Jetstrap: Convert Jetstream from Tailwind to Bootstrap

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Review of a package to swap Tailwind CSS to Bootstrap presets (with two themes), in Laravel Jetstream.

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Hello! I was watching your review yesterday and I realized the Jetstrap documentation wasn't clear enough on presets installation so I made some changes to clear things up by adding the info below in the README:

"With the assumption, you already know which way you want to go before running any type of scaffolding, so if you want to use CoreUi or AdminLte presets then the choice should be specified in your service provider (JetstrapFacade::useCoreUi3() or the first time you run any swap command.

And if you change your mind after you've run a swap command and decide to use a preset, then run the jetstrap:swap command again.".

I also think Jetstrap layout can look more similar to Jetstream's tailwindCss view even though it's just a starting point for Bootstrap users.

Overall I love the review and learned stuff I really didn't pay much attention to...Thanks!


thank you, what a relief! the whole module auth is simply fantastic.


I'm getting The Content Security Policy 'upgrade-insecure-requests' was delivered via a <meta> element outside the document's <head>, which is disallowed. The policy has been ignored.


Hi can you maybe help me. I followed your tutorial and it didn't look the way yours look, so can you maybe tell me a way I can switch back to the version before I swaped to jetstrap. Thank you


Excuse me sir. May I ask you. Could I use this package with Laravel 9 or it's only for Laravel 8. thank you


Sir, I've enabled email verify feature in Jetstream (Tailwind)...Configured the's perfectly working on mailtrap...but when it comes to Gmail..mail is sent but blocked by Gmail itself...I've turned on "Allow less secure app" feature in Gmail....
Please help 🥺


not installed at laravel 11. may be no support is available after laravel 8.

Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires nascent-africa/jetstrap * -> satisfiable by nascent-africa/jetstrap[1.0, ..., v1.4.1, v2.0, ..., v2.5.4].
- nascent-africa/jetstrap[1.0, ..., v1.3.1] require php ^7.3 -> your php version (8.2.12) does not satisfy that requirement.
- nascent-africa/jetstrap[v1.4, ..., v1.4.1, v2.0, ..., v2.5.3] require illuminate/support ^8.0 -> found illuminate/support[v8.0.0, ..., v8.83.27] but these were not loaded,
likely because it conflicts with another require.
- nascent-africa/jetstrap v2.5.4 requires illuminate/support ^8.0|^9.0 -> found illuminate/support[v8.0.0, ..., v8.83.27, v9.0.0, ..., v9.52.16] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.


Only works for Laravle 8 at the moment.
Suggest updating the video introduction to help people.


Sir, already done what u mentioning in the video. But, I'm a bit confused how can i apply the core UI layout in the blade. I look for $header blade in app.blade but there is no file in the project. So how can I applied the core UI layout in app.blade?


Thank you! Where can we learn about what happens if running Jetstrap if Jetstream package gets updated?


sir i want to create a blood management system where the user can request blood from nearest registered donor . The system should send notification to the donor in when request is made. please help me.


I can't understand, laravel developers work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? How can you learn so many things while developing? what was wrong with vanilla php? why do you have to employ one people to upgrade laravel every month? What's the rush? Wouldn't it be better to keep your app small and simple like slim, and you wouldn't have to deal with upgrading packages you never use? I am probably too old, but I don't get why creating problems to have something to solve instead of working on the project to make your customers happy? I go crazy of my github messages, however all my projects are just test projects, what if I would be a pro freelancer with 50 projects? I would spend all my nights upgrading packages?


I have Tailwind all the time. not switching to bootstrap. Why ????
