Diablo 4 - OP Dual-Wield Whirlwind Barbarian Build Guide (Level 100) | Best Endgame Barb Build

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This BEST Endgame Diablo 4 Whirlwind Barbarian Build Guide for the Best Endgame Barb Build in Diablo 4 for Level 100 After the Nerf for Leveling sets you up in Diablo 4 for OP Big Damage Endgame and is the best BARB build currently! The Endgame Whirlwind Barbarian Build in Diablo 4 Post Nerf is amazing and super OP and is great to run through the game with on every difficulty!

This video Includes: Diablo 4 Barbarian Build, Diablo 4 Barbarian Build Guide, Diablo 4 Barbarian Build after nerf, Diablo 4 Whirlwind Build, Diablo 4 Whirlwind barbarian, Diablo 4 Whirlwind Barbarian Build, Diablo 4 Endgame Whirlwind Barbarian Build, Diablo 4 Endgame Barbarian, Diablo 4 Endgame Barbarian Build, Diablo 4 Best Barbarian Build

Intro - 0:00
Skill Tree - 1:11
Armor - 4:28
Weapons - 9:02
Jewelry - 11:34
Missing Aspect - 13:05
Expertise - 13:42
Paragon Board - 14:48
Snapshotting - 18:40
DPS Rotation - 20:13
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Today I decided I'd give up on my lvl. 84 Barb and start from scratch a Necromancer. After watching this video, and realising I have the exact same gear, I regained hope and I'll give this build a try.


Hi bro yr gems in Amour and All is Sapphire in yr building plans ? or is that an error ? 2ndly aspects must follow exactly on each pcs of amour and wep ? Have all asepcts but on the wrong pcs 😅. Does it makes a difference in damage ?


This is my new go-to Barbarian build channel. Love your stuff. Keep it up, man!


I am only at Level 82 with 163 Fury. I tried switching to dual wielding using Ramaladni's, but found I was running out of Fury a lot quicker, and the damage was not as high as my two handed sword. I will try this again a little later on. Thanks for the upload.


Hey I saw your previous whirlwind build video 10m DPS, I was going in that direction but..This dual-wield is better??


I like this build as it feels good. After 10 different builds this is the one I ended up with. Every other build feels gimmicked or clunky for barb. Thats said. I have not logged in in 10 days as I have nothing to do. Such a great game but its 1/2 a game....


Thanks, i'm lvl 85 right now and doing fine and will switch to your setup


These are great videos and all but for a player at level 78 who does not have the gear that you have what do we do?


I opted to level barb last and oh my God they are so weak early game. Im at lvl 40, i was capable of beating the lvl50 capstone dungeon at lvl 35 for every other class, barb i got one shot on my first pack 😂 im a terrible barb haha. BUT barb is the only character i managed to beat the butcher on.


Best end game WW Barb build I have seen! It's my go-to build now. I just want to say thanks. I will be checking your channel out often - subscribed!


Very helpful and good pace of information and screen time. Cant always screen shot:) Thanks!


may i ask why ur using a mace and sword? arent those diff attack speeds? sorry if i missed was taking a thc home test for a job and may have missed it.


Tested all "best barb ww builds" if you looking for 75+ speed run then check rob 2h mace builds that ones works. If you looking for nm100 or lilith then swap to hota thats all you need to know.


does the 1h mace need to be a high DPS weapon or its just a stat stick?


Love your videos! Do you stream on twitch?


This is almost exactly what I've come to after taking bits from tons of 1H build guides LOL. The only difference is that I take Flay over Lunging Strike for the uptime on Vulnerable on bosses. Hell yeah! Additionally, I found that Ramaladni will NOT drain your Fury if you use your basic attack to swap weapons again after/between mob piles!


Do aspects matter if they are on same item types you assigned to? I assume not.


you dont need more than 1 weapon with core skill dmg. It does little to nothing so better go for all stats or something else. nice video and very nice explanation overall. keep up the good work.


first off love the guide I do wanna say though i think people are too confident in 5/5 challenging-I'm convinced max challenging shout is just not optimal- 2 % per point isn't worth the first point is the best single point we have but after that I think everyone heard rob say something and just stopped thinking. the resource gen u can get or utility is way way better in practice- I have a 100 barb too and a 100 rogue and if you watch the 100 NM clear of the barbs often they are dropping those 4 points- there is no way 4 skill points is worth 8% dr-


I’m a lvl 62 barb do you think this is worth switching to at my level or should I wait
