1954 Godzilla Suit Incident #godzilla #1954 #incident #edit

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If you came from the “i have the power” shorts, good job!


Real explanation: so the suit actor was unknown at the time, he got hired to be the suit monster named Gojira/Godzilla, and he was excited, and he played a few scenes, and every time it's break time, he wouldn't take it off, even if it was heated, it was literally burning hot inside, he loved it so much, and a few scenes later, he randomly stopped moving, they thought he was joking and kept calling his name, and when they tried to remove the suit from the spines on his back, but something else happened instead..

Part 2 :)

So the spine on Gojira's back was removable where the actor could get inside the suit, but it did not remove, they accidentally ripped the guy's skin inside, the suit was now his skin, said in the analog horror, he took some sort of drug to grow inside the suit, so he killed a few other workers, and he escaped plenty of times, tomorrow won't be a good day for our Boy King Ghidorah...

So King Ghidorah was now added, so basically King Ghidorah had thought materials that The Man in the Suit wasn't able to bite it, even if he does it hard, it won't budge and break, but the problem was the head which was made soft materials i think, and the position for the actor was his 2 arms in the left and right heads of King Ghidorah, okay he has 3 heads remember that, and once The Man in the Suit out the same boiling blood liquid in one of the heads, he changed directions to the power, and he attacked it which cut off the power, and he chased one of the workers, luckily, he survived, the worker shot The Man in the Suit, it was luckily over....or was it..? Turns out he has regenerate abilities, he he got up back his feet and chase the worker, never to be seen again


“It doesn’t fit”
“You’ll grow into it”


For those who don’t know: a man was filming a Godzilla scene the man wore the Godzilla costume later the man falled in love with the costume: a week later the man started acting weird, the man kept making these weird growl.

Disturbing: the man skin became the skin of the costume after that man saw the Godzilla costume, the man the took the picture of the Godzilla costume but later was KILLED!

Hope this helped😀


Man in the suit : 💀💀💀💀
Deleted shin Godzilla scene:👹👹👹👹👹👹👹


Explanation: his friend the creator of the movie said dont bring it home he didnt listen and his flesh started to grow in the suit


Basically there was an actor who was in the old Godzilla suit and everday he wouldn't take it off his skin melted in to the suit and he killed the actors and they grew into the suit too. Hope this helps :D


Bro took “you’ll grow into it!” To another level😨😨😨


For people who don’t know

During the 1950’s, Japan was filming a Godzilla film. During production, the man that wore the Godzilla suit started to fall in love with it. (when I say that I don’t mean it in a sexual way) then some of the directors and actors caught on to what was happening. Then they started telling him to take it off or it’ll melt his flesh from the heat because there’s nothing in there that can keep him at room temperature. But he didn’t listen. Then it got to the point where he was acting like Godzilla when the camera was off. Until one day when they were about to finish the last scene, the actor just stopped acting, and stood there for 1-2 minutes. Until the producer told him to get back into position to restart the scene. When the producer said those words, the actor collapsed. When the doctors on set were taking off the suit to get him breathing again, they found his body shaped like Godzilla because the heat from the suit was melting his flesh to the point where his flesh was sculpted into the suits interior.


For Anyone Noticing The White Parts are his bones mixed in, and the red stuff is his flesh mixed in


The man in the suit analog horror series has to be my favorite I have seen it’s just so unique


Bro's bout to become the new springtrap 💀💀💀💀


The fact that this actually happened is sadly scary like a suit being your body cmon!!! And if we was still alive to this day we’d all be cooked and probably unsafe poor him…..


Explanation: This actor loved the godzilla suit SO MUCH to the point he’d take it home even when they told him not to, theory has it that he had a drug which made his skin melt into the suit, and he grew INTO the suit, *His Suit was now the skin.* So he stopped moving for a few minutes and they checked on him but when they took the spikes on his back off, it turned out they had ripped his skin a bit, his skin has melted into the suit and they tried to get him out of it, *they couldnt* so they put him in a cell for a while but he kept repeating gibberish which was supposed to be english, later on it was confirmed he was saying “With this i am become death, the destroyer of the worlds” which i dont know much about, if u want more explanation abt it watch matpats video, anyway he killed a few actors the anguirus and mothra maybe ghidorah too anyway, he bit anguirus hard in the neck and he melted into the suit, and mothra he bit deep inside her neck, her parents tried to intervene but he murdered them as if he had a killstreak (no offense lmao) and he tried to not let ANY actor go near the actors but he succeeded about not letting someone go to anguirus, but with mothra, they tazed his ass. and checked on mothra, she threw up a weird substance orange and flood the room, so they put her in a shed for studying. and for ghidorah, They made a material which prevents the man to not bite, even if he did it hard, but he threw up INTO the mouth of ghidorah (the suit not the human) and it slid to his arm and to flooding the suit, he exploded i think, and the guy who was explaining this entire story, the videos, tried to put a stop to this. Guji (godzilla) Went to attack the power box and the lights turned off, the man who had a shotgun shot him in the head, and it blew CLEAN off. And guess what? this mf regenerated his HEAD. anyway if u want more abt the story watch the analog horror or matpats videos


if you dont know : this man was in this big suit in a hot place, and hes wearing a big suit, so hes in the suit for a while, untill he faints of the heat, they notice he fainted and they thought it was no big deal, but when they opened the suit to check on him, his body molded into the suit, meaning his body wuite literally formed into goddzilla, so he basically just melted and then filled the suit with his melted skin and flesh and formed into godzilla


For people who don’t know, it’s a man that was filming a Godzilla movie. He fell in love with the suits. He started acting weird. The people started to check on him, and then they saw the man has almost became the suit if you wanna hear the whole story search up it


2024 people : oh a man in a dinosaur suit

1954 people : he was a legend he suffered and suffered but he still kept the role perfect 😢😢


It follows a fictional development of the very first Godzilla film that was released in 1954. A man in the suit of Godzilla films his scenes for the first time, who suddenly grows a creepy obsession with the suit, refusing to take it off. The production crew joke that they never see his face, but as time passes, they grow more concerned with the strange behavior of the man in the suit.

Then the crew witnesses a creepy moment, when the man stops acting during production. The crew try to gain his attention, but he doesn’t bother to address them. It is when they decide to remove the suit to look after the man, that they realize something much more sinister has occurred. The man’s own skin has expanded to completely fill up the shape of the suit, his own body now becoming Godzilla himself. A downward spiral of chaos and death ensues, as the production crew is stuck in the clutches of a monster among them. This plot may sound a little silly, but it a very effective and haunting story of a man who becomes a beast.

Watching the man in the suit slowly lose his human self as the development of the Godzilla films progresses is a very scary sequence. What was once a fun experience for the cast and crew is now a terrifying reality. The man goes from a scared victim of the Godzilla suit, to destroying so many lives around him; murdering and traumatizing bystanders as he slowly loses his sanity to the suit. What really adds to the terror of this analog horror is the pictures that the photographers take during the shooting of the Godzilla films. Each photo reveals a different angle to the man in the suit, each one sending shivers down my spine. This man has fully embraced his monstrous side. Whatever person used to be there…is gone now


For those who don’t know: this man was the actor for Godzilla in 1954 and he would often wear the suit even during breaks but then he wanted to check on him so they took of the suit but it wouldn’t budge until they did an X-ray and he had melted into the suit causing him to have a new layer of skin. Hope this helped!


Short explanation:
The man in the suit was unknown, but after filming scenes for the first godzilla film "gojira" made by toho, he was basically addicted, but for 1 scene he stopped moving and they heard odd muffled breathing, when they checked the man they tore his flesh open after they unzipped the back where the actors enter the suit, the suit was now his skin. And why this happened was he lived in hiroshima and went on a business trip, when he came back to hiroshima the city was nuked and his wife and kids were dead, now remember the "came back to hiroshima". This is important, and i'll tell you why: he got radiation sickness, wich infected his blood, and when suddenly the suit he wore got really hot, his body just burst open, and on the godzilla versus angurius (idk if thats how you spell the name) film, he bit angurius wich made the actor in the other kaiju also get infected. He also tried biting ghidorah in the past but he did not manage to bite him in the actual actors neck or a bodypart as he thougth that the actors neck was in the middle of the neck of the middle ghidorah head, and the movir filming stopped as soon as that happened, and also "the man in the shit"(you have found the limited name for him congrats!😃😃 I will change that soon and no im not a goji hater) escaped once, and when they got him back they filmed godzilla VS mothra, where mothra was just a hollow suit, but her larva had an actor, wich the man in the suit sensed and bit, turning the larvas actor into the larva, and then the girl wich became the larva formed a cocoon on the roof, and they had also jailed him and done audio tests, and one day they removed the suit only for the man in the suit the turn into a 10ft monsterand chase down the employees, and he also often mumbled his name was goji, aka godzillas nickname, and i forgot about the rest of the lore💀💀💀
