Real-World Data Governance: Glossaries, Dictionaries, and Catalogs Result in Data Governance

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Data catalogs, business glossaries, and data dictionaries house metadata that is important to your organization’s governance of data. People in your organization need to be engaged in leveraging the tools, understanding the data that is available, who is responsible for the data, and knowing how to get their hands on the data to perform their job function. The metadata will not govern itself.

Join Bob Seiner for the webinar where he will discuss how glossaries, dictionaries, and catalogs can result in effective Data Governance. People must have confidence in the metadata associated with the data that you need them to trust. Therefore, the metadata in your data catalog, business glossary, and data dictionary must result in governed data. Learn how glossaries, dictionaries, and catalogs can result in Data Governance in this webinar.

Bob will discuss the following subjects in this webinar:

- Successful Data Governance relies on value from very important tools
- What it means to govern your data catalog, business glossary, and data dictionary
- Why governing the metadata in these tools is important
- The roles necessary to govern these tools
- Governance expected from metadata in catalogs, glossaries, and dictionaries
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