement.

“Heroes” was recorded at Berlin’s Hansa Studio 2, nicknamed “Hansa by the Wall” for its proximity to the structure that divided East and West Berlin. Hansa was a former concert hall used as a ballroom by Gestapo officers during World War II. The hall was eventually converted into a recording studio in 1974, initially regarded for its incredible acoustics, and now for a rich history of amazing albums made there.

Bowie’s vocals for the track were recorded after the session musicians had finished their parts and left Berlin. The day they overdubbed vocals, Bowie suggested to Visconti that they take an afternoon break. He hadn’t written any lyrics yet, and was feeling tense as the time to deliver drew near.

That’s when Bowie looked out the window at Hansa and saw Visconti with his lover, instantly inspiring the lyrics to the song. By the time Visconti returned, Bowie was finished and ready to record. The entire process from writing lyrics to recording final background vocals was completed in about 5 hours.

Even though the title track was initially unsuccessful as a single, “Heroes” became one of Bowie’s best-known and most acclaimed hits. It routinely makes “all-time” lists as one of the greatest pieces he ever recorded.

Surely its power and legacy is undeniable. Bowie’s performance of “Heroes” on June 6, 1987 in West Berlin was considered a catalyst to the later fall of the Berlin Wall.

Upon his death in January 2016, the German government thanked Bowie for “helping to bring down the Wall,” adding “you are now among Heroes.”

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What other songs do you think changed music?


One of the most powerful vocals in rock. Not loud. Not bassy. Not heavy. Just incredibly driven and heartfelt.


I'm no expert, but as far as I can tell, this is a top notch, first class documentary on an amazing piece of art from an incredible place in time by an immortal artist. Superlatives fail me!


"You can't buy a pedal to make that sound, that's done by two very smart people"

Too right mate, too right.


I still haven't quite come to terms with the fact that Bowie isn't around anymore, he'd always been there all my life. But his presence is still felt even 5 years after his passing, what a great man he was.


I love it when Visconti says "That's done by two very smart people." Truer words were never spoken.


I am not one that enjoys hyperbole but I do think this may be greatest, most emotionally charged rock 'n roll songs ever recorded.


I have a story with this song.
When I was born, my uncle came to pick me and my mother up from the hospital. And on his way over to the hospital, he was listening to a college radio here in Slovenia and when we got in the car the first song I ever heard was "Heroes". My uncle told me this story on my 18th birthday and how he always hoped for me to turn out a little bit like the lyrics. That I could even be a hero just for one day.


Heroes is perhaps my favorite Bowie song. That Robert Fripp sustained note along with Bowie's rich vocals on the verses does it for me. There is an emotional charge to this song as well. It just puts me in a certain state. There is so much to say about this song, it's undeniably great. Thanks for another superb video.


You can feel the anguish and divisiveness of Berlin through this song. The hugeness of this song literally influenced the actual history of Berlin. That's true and powerful art.


Not only was Heroes one of my favorite albums ever, but it introduced me to Robert Fripp and Brian Eno.

I'm hugely influenced as a guitarist by Bowie's work, as well as King Crimson and Roxy Music and I'm not sure when or how I would've stumbled upon them or many other fantastic artists without Bowie's legendary musical casting abilities.


My biggest memory of this song is a somber probably heard it at some earlier date??, but on Jan 28th 1986, the day the space shuttle Challenger blew left a big impact on me.
After watching the news all day, I turned on KLOS and the dj(Michael Benner) was talking about what happened. He then made a special dedication to all the astronauts who were lost that played Heroes.


When you put Bowie, Fripp and Visconti in a room together - history will be made. The song stands the test of time. It transcends generations and trends, a universal salute to the wonder of human beings.


I remember Bowie performing this song in NY for the charity event for the twin towers firefighters. Goosebumps.


I remember first seeing and hearing 'Heroe's on the Australian music show "Countdown" as a pre-teenager in 1977. It blew me away then and 45 years later it still continues to amaze me.


So critics panned the song when it was released but over time it went on to become legendary. This is a lesson that you should always trust your instincts and create art that feels right to you, and ignore what everyone around you thinks.


Hot tip: If you're visiting Hansa studios, there's a great and very inexpensive Indonesian restaurant around the corner called Mabuhay!


Can't believe this is free to watch! What a joy :) thanks!


So cool you mentioned the 1987 concert in Berlin, it was part of a 3 day event called the Concert for Berlin. Seeing that concert is still one of the highlights of my life. Truly a magical evening. There were about 70, 000 people there, and he had every single one of them in the palm of his hand. A gifted musician and will always be sadly missed.
For me this is the best video in this series so far. Thanks so much Warren.


The movie Christiane F (Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo), really helped immortalizing this song, and also the album Heros and Low.
