15 LARGE Waves and Swells

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The largest tidal waves, tsunamis, and other types of waves throughout history. Never turn your back to the sea. Let us know in the comments some topics you'd like us to cover next week!

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This guy's voice reminds me of Casey Kasem. I like it.


The two events in Norway are quite unique since they are both caused by mountain rockslides. There are one more in focus in Åkneset, which can make some trouble in the future.
The movie "The wave" is based on that event.


*02:10** The tsunami of Japan reached maximum height of 40.5 meters.*
*The tsunami from 2004 also reached 40 meters in some places.*


That video with the lonely dog standing on the other side, separated from (probably) his owners, broke my heart 😢 6:10


Thanks for your wonderful coverage of these natural disasters. It certainly shows us how small we really are as humans.


Am I the only one who had goose bumps through the entire video?


If seeing videos like this won't humble us then idk what will!


My God I am really don’t want any more that would happening in the world god bless all those people were lost


That's definitely Charlie Sheen on the mic.😂


This stuff makes my skin crawl, I just sit here and imagine what it would look like and feel like seeing something coming that you know u won’t live through


I was in the US Coast Guard at the Kodiak Air Station when the 1964 "Good Friday" Earthquake and Tsunami hit .
There were three big waves that hit the air station and the town .


There was a tsunami in Lituya Bay where people were present in 1958. 2 boats were at anchor in the bay. One was a father and son pair on a fishing trip. I saw a documentary where the son recounted the events, he and his dad survived. Their anchor chain snapped and their boat was carried out onto the Gulf of Alaska. The other boat didn't make it and were much closer to the head of the bay.
The slopes along the bay had their tree coverage completely wiped off. Studies after the event showed this is a recurring event with several sets of trees of varying ages going up the hillsides, the oldest being highest on the hills.


thank god for the internet. now when people see the shoreline receding they know to head for higher ground. it will undoubtedly save thousands of lives!


The maps and graphics help visualize the vast range waves traveled. Some of the highest of the waves are impossible to comprehend. Nice job National Geographic 👍🏼


A few years back, on a beautiful island resort, there was a tsunami around Christmas time. Of the many pictures one showed a woman standing on the beach with this giant tsunami in front of her. Her hands on her hips, she just stood there - she knew she was going to die and didn't flinch an inch. Just stood there and then the tsunami enveloped her and she was gone. There's not been one article or word written on this woman, other than the picture which shows the devastating story. She was never identified, to my knowledge. But in watching this video, this woman deserves a few words! She faced her death right in the eye. Knowing there was no way to escape this, only God knows what she was thinking. You can't even speculate - was she just eyeing up this massive wave taking it all in, innately
knowing she was going to die in a second and not thinking about death? Was there an, "Oh God, here it comes!"?
In watching this, I just believe this woman deserves a few words and a prayer. Her body language seemed not to show a fear.
Whoever you are, God bless you for your bravery in seeing and meeting your death. May perpetual light be shining upon you, in Heaven, with God and all His Heavenly Celestial Court. May you and all who have met their death to this watery grave, Rest In Peace. In JESUS' name 🙏❤


Good evening, the tsunami of 1958 in Alaska was seen and immediately by two fishermen father and son who told of its enormous size.
Thanks for the nice video


The Indonesia footage here is actually Japan


I don't know why youtube recommended me this, but I enjoyed


Who got Charlie Sheen to narrate?! Awesome!!


..earthquake..landslide..& rose sea waves..even in lakes! Did you know the Great Lakes have an incredible number of sunken ships? I wanted to know why, & here it is.
