The Scariest Rollover We've EVER Seen!!

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We travel to southern Utah and wheel with Matts Offroad Recovery, Trailmater & BSF Recovery. We lead an awesome group of offroaders through some trails and have a handful of makes, breaks and rollovers. This is a video you want to watch all the way to the end!!

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*This product is meant for entertainment purposes only. Your mileage may vary. Do not try this at home. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. For off-road use only. Slippery when wet. Batteries not included. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle, heavy equipment, cherokee XJ, wrangler TJ, wrangler JK, or any Jeep vehicle, especially the newer Fiat ones. How-to videos may be too intense for some viewers and children under 30 years of age. Please remain seated until the 4x4 ride has come to a complete stop. Studies have shown viewing these videos causes increased cancer risks in laboratory test people. I am not a professional, I have no training, I'm not even particularly good at horse whispering. Don't believe everything that you know. Please keep your hands in the vehicle at all times. Do not tap on glass. Do not eat anything that has been on the floor for more than 3 days. Keep your hands to yourself. Not to be taken internally. Reproduction strictly prohibited. Driver does not carry cash. Objects in Bleepinjeep mirrors may be farther than they appear.*

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Thanks SO MUCH Bleepin Jeep!!! This was so hard for me to even admit it happened. I’ve wheeled all over the east coast but only 4 times out west. This was my first trail at Sand Hollow. It’s really not about me. It’s about the thousands of people that will see this video and realize the importance of safety in what we do. A full cage, harnesses, stingers (puts you on your side) and armor saved my life. I never wheel with my hard top or doors but we didn’t have anywhere to put them. We were mainly coming to Trail Hero to help with Disability Day. Sad I missed it. I lost my left arm 5 years ago and drive a manual. We all run out of talent at some point and my rollover(s) lol definitely demonstrate that on Ledges. My problem really is the lack of fear. Having too much traction actually hurt me that day- not something I’ve ever experienced actually- East or West. Wheeling is what I love to do and other than family and friends,
of course, it’s why I wake up every day ready to hit a trail. I’m very humble, so it’s hard to admit when I need help. I can’t thank everyone enough for all donations so far. I seriously can’t be more thankful to Bleepin Jeep, BSF Recovery, Matt’s Offroad Recovery Team, Will and Cameron that were on the ride, and Moab Motorsports for everything the day of the accident, constantly checking up, and for tastefully putting this video together. It’s hard to know exactly about the “how’s” and the “what’s” until you’re in the driver seat. The main focus is definitely safety but also on how lucky I am. Not only to be alive, but other than my right arm being impaled, I would’ve walked away with a bruise or two. Thanks so much for all the support. I love this community and what I’m blessed to do each and every day!


I have so much respect for this community. I started with Matt's channel and the list is growing. Wishing Suzanne a speedy recovery.


I don’t know you, but you exhibit tenacity while not letting your disability stop you from doing what you love. I’m so glad that you didn’t get hurt too bad and that you are recovering. Its humbling to know that you’re around people that truly care and are there to help when the chips are down, no questions asked. All you that were there helping are selfless hero’s as you all showed your true morals as Jeepers and Americans. I thank you!


She is an inspiration for disabled children and adults to not let things stopping you to achieve your goals God bless your speedy recovery 🙏 to you if you happen to see this 😁


I saw other videos by other YouTubeers but No one showed the roll over. I hope she makes a full recovery. Our prayers are with her and her family. God bless all of you and stay safe. Now we know why you never go wheeling alone. Thank god all of you were there.


Rory! You are the Guardian Angel for everyone on the trail, Safety, Procedure and Mechanical Issues.


Ms. Utley is 1 heck of a lady with a great family she was there for my small rollover and kept my little 1 calm while we got back on all 4. If you're on the fence about helping out don't be she's a great lady!!


She’s one tough cookie! Glad she’s still with us!


I hope and pray that Susanne is doing well, and making a full recovery.


Prayers going to the young lady that was hurt and rolled her Jeep🙏 Hope and prayers for a fast recovery


Jear Desus my heart was pounding watching! You guys are awesome. Lol


The best group of people i have ever meet is the 4x community. All of you out there that day proves it..


First flop 15:40. Second rollover 17:59.

Glad she's recovering 🙏🏻


✍🏼Note to self: Roll cage will be my next upgrade. Prayers for a fast and full recovery to the driver. 🙏🏽


Shout to that beast of a rig and the badasses within it. They will both live to see another day!


I would rollover for sure. Thank goodness for good help and friends to the rescue. Blessings to you in your healing process young lady!! Thanks for the good video Colt


This was hard to watch, but knowing how awesome the situation was handled by everyone involved makes it easier. Thank yall so much for helping recover, and keeping our good friend as safe as possible.


Glad she is recovering after what could have been very bad, also glad you all were there to make sure she got the help needed.


i am so glad you all are like one huge family through thick and thin and back. i wish her a safe recovery. she had a great sense of humor which speaks vol for yrs, keep us all updated.


Hope she is OK keep us all updated plz hate seeing stuff this happen but glad it wasn't any worse and that people were there to help them
