Itzhak Perlman - Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E - Various Conductors & Orchestras/Fan Compilation

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Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) - Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64 (1844)
1. Allegro molto appassionato (00:00)
2. Andante (13:02)
3. Allegretto non troppo -- Allegro molto vivace (21:05)
Itzhak Perlman, violin
*Version 2011 (live)
Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor
San Francisco Symphony
*Version 1983 (live)
David Zinman, conductor
New York Philharmonic
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Itzhak Perlman is just perfect. The best violinist of the 20th century.


Felix Mendelssohn was a true genius and Itzhak Perlman is a true virtuoso. Nothing else to say.


Sitting with my 92 year old patient who is between worlds. This magnificent, divine work quiets her soul. Thank you


Ich verlor den Atem. Himmlisch. Maestro, Sie waren für mich ein Vorbild. Trotz Krankheit haben Sie nicht aufgegeben. Sie sind ein weltberühmter Künstler, ich nur eine Dorfkirchenorganistin, aber ich habe trotz Gehbehinderung auch nicht aufgegeben. Gott segne Sie, Musik ist eine Freude, die mit uns bis in die Ewigkeit Schreiten. Danke.


Perlman IS his music. His soul plays. There are no words for the infinite beauty of the violin.


So effortless....even when he had aged he didn’t lose a thing! The man is a true force of nature, with such a joyful heart!


Itzhak Perlman's violin is his very soul speaking out to us through every note of Mendelssohn's composition. What an amazing rendering to soothe my day to day battle with cancer and the dread of my impending death. God bless you Perlman.


I have never liked the introduction of this concert. But, now, is my first time I enjoy the beginning of this concerto. Usually, musicians play too fast the beginning, that make me feel “nervous”. But, the peaceful feeling that Perlman gives at the beginning made me fell in love. I love Perlman’s playing.


Absolute genius, demonstrating the phenomena we call the human brain. Marvel at how the brain of that man can remember exactly the thousands of notes, played in exactly the right sequence, for exactly the right duration and how that brain can control the fingers and hands to reproduce perfectly each note. Appreciate the orchestra doing the same. Appreciate the brain of the composer who imagined and transformed imagination into dots, lines and squiggles that others can see and whose eyes send signals to brains that replicate the music. Enjoy the sheer beauty and miracle of it all. Rejoice that we are blest with the same brain. Get excited by the many other musicians playing every kind of instrument that do the same. Marvel at the distinction between animals who rely on instinct and humans that have intellect and you soon realise what a miracle mankind really is, in every discipline to which we apply ourselves. Music it is, outstanding at that, but it's so much more. It is actually a miracle that we take for granted. Marvel at technology that enables simple, ordinary people like myself to sit at home watching and listening to things I would hardly ever be able to otherwise. we have much to be truly grateful for. Then marvel at those who are so bereft of the ability to appreciate it all and need to send a thumbs down sign, it beggars belief. Thanks for posting


Grandfather of Mendelssohn was famous German philosopher, so Mendelssohn’s father used to say “
I am the son of the famous father and father of the famous son”.


I adore this man’s playing. I could listen and watch him all day. I love the way his face shows how much he loves playing with SO many emotions evident on his face ! Congratulations from an old woman aged 82, dying From M N D, living in NZ.


I think, I never get tired of listening to Itzhak and Mendelson, God bless them for the joy they bring me.


Sir ITZHAK Pearlman is, in my estimation, the most dynamic quintessential & miraculous violinist of our time! Sheer Perfection to listen to & absorb the exactness of his talent! So Refined & Soothing to the soul! Your
love for music is expressed in your face & delivery! Thank you for your God-given Quality and expertise!! BLESSINGS to you sir!


Ich kann dieses wunderschöne Violinkozert immer und immer wiede hören. Ein Genuss. Von Jugend an (heute70) ist es für mich prsönlich das schönste.


Вы гениально играете! Я начала заниматься на скрипке с 13 лет. Это уже очень поздно. Однако очень трудилась, поступила в Одесское муз.училище и на 3 году обучения играла концерт Мендельсона. Как Вы потрясающе играете! Дух захватывает! Позвольте подарить Вам стихи:

Как вихрь ворвался в Душу скрипки звук,
Здесь ветер, солнце, нежный звук капели!
И взлет умелых виртуозных рук,
Вновь слышится дыхание апреля!
Какая точность, мудрость, глубина!
И сердце вторит звукам во Вселенной!
Нежданно в этот мир пришла весна!
Нам Гений рассказал о сокровенном!

С уважением. Татьяна Сокол


I always thought Perlman made playing the violin look so effortless. Just the way he holds the bow so lightly and how his fingers move up and down the fingerboard with ease. It’s really amazing to watch, I can only aspire to one day play the violin so calmly and confidently.


The best and most beautiful things in the word can not be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.


Some people are born gifted for music. Itzhak Perlman is one of them.


Never thought anyone could get such perfection out of a violin. Truly remarkable and blessed talent.


The Master. What amazes me is that he allows the listener to get lost in the MUSIC and forget him. True humility.
