We are not so different - a champion / hero showcase. LoL vs Dota 2

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League Of Legends and Dota 2 share plenty of DNA. This is a remake of an older video I have, showcasing heroes with multiple similar mechanics in the kits.

I am making a video showcasing my League Friendly Hero Guides, and I made this to start the video with but it turned out pretty all right as a standalone release :D I'm thinking of using it as a channel commercial.

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I didn't know it was you that posted this on the League subreddit. No wonder the editing and username was so familiar. Found you about a month ago when you made the video comparing Invoker and Hwei (loved it btw)

Also saw that you posted this on both League & Dota 2 subreddits. Sad to see how the post in the League subreddit was filled w/ comments praising Dota 2 and how they're finally giving Dota 2 a try, or how satisfying the game is compared to League, but your post in the Dota 2 subreddit was full of toxicity and hostility towards League.

I remember giving Dota 2 a shot when covid struck and I just loooove everything about the game. The client's amazing, the sound effects are *chef's kiss*, and how the game looks (especially with the map skins) everything's just gorgeous. Managed to hit Ancient within a few months and got stuck there for a bit so I decided to watch a ton (and I mean, a ton!) of Dota 2 videos to learn more about the game, but no matter where I go, League is always mentioned and how it is more inferior than Dota 2. Sad how an inferior game is living rent-free in Dota 2's playerbase.

I remember seeing this one Dota 2 streamer who got banned from Dota and tried out League instead. Called the game easy, died to bots, then proceeded to call the game trash. I just can't stop laughing 🤣

Glad I've found your channel honestly. You and another channel (BlitzSpanks or smth?) are probably the only ones I found that are welcoming to League/casual players.


it may not be so different, but i'll be damned to compare caitlyns weak ass sniper sound compared to snipers AWP 360 noscope


Great stuff! Screw the League subreddit for deleting your post.


Hope you get more subs man super underatted channel


DUDE! based af for using an Outer Wilds soundtrack btw !!


Now am realising how similar some heroes are 😅
Can't wait to see more


Thanks to tzar potato we have passives in dota now


Love your channel. I'm a Dota player and only play LoL very occasionally when my friends hit me up. :But the Dota elitism is so trite and tiring, happy to see someone giving both games their flowers :))


lol release - 2009
dota 2 release - 2013 (not gonna check dota 1 patches)

has roll for added mobility
rammus - release, tank, roll is more for mobility
pangolier - 2017, bruiser, roll gives mobility and has cc

skirmisher mid with blinks
kassadin - release, cc slow + channel interruption
queen of pain - release, cc slow + knockback

focus/surprise gank
nocturne - 2011, assassin, gank ability has limited range + paranoia effect
spectre - release, late game tank carry, ult is global and spawns illusion near target(can be upgraded with item to spawn illusion on all enemy heroes)

divers, escapes, burst damage
void - 2019
akali - 2010 (+reworks)

LONG ranged carries, auto attack modifier
caitlyn - release, long range @ level 1(basic stat), knockback mobility, auto attack damage increased every x attacks (innate passive)
sniper - release, range increases/ability level, auto attack can knock back enemies and deal more damage (passive ability, can be increased), 2020: aghs shard upgrade concussive grenade as knockback mobility

melee with ranged spear ability, front facing aoe damaging, teamfight Ult
pantheon - 2010 (+rework), ult is more aoe gank/initiation
mars - 2019, ult sis more aoe initiation cc

ranged carry, attacks slow
drow ranger - release, 2019: multishot added(channeled volley)
ashe - release

ranged, skill shot ulth w
jhin - 2016, carry, ult has 4 charges + last has bigger damage, has limited auto attacks with bonus damage on nth attack
hoodwink - 2020, support(can be played as carry), ult is channeled and breaks enemies (disables passives), crowd control heavy

spawns creeps
yorick - 2011(2016 reworked), pusher/bruiser
wraith king - release (2017 changes), carry/pusher, 2017: now create skeletons, originally has 4 abilities with 3 passives and 1 single target stun

mid, ability spammer, global ult
zeus - ult is instant, can be upgraded to have another "global ult" with nimbus ability(castable global, spawns a unit that stuns an enemy in an area in intervals)
karthus - ult has delay and indicator (dodgable by zhonya)


World Of Warcraft entered chat: “OH REALLY?”


only now did I realize kassadin and akasha have similar spells


I picked up Dota2 again after Grubby (ex WC3 pro and streamer) started playing league a month or so ago and learned that he is immortal in dota. I stoppes back in 2014 (played since beta so around the end of 2011 or early/mid 2012 dont actually remember the exact date) and man I've been enjoying the "new player" experience I have to play 100 hours of normals to play ranked again but relearning the game has been fun. And I actually meet new players quite a lot in my games which is good to see. On my 3rd league account I meet 80% smurfs, which is probably fair since I'm basically a smurf but still.


I don't understand why there is this rivalry between both games, both games were made by the same creators. Which makes it worse than console war, in my opinion, play what you like most, both are just games...
Ps: But since I know you like to fight, take this: League is better in the cinematographic part involving stories, character development, music, marketing, etc. Dota is best in the technical part involving gameplay, strategy, customization, etc. However, both games have a toxic community and you cannot deny that.


Valve won't listen to the community, unlike Riot they make changes instantly because players are requesting it. DOTA2 has behavior score that is useless against greifing.


yeah I wish dota artwork is as good as the one in the thumbnail


Where does the music in the background come from? It kinda reminds me of the outer wilds soundtrack, it sounds great


I'd love to see you compare Annie and Warlock :)


Don't hate the games, hate the fans for making it to toxic.


I can't appreciate League of Legends for the sole fact of you not being able to see teammates or opponents spells/scaling in-game but have to rely on their Wiki. It's so extremely silly that the game's client can't handle such simple things that are vital for the player experience - expecially new players.


Dota is still the most well designed game IMO

LoL is just more popular because it has Anime Waifus, Furry and Disney characters that cosplayer and Rule34 artists loves to lewd 😂😂😂
and also : *Faker*
