Remarkable Showing of Socialism in Buffalo, NY Election - Richard D Wolff

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"It is important to underscore, as I have tried to do in other programs, that the expectation celebrated over the last 75 years of Cold War anti-leftism, anti-socialism, anti-communism and so on- the notion that became popular that there was an American exceptionalism that made Americans, because of their uniqueness, because of their individuality, because of their traditions, uniquely uninterested in and unsympathetic towards socialism is now exposed for the inaccuracy it always represented." - Richard D Wolff

This is a clip from Economic Update: "Chile's Feminist Social Revolution"
[S11 E30]

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“Hennelly brilliantly analyzes our capitalist crises and how individuals cope with them, tragically but often heroically. He helps us draw inspiration and realistic hope from how courageous Americans are facing and fixing a stuck nation.”
- Richard D. Wolff

Check out Prof. Wolff's other books: "The Sickness is the System," "Understanding Socialism," and "Understanding Marxism"
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MSM already talking about how the city can do without a mayor, you can't make this stuff up 😂😂


*MESSAGE FROM EUROPE* they will do EVERYTHING they can to avoid her winning - they will close the office of Mayor if they have to...


We all feel change coming. Knowing there are such positive advancements helps us to continue in the face of aridity. Thank you.


Question: The bank bills of 2.26 trillion Afghan expenses=2, 260 billion/20 years=113 billion/year=9.5 billion/month=320 million a day=15 million an hour? How much does that has to do with Americans getting evicted and live in tents?


In my home town, we elected a social democrat for mayor.


AOC spoke a good game but hasn’t played it out.


Thank you very much Professor Wolff..
Thank you very much for your life long service to your countrymen:)
My son admires you.
He is an American long haul trucker.
Steel Hauler


"the Caucasian's inability to acknowledge and atone for what their foreparent's have done, have lead humanity to today's reality of poverty, scarcity, environmental and human devastation and the climate crisis..."
gregg holland
author: TRYIN'TIMES from the Pyramids to the Projects


I'm from Western NY. I first discovered socialism on the campus of Buffalo State in 2006. I currently live in New Mexico, and I have NEVER been prouder of the city of Buffalo and the region of Western NY. Onward and upwards, comrades!


I live in the European Union and it always amuses me how the word socialism in America comes with baggage as if it's a dirty word never to be used .
Well we in Europe use it all the time and half the political parties are socialist, let me also remind my fellow Americans we have just as much freedoms in Europe and some people would argue we have even more freedoms than in America, so do not fear the word socialism .


Definitely needed some promising news to start the day with, a sea change is coming.


Socialism and Democracy is a perfect marriage. Capitalism and Democracy can not and does not coexist. What we had from 1933-1980 in this nation was a form of Social Democracy, by which the greed and destructive features of capitalism were held in check with the New Deal Laws. The dismantlement of that great marriage was started by the oligarch owned mouthpiece called Ronny Reagan, one of the biggest sell out of our times. It took until 1996 when the scales of ownership tipped again into the robber barons' control. The last New Deal law was repealed in 1999, when Clinton, Gramm, Gingrich and others repealed the Glass Steagall Banking Reform ACT of 1933. Bill Clinton was the impetus for the repeal of any remaining New Deal Law in his two terms.


I live in Buffalo and there is no sure indication that Walton will win. The incumbent, Byron Brown, has the unwavering support of Buffalo's business community and of many republicans in his write in campaign. The early polling has been surprising. All over the city there are signs saying "Write Down Byron Brown"


Is she actually a socialist? Has she proposed legislation or publicly supported the idea of bringing the means of production under social ownership, either in terms of economic planning or market socialism? Her positions listed on her Wikipedia page sound like your fairly standard liberal Democrat. Richard Wolff should do a better job connecting her positions to socialism, or at least to his conception of socialism (a workers' self-directed economy).

Failure to do so only further fuels conservative and right-wing claims of socialism simply being extreme liberalism and progressive politics rather than a systematic alternative to capitalism, and stokes conspiracy theories about "stealth socialist takeovers" under the guise of progressivism.


Keep up the good work. We love your show. Hopefully more people will wake up and listen.


Working Family Party is oligarch owned.


Hey, my hometown! Two unfortunate items in the news: first, the four-term incumbent is running a write-in campaign, and even trying to make up a new party so he can be on the ballot, despite missing the deadline for doing so (which I believe was in May). And second, the incumbent actually has a 10-point lead over Walton in a recent poll.


Worked great in Russia and the Soviet Bloc!


Hey, it's that city from Bruce Almighty :P


The DSA is totally free of any oligarch money.
