ASP.NET Core Web API Publish To IIS

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In this video we will discuss
1. How to setup Internet Information Services
2. How to setup SQL Server
3. How to deploy an ASP.NET Core API locally
4. How to test deployed API

0:00 Overview
6:45 Setup Internet Information Services
13:24 Deploy API To IIS and Setup Database


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Thanks a lot Trevoir, this is the only tutorial that got it finally working. Very well explained too. The swagger base path edit in the beginning enabled me to finally get swagger up and running.


Thank you. The snippet of wisdom regarding db users at 30:35 is so useful and saved me a bunch of time working on an unrelated project.


Very thorough and easy to understand . Thank you


Can you help, When publishing, Databases shows a information sign and states Database publishing is not supported for this publish method. While yours I can clearly see your editing the string.


hello there!
when I click on default web site and click on browse it says localhost not found what shall I do? in IIS manager


Hi Trevoir, Is it necessary to set up the "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" environment variable to "Production" before publishing the app? (From Project >> Properties >> Debug >> General) ?


how I redirect to URL/swagger/index without typing, thank you.


Bro thanks so much for your videos. You explain really well. I am going to buy your Udemy course, you saved me a lot of headaches and pain.
Please continue explaining the way you do it is really helpful to people who are starting out.
The tutorials that just list out steps without explaining the concepts are a waste of time as you can never understand the thought process and will be lost if there are any differences wth your app.


hello, i'm not truly clear on the steps...i am creating my api from my local machine and publishing it (LocalMachine A) from there but I have a server with iis on it that I want the api to run (ServerMachine B). Should i run Hosting Bundle for the server or LocalMachine A or ServerMachine B?


Thanks for the video, however when looking inside the IIS, shouldn't the hotel_api web application be outside the default web site?
I'm not sure I understand why you have choosen to place hotel_api application inside the default web site


I did all that you mention on you video, but I get erroe 404, Do you know what happened?


Hallo Trevoir i have been following your blog closely.and i have a question.i have an aspnet core web app with api controllers in sub folders and am trying to deploy it in iis but after successfull deployment i only see blank pages loading no data from my sql database table


I was facing issue while calling post api method. when i set new IIS APPPOOL\mypoolname and added permission and my issue resoled. Thank you!


You are a life saver...thank you, Sir.


Hi sir, so am trying to also find my log file so I can be able to see that Pool name, but I cant find the log file. the one I find is the one under and it doesn't hv much info. I know am so late but please assist, really need to get this sorted for my project.


You have explained webapi concept really well. I have one question, I have configured Load Balancer on windows server 2019. But the load balancer IP is not supporting to external webapi request or response ... What is the solution? I have deployed normal application and not .net core application. Please suggest.
