Cheap Chinese Outdoor Gear Reviews: PSKOOK Bow Drill Kit

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If you've watched any of The Redneck Preppy's survival themed videos it will probably come as no surprise to you that he places the ability to create fire fairly high on the list of requirements. Anyone can start a fire using a lighter or other modern tool...but can you also learn how to use a primitive system like a bow drill? The PSKOOK Bow Drill Kit purports to do just that and the Preppy finds out if it actually works.

#firestarter #survival #bowdrill
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And the cheap Chinese Gear is back baby!!! It's like having an old friend coming around after not seeing him for a long time lol.
The bow was a skill I used to have back in my Army days but lost it over the years, I don't want to sound like "that guy" who "used to could" lol but it is a skill that can be lost.
Great video my Canadian friend!
