Natural Glaucoma Treatment for High Eye Pressure - How to Lower Eye Pressure Naturally

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Learn what causes Glaucoma and how mindfulness meditation could help lower eye pressure! If you want to learn how to lower eye pressure naturally, this could be a way to help.

In this video we reviewed a 2019 study published in the Journal of Glaucoma where patients already being treated for primary open angle glaucoma were assigned either as a control group or as a treatment group. The Control group was instructed to keep taking their medications as instructed but otherwise received no further instructions. The Treatment group was assigned to perform mindfulness meditation with a meditation guide for 1 hour a day for 3 weeks.
After looking at eye pressure, stress hormones and quality of life measures, the study found that about 75% of the treatment group had a reduction in high eye pressure by about 25%

Open angle glaucoma treatment typically involves medicated eye drops or surgical procedures to lower the intraocular pressure. While this study does support that natural remedies such as meditation can lower the high ocular eye pressure, it is important to note the patients in this study also continued their medical treatment for glaucoma.

Please continue to take your medications for glaucoma treatment and consult with your treating eye doctor before ever discontinuing your glaucoma treatments.

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MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences, and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing, or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and its author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or its description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health.

About this video:
In this video Joseph J. Allen, OD FAAO explains what causes glaucoma and reviews a 2018 Study on using mindfulness meditation as a natural cure to high eye pressure. If you have ever been diagnosed with primary open angle glaucoma and wanted to know if there were any natural remedies, this video may be for you.
Рекомендации по теме

I’ve had glaucoma since the late 20s. Treated with drops from my 30s till now . I’m 58, still have my eye sight . Left eye isn’t as great as right but I’m still ok . Meditation, exercise and eating well as well as intermittent fasting helps a lot .


I’ve had glaucoma for many years. I’ve also had a constant battle with weight, and I’ve noticed that when my weight reduces, so do my eye pressures. Just one or two points. Every little helps.


Hello, my eye pressure was in the high 20s. I started taking blackstrap molasses, hemp seed oil and mixed green powder supplements. After taking these supplements for about 3 months my eye pressure lowered to 15 and holding for a year.


I have high eye pressure because of obesity from antipsychotic.I start eating fruits and vegatbles for 3 months and my eye pressure went back to normal I didn't need drops and the doctor looked pissed. I'm on drops now because they increase my antipsychotic and gained 30 pounds and blood sugar was elevated now I'm on drops. I decided this month to quit my antipsychotics and start eating healthier and execise 5 time week. Hopfully I lose 80 pounds this year. In Jesus name.


Studies show that eating foods rich in retinol (Vitamin A), beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin may help reduce the risk or help prevent glaucoma and maintain healthy eyesight for people at higher risk👍


Very nice video man! in my opinion is very important that doctors say "i do not no any way to combat this disease" instead of "THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THIS"


Yes I practice spiritual meditation. I pray, read the Bible and contemplate on God and his beautiful creations. And it has helped me alot with my anxiety, ptsd and my stress level went down.. to the point where my psychiatrist took me off 2 different antypsychotics. We were both extremely impressed.
So yes I highly recommend meditation 🧘‍♀️ and wish everyone good luck and lots of peace and wellbeing 🙂


I have been using drops for glaucoma since I was 40. However, when I eat badly and drink alcohol eg at Christmas, my eye pressures go up. When I eat super healthy, avoid alcohol etc my eye pressures go down. I recently ate super healthy, no alcohol and no sugar for 3 weeks and my eye pressure reading was the lowest it has ever been. Pressures have been up to 19 and 21 but my last test after healthy eating for 3 weeks was 14 and 15. There is no question that diet affects not only eye pressure but our overall health. I am 64 and take no medications other than xalatan, 1 drop in each eye at night. I also exercise regularly- interval training, yoga, strength training with a personal trainer, walking, rebounding etc.

I have read that yoga and strength training may increase eye pressure but I have not found them to cause any damage so far. My field of vision tests are still fine.

A long time ago I was told to rest my eyes every day - this would tie in with meditation. Stress causes so much damage to the body, it’s important to manage it. Meditation can be effective and have a beneficial effect not only on mental and emotional health but also physical health in so many ways.

Here is an article I wrote on Food as Medicine - we really are what we eat.


I’m so happy that medicine, science and a lot of general population realises the benefits of meditation and integrating physical and spiritual/energy together. Healing comes from outside and inside as well.


Life stresses and how one handles it is indeed a factor in all areas of health.
Thank you for your informative videos.


Thank you for this video. I am impressed at how much you stressed that “stress” increases eye pressure and I agree 100%! I’ve had recurrent eye issues after my early cataract surgery to treat my normal tension glaucoma. I think it’s rare for ophthalmologists to look at meditation as a form of lowering eye pressure. And if they do, it’s not stressed enough.


If you're going to talk about glaucoma you should probably also mention Normal Tension Glaucoma. My father had glaucoma. And, for over 15 years, I complained about something being wrong with my eye. Lots of exams and OCTs but no one actually compared the results. Finally, someone noticed a 'flare' and correctly diagnosed glaucoma. Back at the clinic where there were all those OCTs the 'doctor' said, "Oh, yes I see it now!" This is why I think those little puffs of air are a total waste of time. I lost 15 years of treatment just because of medical laziness...


My name is Magdalene Lindoor, I have glaucoma for 16years, I attend my dr every 6months.Thank you for this interesting talk, I have enjoyed it very much.


I have a friend who has been diagnosed with glaucoma and who is extremely stressed. I'm going to forward your video to her. Thank you for sharing a natural remedy.


I was doing meditation pretty regularly for a long time and had gotten up to 1/2 an hour each session. I enjoyed guided meditation videos or CDs with this. But then we moved to another state and I got out of the habit of doing this. You've inspired me to get back into it.

I was diagnosed with glaucoma back in 2006, and after struggling with various drops it seems that Travatan Z is working well for me. My glaucoma specialist before we moved used to scare me with terms like cupping and such. When I moved and found a new eye specialist, he said, "You have a slightly enlarged optic nerve, " very casually. For some reason, his calm manner and straight forward demeanor allowed me to let go off all the worry and fear I had surrounding my diagnosis. My eye pressures soon settled into the "acceptable range" (I think everyone is different) and I've been maintaining this ever since. Anyway all this is to say that I think my stress level prior to this was related to worrying about the seemingly doomed state of my vision. A good chair side manner, though does wonders.


I'm an optometric technician in Texas.
I believe stress tends to elevate things,
Myself for example get blepharospasms when I'm fatigued or under stress. However i have ADHD and sports has always been a release for me. Excersize and a healthier diet helps is so many ways.


I can not thank you enough! 27 in both eyes...I was diagnosed with Intraocular eye pressure in June 2010. I have been living in fear to go blind since then. It rose from 24 to 27 in 10 years and the drops dry my eyeballs. I am so so relieved and grateful!!!😌


Reading the Bible and thinking about what you read combined with prayer is the best way to lower stress levels.


You are so right. Your eye health has something to do with your stress level for sure. The left side of my face is always stressed out because I have depression. I don’t know how to explain it, but I can kind of feel the stress on the left side of my face and my head. And my left eye started to get floaters within the last couple of years. And now I’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma more in my left eye than my right one. My right eye is perfect.


⚔️My Glaucoma: If one’s blood pressure increases due to stress, our entire circulation system is is not exempt, perhaps. I’ve noticed a change of less blurring, when my daily routine has much less stress. I’ve been on max eye drops both eyes, twice daily for -20 yrs. During which time my life was too stressful. Thanks for your enlightening info. I intend to stay calmer, now that I’m retired. I’m 81. 🛡️
