Homebuilt Warbird: 2/3 scale P-38 Lightning walk around

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Homebuilt Warbird: 2/3 scale P-38 Lightning walk around
Is this 2/3 scale WW II P-38 the best homebuilt aircraft ever?
Unique 2/3 Scale Lockheed P-38
Oshkosh 2/3 Scale P-38 Lighting homebuilt
An Unbelievable Lifelong Project | Uncle Jim O'Hara's 2/3-scale P-38
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How the P-38 Flew Faster and Higher Than Its Rivals
P-38 Ripping!
Andres Lu - First Test-Flight of his giant P38 model 03-06-16
Flying Inside a P-38 Lightning During an Airshow
Flying the P 38 with Chris Fahey
19 year old Royal P-38 out for another flight! And for sale!!!
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Giant Scale RC P-38 Lightning 'Honey Bunny' (Ziroli) -- Bomberfield USA 2021
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P-51 'Voodoo' at nearly 500 MPH -CAUTION-MAY BLOW SPEAKERS!
Lockheed P-38 Lightning, giant scale RC aircraft, 2017
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2 channel P38 Lightning