11 Creative Ways To Save Even More Money | The Financial Diet

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How Broke Millennial Stopped Being Broke:

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1. Nickname saving accounts
2. Keep 5$ bills change and do not spend
3. 2 reusable bag : one for only produce and other for rest
4. Ebates
5. Try find savings accounts with 1% cashback
6. Seperate chequing and savings
7. Retail me not for coupons
8. Shop at places that value customer loyalty


I should name my account "Do you want to live with your parents forever?"


I don’t spend money on things I don’t need. I make my own coffee which sometimes taste better than Starbucks, cook my own food which taste better than some restaurants I went to. I’ve stopped smoking cigarettes which was awesome! Used to be a shopaholic and I’ve learned my 🦋🙏🦋


Another good tip is not to buy things on sale that are a really good deal if you didn't want them at all when they were regular price. My mom used to always say if you didn't want it before you still don't want it on sale.


Adopting minimalism was a huge game-changer for me. I used to buy so many things I didn't really need. I would shop just because I had a deal coupon. I now have a capsule wardrobe, and don't buy anything I don't absolutely need. A capsule wardrobe makes it so much faster and less stressful to get ready too 👍🏼


One thing I do when shopping at Costco is not using a shopping cart. What I can fit in my hands is all I can get. Nicknaming accounts is a great way to see your financial goals grow.


Attention all Green Screen Truthers in the comments section:

Erin and I are indeed sitting on my hotel bed at FinCon, and I am frankly offended at the idea that a) we would deceive you guys, and b) that, if we were using a green screen, we would choose such a boring and beige one. We would be in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa or something.




Going zero waste and minimalist have been the best ways to save for me. You should not base your happiness and the meaning of your life on things that you do not need. Buy less stuff, make more memories.


As a viewer, I really appreciate having the listed step or the item you're talking about as you talk about it. Really helps tie it in together and let's the viewer stay focused on the tip.


My sister just had a medical emergency. I've been building my emergency fund for some months now, and I had it on the same bank that my checking account is. Transfered on a click. Thanks so much for your advice!!! I was able to help and feel like I was there for my family.


You could do vegan weekdays/weekends. Meat is so expensive, and there's a ton of tasty vegetable dishes about. Just one or two less joints/fillets a week would save you a lot of money.


Just followed Broke Millennial on every which platform I could - thanks for doing this video!! Also regarding online shopping, my biggest win has to be Amazon lists. I subscribe to buzzfeed, and get everything from crafting to "40 coolest kitchen products this month" type nonsense. These always link the item to the page on Amazon. So I click "add to wishlist" instead of purchasing it right then. After a day or so, I've totally forgotten this item that I thought I desperately needed. Saved so much money that way.


I remember my credit card number. It's not a good thing.


i was watching vine compilation videos, and then i got the notification for this video, and thought to myself, “maybe i should get on with my life.” now i’m here. ♥️


I think these are great tips but I'm too poor for these to apply. I don't buy cosmetics and I wear clothes I got for free 😂. But we are all on different journeys.


As the editor of this video, my new favorite thing is the conspiracy theorists in the comments, convinced that this is shot on a green screen. This was shot in a hotel room, and I find it very strange that people think we would spend money and time on a green screen just to fool you into thinking we had to shoot in a poorly lit hotel room. The bad lighting is all natural haha


Another way to save money: instead of buying stuff, share stuff you don't use often with friends. Also, have a clothes swap with a couple of friends/siblings that wear the same size. Bring all the clothes that are in good quality but for some reason are rarely worn and trade them with one another. I do this with my sisters about twice a year.


I quit eating animal products and I save a ton of money (unless I buy processed things).


I loved the 'save every 5$ bill you get' advice! I will try it for sure. That is, of course, after I get a job and actually have my own money :)


Great tips that work when you have the money. I prefer online banks saving accounts like capital one and Ally. They pay higher interest on both checking and Saving accounts. Great tip on not storing your financial information in your browser. Not only does it control impulsive spending, but it also helps protect you from hackers.
