QOF QI: Leading effective and sustainable quality improvement within the primary care network
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This is the second in a series of four QOF QI webinars aimed at helping clinical directors of PCNs, and GPs / members of the practice team responsible for or interested in leading peer reviews of quality improvement at the primary care network (PCN) level. It aims to raise confidence at leading effective QI peer review meetings and discuss ways to improve the impact of these meetings on patient care.
For more QOF QI resources:
This work has been funded by NHS England and Improvement. This is a collaboration with experts from a number of different organisations, which include NHSEI, the Health Foundation, NICE, Hull York Medical School and the RCGP.
For more QOF QI resources:
This work has been funded by NHS England and Improvement. This is a collaboration with experts from a number of different organisations, which include NHSEI, the Health Foundation, NICE, Hull York Medical School and the RCGP.