The Paradox of Enlightenment in the GREATEST Spiritual Story Ever Told

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The paradox of enlightenment is a revelation one only understands after the spiritual process has gone beyond the border of conventional thinking into the unknown realm of enlightenment. In this episode of The Sacred Word, I will explain an important verse from the Ashtavakra Gita, a text one is ready to assimilate after enlightenment. The Ashtavakra Gita is for those who want to absorb themselves in the presence of the Ultimate Reality after awakening.










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Normally, I fall asleep at the mention of the word "scriptures" but Jason and Gayoung breathe new life into them. This is one of my favourite channels. I hope it continues to grow.


All our actions are reactions (human body = automaton)

When you see new information:
NPC: Reject information if it doesn't come from the TV
A chosen one: Verify the information and integrate it if true

Ex: there is no virus (verified info), so the dart must be p o i s o n (also verified)


It is what it is, it's how we deal with it...not reacting, not 'doing' something about it...observe and learn. Much love Jason and all truth seekers ❤


*I love the grounded reality of this channel!!!*
Retirement took a toll on my finances, but with my involvement in the digital market, $27, 000 weekly returns has been life changing. AWESOME GOD❤️🎉❤


It is almost impossible for the average seeker to relinquish body identification and as the doer. One can intellectually understand. but Ego illusion will hang on for dear life, literally.


Something is missing in this lesson. Not from Jason, but the information itself.

If I laid on my bed and gave up trying to control life, what would happen? The body would still function and need food, water, and to empty the bladder and bowels. It would need sleep. Would it begin doing things without _me_ giving it instructions? Would I become the observer of the body moving, talking, working, eating, and so on? I don't think so.

Some kind of mental release or specific decision must happen first, for Buddha level understanding to happen.

Long ago I left my body for a few moments while sitting on my bed. The intention at the time was to just be me. I had no idea about leaving the body. In the moments I was out, my perspective was the same; but I felt separate in space. Thinking was faster than lightning as I noticed that instructions to move parts of the body were considered and then the body complied. Yet I had no realizations about my true nature. There was no enlightenment about the universe. Such an experience has not happened again.

Over decades, many different spiritual experiences have happened. All were brief. Perhaps there is a list of experiences that must occur before one can abide in the true nature of the universe. I have no idea how many there would be nor how to trigger them. I just know that having knowledge about what is supposed to be the truth of the universe isn't enough to cause enlightenment. Saying that we already are it, doesn't actually make _it_ happen. There aren't enough enlightened teachers to go around.


One of the first books I read after my awakening. It literally blew my mind. I had a lot of fear reading it as confirmed what I was experiencing - that I don't exist and that I was never born or can die. Once my ego settled down the book become very powerful and beautiful to read.


BUT...Sir...To realise one as PURE ATMAN/CONSCIOUSNESS is the most difficult task given to humanity & to abide & live in THAT, is it possible that easily, Sir?. Not at all. MeenaC


Very fine video - you say it so many times in so many ways. Something is bound to get through with this repeated communication from different angles.


hmm.. there are 5 koshas or layers of existance and they are everywhere in vedanta, , buddhisn, kabalah, manicheism. the thing is.. the illusion of intellectual understanding is one of these layers. Imagine that you never experienced drinking water and read books about its properties.. it will be pure imagination until the real water is tasted.


The ultimate expression I believe is doing service to man without being attached to the outcome and let the Divine Will flow. Just being a full witness without doing anything I feel is not an expression of Divine Love that we are meant to embody. ❤


Great content and very professional and engaging delivery—WELL DONE!! 👍🏻


Dependent origination.
Thank you.
Supreme blessings
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti


I used to chop wood and carry water, and now I still do :-)


Attachment is the root of all suffering, no want is the greatest bliss detachment is key and abidence in self atman brahman shiva beingness krishna consciousness Buddha nature christ consciousness it's all the same there is no separateness in the what is that wich is beyond the body mind beyond concepts beyond idea's imagination beyond even beyondness the isness of beingness sahaja our natural state of beingness namaste 🙏 let there be peace let there be love for all beings universal om 🕉 shanti shanti shanti 🕉 🙏


The mind cannot grasp the truth, it must be experienced and then embodied


WoW!! So profound yet simple in essence…. once we understand. Eventually forgiveness becomes organic when we see a broader perspective and the level of going deeper and deeper into the understanding of Life and there’s no limits to how deep we can go into the understanding of something! So eventually we realise that practicing forgiveness is not even necessary anymore because we understand that in actuality there’s absolutely nothing to forgive because it’s not even real and never was!!! It’s just illusion because Love and light is all encompassing, however, had I not said “I am willing to forgive” because I was so upset that I couldn’t say I forgive and believe it!!! So saying I was willing to, it helped me because the universe did the rest and then the sting would be gone and I could say ‘I forgive for they know not…’ and even that “they know not what they do” was said with subconscious bitterness initially! Lol 😂 !
So now I am understanding the whole thing in a leading edge way, yet I make peace with not knowing too…. I empty my mind before I write and that is when the good stuff comes through… the stuff that gives me angel bumps (goosebumps)!
They say that when the student is ready the next teacher/teaching appears and my inner teacher picked this video out of so many (honeymoon period of awakening I was over enthusiastic and way oversubscribed to too many channels!!) (spiritual channels used to be so rare even 15 years ago so you can’t blame me for subscribing when I saw someone else that was awakening!) I don’t believe that we can ever say one is awakened bc we are always learning and evolving even after death… I wonder do you agree with whether after death we still evolve!?
Forgive the length of the msg, I was carried away bc the level of awareness that you speak from is so rare to see/witness and it’s an in the moment thing but I would say that you spend most of your time coming from the vibrational frequency that I call “perfect pitch” because you never go off track vibrationally! Awkward analogy there but even really popular teachers sometimes I notice them going slightly out of tune and then come back into full alignment with the Self/LIFE/Consciousness! Thank you so much for your patience if you read this and may all of your hearts desires manifest in perfect divine timing! Love, light and the brightest of blessings upon you!🙏


So good, very clear and much appreciated Jason . Thank you


The cosmic joke is the greatest paradox to our mind I’ve experienced it


I feel like I've had a spiritual breakthrough recently. And I just want to thank you for your videos. They are truly beautiful and have helped me tremendously. Much love, breathe deep and seek peace.
