Benjamin Nothdurft on The Power of Event Storming | Landing Festival Lisbon 2019

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One of the main challenges each company faces is to come up with processes which create business value and a revenue stream for its employees. In the past many technical approaches led to expensive trial and error including (re)writing the code base.

Meet Event Storming. It is a lightweight, rapid and flexible workshop method for everyone that is using sticky notes in various colours for collaborative exploration of your complex business domains – layer by layer. Aligned with Domain-Driven Design (including ubiquitous language, strategic and tactical tools) working in an iterative manner helps the various stakeholders (product owners, scrum masters and software developers) to not only derive events, commands, aggregates, domain models and bounded contexts but also figure out issues, hot spots and chances for continuous improvement.

The big picture modeling of Event Storming leads to a coherent and comprehensible design that may easily be translated into various Microservices with a high cohesion while assessing the health of existing systems, exploring new business models, envisioning new services and creating a clean and maintainable software architecture.

At the end of this session you will be able to recognize the connection between the business modeling method and your software architecture design. You will also be able to apply fundamental DDD principles on how to tailor systems from initial idea to code base in an enjoyable format with your colleagues – effectively and efficiently.

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