The Scary Side Of Raw Feeding

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I'd say the scariest thing about raw feeding is going to bed at night and finding that your dog "dug" a raw chicken foot under your pillow and realizing you have to completely remake your bed. 😅😰 😭


I think your channel is turning into a very balanced, inclusive place. With information that people from all different Rawfeeding views can use.


I have found an amazing meat supplier which supplies for zoo's and carnivores, they have already pre mixed and frozen complete dog menus (example 33% lamb, 35%beef, 32%chicken) and they are in 70% meat 15% bones 15%offal ratio, they also have different animal meat combinations too along with some natural suppliments and oils to top with, raw chews, body parts, treats etc, so i usually use that meat combo mix as a base then add some steamed veggies, egg, fish, yoghurt, or various different stuff to make it more interesting for the doggos to eat. Im definately not measuring each and every one thing anymore because I tried that (even with your formulator) and i ended up being stressed out constantly


What's really scary is how ignorant animal owners can be, to believe that their animal can live off of 1 kind of meat


I’m so proud of how far your channel has gone and how much your views have changed throughout the years. I’ve been following you since the beginning of your channel and have been subscribed since!


the ending was especially important as unfortunately i have found myself judging others and myself too harshly for not balancing meals correctly, but mostly out of fear for the animals health, so thank you sooo much for this friendly reminder to be kinder to ourselves and others so the world can be kinder to animals


Please would people critique this
I am a beginner at raw feeding and need help, please feel free to criticize or flame me. I need to learn.
My two cats are 1 year old and weigh 3.7 and 4.5 kg and they eat as follows
200g each per day (3 meals 65g each per day).
The only food they eat is made in a 10 kg batch then frozen, 400g in each plastic container. One taken out of the freezer per day.
This lasts for one month and takes about 3 hours in total to buy chop and weigh out.

30% pork steak from the leg.
10% chicken/ turkey breast
10% beef steak cheap cut
15% heart
10% tongue/lung/gizzard/spleen
5% liver
5% kidney/brain
10% turkey neck/chicken neck/ rabbit ribs
5% sardines/mackerel/muscals/ mixed fruit of the sea.

Then add
Chia seed
chopped spinach
mixed ground berries
kelp powder
vitamin E drops
omega 3 fish oil from capsules
12 raw eggs (yolk only)

It is cheaper than prepared cat food and they seem to be in good health.
Is this missing anything?
Anything I should leave out?
Will this possibly lead to health problems down the line?
Thank you in advance.


I’ve learned a ton from your videos. I source as much variety as I can. Then when it’s prep time try to stick roughly to the 80/10/10 ratios, making sure to include a second secreting organ, some muscular organs, protein from more than one animal, and fish. Usually I add some toppers, picking at random from pureed veggies, berries, yogurt, seeds, eggs, kelp, coconut oil, sunflower oil, etc. I figure it’s the same strategy I use to feed myself and my daughter. Stick to general balancing guidelines, include variety, make a point of including nutrient dense foods. Hope for the best!


This is a great video and topic! I really appreciate your open mindedness, and your approach to make raw feeding as accessible as possible without sacrificing common sense or safety. It’s honestly the biggest reason I recommend this channel to everyone starting out! You said something along these lines recently (paraphrasing so forgive me!), but essentially that you’re not afraid of being wrong, you’re afraid of being obstinate and unable to learn/ change. That is SO important and rare these days. Happy Halloween!


I LOVE your channel. It's helped me balance my meals and understand that it doesn't need to be perfect every single day. I live in a location where I cannot get a ton of different organs/meats. There's no game here, mainly because there are no deer or sheep on this island. But your videos have helped alleviate my fears of this and given me ways to expand their diets with what I have available. The oysters/mussles tip has been invaluable. Something that is not talked about and even frowned upon in my raw feeding groups on FB. In fact they fall under the end of your video where they criticize anyone from deviating from what they think is right. If it's not a pure 80-10-10 then it's wrong. Thanks to your knowledge and insight, I know that that isn't exactly the case and the food should be supplemented with things like eggs, tripe, mussels, etc. I've taken 3 of my pets for blood work (for dental cleanings) and all three came back with readings. So I know that they are getting what they need. <3 Again, thank you for your videos. They have taught me a lot


I live in Alberta Canada and there is at least 5 companies who make a premade raw they advertise as complete a& balanced when the recipe only has a muscle meat. liver & aground bone sometimes with veggies.


5:00 Not by my veterinarians, but I've been criticized a few times. However, I always hit back with the fact that kibble has only been around since the 1950s and dogs have been around for 30, 000 years. So what were we feeding them then? That usually helps people understand pretty quickly.


Oh gosh this is taking me back to when I first started home prepping over 30 years ago, it was the cusp of when people were replacing all foodstuffs with kibble then and anyone 'old fashioned' (note; poorer) who couldn't afford commercial started to be pushed and stressed intensely that they couldn't possibly do it right.
I was a kid back then so of course I was being led astray then I became the local "home prep weirdo"...until 2007 and was suddenly a saint that beat the system, nowadays I reference others to your channel because your sensibilities are both refreshing and destressing as you keep away from alarmism.
Just wish we had access to gems like this channel when I was a kid! /grumbles/
But I'm SO GLAD home prep is alive and well.


I met an old guy who said he rescued this cockatoo. I was pleased to hear this but I became very worried when he told me what he fed it. Coffee and Peanut Butter with bread. I would try to educate him on better choices and ways to introduce them but he was persistent that he "saved" the bird and knew best. There was a younger lady with him that spoke little English and she seemed very curious in what I was saying about the Cockatoo's diet. She was happy to take home the list of pointers that I wrote down for her and continue to try to explain to him why he should not give his bird those things anymore. She came back and thanked me and said he still doesn't listen but she gives the Cockatoo better food options now.


I've just started raw feeding and am still in the transition stage I suppose. I feed my cats a high quality high protein kibble, a pre made raw cat food and extras like salmon oil, sprats, dried pure meat treats, egg and instant pet broths, raw offal and meat scraps to name a few. And I'm still having to feed them commercial wet pet food, unfortunately I might not get to feed them a full raw diet since my parents and sister help with feeding them (I can't always feed them in the mornings) and they don't want to touch the raw stuff with a ten foot poll. It's also really heard to feed Cats a raw diet in my part of the uk, we're apparently only just coming to tes with feeding dogs raw and well I think we're miles behind in cat care 😅. For example I can't find freeze dried or even air dreid raw food to use like kibble and all online stores won't ship to my end of the world 😅 if I could find one I think it would solve the cats breakfast.


Tysm for making the cheat sheets accessible for everyone, I really appreciate it! I just started feeding my yorkie a raw diet and she’s doing well :D


It is scary, in my case I dont find any supplements that she indicates here in Brazil, I use a commercial supplement that seems to have what is missing (and even more like calcium and he eats bones) but I am still not sure his food is complete, some of the ingredients I don't find or my cat doesn't accept like blue mussels.

But I can't go back to the kibble, I see how he suffer, he seems always hungry and he asks for his meat so I am trying to do my best with what I have. However the fear of him getting sick because of me is real.


Often the people that are stressing the balanced, every single meal concept, have a financial dog in the race so to speak. They want to sell you recipes, they want to sell you formulation services.


Im glad to say im definitely more on the perfectionist side of thing's. Your videos have been the best source of knowledge throughout my raw journey. I truly dont know where id be or what id be feeding them without your content. Genuinely thank you for making it. The only thing thats scary for me is worrying about my dog getting the nutrients she needs every day. Shes EXTREMELY picky. We have to buy her a new or different food almost every week because she stops eating what we give her after a couple days of eating a new or recycled food. Ive slowly tried to get her on a raw diet but she refuses to eat most organ meat. Mainly liver and kidney. She loves chicken wings and pork and she'll even eat stuff like chicken necks sometimes. Obviously knowing she cant live off of those few things we buy her commercial raw food or freeze dried. We've tried just about every food out there. She continually rejects them after a couple days. Ill put the bowl in front of her and she just stares at me. I dont understand it and its extremely frustrating but shes worth the trouble. I just worry about her health and want her to get what she needs. And at this point im running out of options. I just dont know what to do to get her to continue to eat the food we buy her or how to get her to eat the raw parts she rejects.


Those are the three sides I get hate from. People who think a dog will die if it receives 2.5 mg of copper instead of 3 mg, people who dont bother to balance at all and are upset I just overcomplicate things and raw food stores that offer premade raw as complete and balanced yet it isnt.
