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Ever wondered what it is about bad boys that makes them so attractive and desirable? The typical bad boy is really just an archetype, which is an easy way to describe a certain type of guy.

Many guys try out the bad boy archetype with great success, and by doing so, they are able to harness their strengths, get more attention from the ladies and unleash a level of attractiveness they never knew was possible.
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When you truly stop caring, and your not faking it, you will have more success with the ladies


As a former bad boy back in the day, I can 100% confirm that not smiling, being quiet, and acting intimidating will absolutely guarantee that you will not get ANY women whatsoever. Believe me, I had to train myself to be a completely different type of person before I had any success. Most women will be creeped out if you follow this videos advice. The trick is to be bad enough to command respect, while also being inviting. Acting like a creepy prick isn't going to get you the kind of woman you'd actually want.


“Think of yourself almost like a SECRET AGENT and that girls are like other agents who are trying to blow your cover”
Can’t make it any more simple 🤣 listened and applying


The bad boy uses:
1. Don't smile and nod your head every time a girl interacts with you
2. Talk less, be silent, silience is powerful because is mysterious.
3. 'The Long Pause': Pausing every time you're going to talk
4. Don't show too much emotion: when you display almost no emotion you're almost impossible to figure out. Behave like a secret agent
5. Be tougher: mental toughness, being tough is being brave and being able to take more risks (I.e not minding how she react to what you do or say).
The difference between being very attractive and not being at all is a few little changes in your behavior ;)


Tricks are used by good boys (if you called them so).
Bad boys are the way they are. They don't copy.


I'm completely opposite of these archetypes. I'm damn talkative, laughs obnoxiously and do a lot of stupid things. Why do I need to be bad when I'm already unique? I can talk to girls confidently and I know to flirt well. Dude, you don't have to copy these archetypes just be yourself and improve yourself.


People will be jealous. As an attractive man you can have few friends or a lot of friends. The beauty is you get to choose whatever friends you want


Woman is not attracted to bad boys...they are attracted to the personality and attitude.


'Appeasing women's relentless demands is like feeding fish to a cat and expecting it become a vegetarian'.


When I was young I was envious of bad boys. But then I figured it out. It’s not that they all like assholes. They just don’t want desperate, needy, uninteresting, boring guys. I’m a nice guy and I’ve done fine with women. I’m not a ladies man as I’ve been most of my time in serious relationships and then married but I don’t think I would have an issue if I become single. You have to keep women stimulated with either laughter or intelligence. I think that’s one of the reasons many women (not all) find me attractive


Best on here is communication w/ long pauses between times to speak. 1) gives you time to think & absorb what that person said. 2) Completely unexpected, will catch her-anyone’s-attention. 3) Focuses the conversation on your points without have to say so 4), 1-3 creates instant attraction. *5) walk away, SLOWLY. She WILL come & find you. You’re golden..


Men with hardcore don’t wear tough shells cuz they crack, a man with a soft core desperately seeks harder shells cuz they’re irreparable


I am 17 years old in Sweden.
I grew up this way bcuz i was born in africa where we Always get punished for our mistakes and i noticed when my Elder Brothers talk with chicks they Smile less while the girl laughs.
They Look seriouse while the girl looks nervouse.
They talk less while the girl talks alot.
They talk on a low tone while the girl scrims.
They learn back while the girl learn faward.
I had all the trates but i lacked confident.
But ive Been watching stuffs like this for a year. And now am the Most attractive guy in my school.
When i pass by all girls and boys stare at me.
When i talk to a girl she just start laughing and fliping their hairs bcuz i intimidate them.
And i am spending all my money on my clothings.
And this works 4 me alot.


Its better for someone walk away because your personalities weren’t compatible, than for someone reject you for pretending to be someone you’re not... “To thine own self be true.”


Don't forget to buy a leather jacket and motorcycle too, that usually helps with the whole Bad Boy vibe, lol, also watch a few Marlon Brando and James Dean movies, lol.


Funny thing is I have noticed in myself that when I don't try to get a girl I'm naturally a bad boy but when I do try I overthink I'm too nice or act tough whatever. From personal experience when you don't try it works


Don't do drama or excitement, don't complain, don't explain, when you swear don't shout, don't clown people in a bad position, avoid cracking jokes and of course learn to use the word no when a scenario doesn't suit you or feel comfortable.


Just be you dude.. If you're nice and they don't like you.. F them Atleast you have you.. Just be you


Incredible video. Exactly what I needed. I slip up on these sometimes but having them in mind will do the trick


Fun fact: i had a friend a few years ago that got all the girls meanwhile i was portraiting him like a God, because i never got particulary lucky with girls, so i learned that he was an Alpha and i was a beta seeing the Diference between our behavior thourds women. However One day a guy wanted to Kick his ass and he ask me for help and when me and the other guy that i didnt know got into a fight he left and later Said that he was scared. So guys its not just the behavior you have with girls that makes you an Alpha its about how you carry yourself in every situation.
