The Evolution of Devourer of Gods (Terraria Calamity Mod)

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In this video, we're going to look at the evolution of Devourer of Gods, one of the most iconic and popular Bosses in Terraria Calamity mod and the whole Modded Terraria, going back from Calamity mod's first release back on June 2016 to the current Year 2023 Calamity Infernum mod's Devourer of Gods.

0:00 - Introduction
0:28 - Calamity Mod's First Release (June 2016)
1:34 - Devourer of Gods Final Phase Update (October 2017)
2:26 - Present Devourer
2:58 - Infernum Devourer of Gods
4:37 - Future of Devourer

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Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic. Play Terraria Now:

The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game's progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, 5 new biomes and new structures, a new class, a new leveling mechanic, more than 30 new songs, over 50 recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items, and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.

This is not a 100 Days of Terraria Modded or a Terraria Mod Playthrough or a Modded Terraria Class or a Terraria Modded Boss video, or a Terraria Calamity mod Guide but I hope you guys like the Terraria Calamity mod Modded Boss video...
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4:41 Every Iban concept art unfortunately got scrapped due to him leaving the team during the infamous dev split.
That means no eel devourer of gods for us


Fun fact, the music originally used for the old Devourer of Gods fight was a song from a game called “Cave Story” titled “Last Battle” remixed by DM DOKURO, before it was changed to the new music!


The pink destroyer sure has come so far


4:40 I’d like to point out that the concept art on the right wasn’t made by Iban, but by Inanis.
It was for the Devourer of Universes, and even had some extra art for Yharon’s future boss variant.

(Both artists are no longer apart of the Calamity team, sadly)


Lights n shadows work so well with calamity


I remember that at one point when you defeated phase 1 you had to fight all the servants of the devourer before he entered phase 2


I was introduced to Calamity mod through DoG through sheer boredom as I was looking through different Terraria wiki articles. I found a link to the Calamity mod's old wiki and saw that it had unique music, so I looked it up on YouTube, and the rest is history.


I still can't believe Yharon is using the same sprite since its release


ahhh, I remember the days when Death DoG used to instakill you if you get hit by the head, which was pretty annoying but then I managed to master the ai of the time(was like early to mid-2018).
Oh how far it has come, great video as always my dude.


Well another big fact is since 2016 to this day, Devourer of God is still "Perfectly Balance."


The fact that you made this video when shortly after I kill Infernum DoG after 563 attempts is amazing timing.


Ok wow infernum devourer of gods is on another level compared to other really well designed worm bosses (void leviathan, erebus, etc.)


I still remember how fun it was to race the DoG on a world length platform, pelting him with projectile while I engage in the terraria equivalent of a speedster duel


Love or hate infernum devourer, we can all agree that it's "perfectly balanced"


Wow, its so good to remember all those sprites, ive been playing terraria since 2011, was my first steam game, and this was also the first terraria mod i played, there was another mod too, obsidian or omnir dont quite remember. Seeing these give me a lot of nostalgia, including the purple destroyer sprite and the edgy dialogue he had before.


Would actually love to see the Devourer go from Worm to Wyrm


I remember when the cosmic guardians the devourer spawned were called the Devourer of Thots
Truly a terraria moment


Speaking of evolution...DoG will become a baby in the get fixed boi seed :)


There’s a fun little note that the operator from the Alchemist NPC mod gives about the DoG where, if it had not gotten complacent while fighting you, it would have been a much greater threat. And now I like to imagine that the infernum mod upgrade to the DoG is the devourer at its true full power


The Devourer hits close to home for me, he has a special place in my heart because he's the reason why I started playing terraria in the first place many years ago, I found his soundtrack and I immediately fell in love with it which led me to research more about calamity mod and terraria itself until my dad finally agreed to buy it for me, I beat the base game first and made sure to know everything about it before going into calamity, that happened 3 years ago or so, and to this day I've beaten calamity around 4 times and I couldn't be happier being part of the community
