10 Recent Archaeological Discoveries that are 2.4 Million Years Old

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During the last Ice Age, vast sheets of ice covered both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Even Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro and South America’s Andes were glassed over with glaciers. Archaeologists are discovering that both homo sapiens and animals not only survived --they actually thrived after a meteor hit the earth! Here are 10 of the most recent and thought-provoking archeological discoveries that are changing how we see the Ice Age in radical ways!

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I really enjoyed this video, thank you ❤️ from Belfast UK 🇬🇧🙏👍


So how do they know those prints are from kids and not just small adult people? Just Curious


Though I've no credentials which would back up my theory as to who, what, when, where, why we can discover articles and structor's that are always given credit to the indiginious people who we attribute to being alive far less than only 12, 000 years ago. In which the various articles and structors were built using technology that there wasn't expected to be and somehow just simply forgotten and we find technology along side of and on top of that we expect there had to be.

There are a variety of causes which could and would cause an ice age. Some of which last longer than other's. But what few realize is; FIrst: Though an ice age does effect the planet dramatically, it doesn't effect the entire planet. And Secondly: Just as we are living in a calm period between the last ice age and the next. There were calms between any and all of the previous ice ages we acknowldge to have existed. Some lasting longer than others.

Though we are capable to a degree today compared to yesterday. Human's in general, can't fathom large number's. In which the various ice age of the past lasted, not the various calm between them. It's ironic how we suspect there was intelligent or not a biological life form presence on Mars, known what we know of Mars today. If there was as we suspect, the period was so long ago, we can't fathom it. So we are investing gazillions of dollars, time and effort into finding out for sure. And in general, the populist of the world don't have an issue with the entire ordeal or expense. But we as a whole can't fathom there was any biological life from let alone intelligent, prior to us. That could have, would have existed. Becasue of the same reaoning, the time lines are unfathomable.

If and when one can get out of their box they are in. And assume that we are not the first biological life form let alone the first intelligent one to walk this Earth. Using a time line that is unfathomable. Mars at one time or other was inhabited by an intelligent life form. At some point realized just as Elon Musk and various sceintist today believe. Mars was becomming uninhabitable. And haveing evolved to be more intelligent than we are today. Managed for some of the population to leave the planet and relocate on Earth. Perhaps as long ago as when what we accept as fact today, there was only one land mass, we now refer to as Pangia.

Again, using a time line we can't fathom, any and everything they would have brought with them, would have eventually worn out, decade, become so antiquaited it wouldn't be of any usefullnes. Throw in a few of the numerious ice ages which as I stated effect the planet but not the entire planet, an asteroid or two, continantal drifts, and what ever life they had on Mars and at first on Earth would be lost due to erosion, decay, beneath ice, to water where once was land etc etc etc.

There are numerious books and movies that depict various life styles that would or could exist after a catoclismic event. But because there on books and movies, they are written of to the imagination of the authors and producer's of both. We in general can't fathom it really being anything as books and movies show. But in reality, anyone and there will be, who manage to survive, would be forced to adapt to a life style simular to one we refer to as a hunter, gathering, cave dwelling existence. Nothing we have become accustumed to would exist in the way, we could utilize it in the same way we've become accustumed to. The only thing a current generation of survivors could pass down to future generations in addition to how to eek out an existence by hunting, gathering etc. Is the memories of a life and style of live that existed previously. And as it alway happen's, stories become convoluted when told to various individuals and after only a couple of generations, become unbeliveable which leads them to be accepted as myths. After a couple of more generations, myths become so convoluted that that they develop their own myths. Which gives credence to the fact that there are individuals living all over the planet with simular but different myths all of which are almost of the same era's.

The majority of the Earth's inhabitants today, believe in a god or gods in which either created the entire universe, or just taught us how to do some basic thins like, language, astronomy, mathematics. And to a degree, actual cause our existence when experimenting with DNA. Of which are all entirely based of various myths of which none of them can actually ever be proven. At some point, MAN used in generical terms. Told and retold stories of events long ago, which were retold over and over numerious times. Eventually written down, passed around and in the process became covoluted with debate and the wining of various wars caused them to be edited. Not to menition any and all transcribing into other language alters them dramatically, when there is no translation of various things from one language to another. and one inputs what they think should be rather than what there was in actuality.

I've got no issue with the various text envolving the Jewish, Christian or even Muslim religions. They are all good reads. Which if and when compared, are basically the same. The stories told by word of mouth for dozens and perhaps more generations, of a life and events that once were but isn't any more; Eventually written down, and edited in the process by who ever was in power at the time and based on their agenda.

As I said, Man in general can't fathom large numbers, nor durations that using large numbers would curtail. It's far easier, to listen than it is to actually read of events that may have or not, but in the case of either. They are just words, which in time and debate become myths.

I realize and accept that everyone is entitled to their own; But for what ever it's worth, that's my two cents.


Do u put wings on a elephant and call it a damn bird.


Someone needs to create a new caveman depiction. We only see that one little guy walking away with a fur toga and booties on all the time!


I'm a little lost, how did the asteroid impact of 66 million years ago trigger the ice age that was depicted in cave art from a few millennia ago reveal the earth's magnetic field is weakening? I was going along being entertained before that Rick Roll smacked me in the face


Stop putting these white faces on black history thank you and continue


video false.. the earth isn't 2.4 mil years old. fact told. have a good day lads
