The Lucky Ones Get Caught 6'

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A new hard-hitting road safety campaign provides a stark reminder that people are lucky to be caught by police doing the wrong thing, rather than being killed or seriously injured.

Victoria Police will be everywhere these holidays – to keep us all safe.

Transport Accident Commission Victoria

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All this advertisement proves is that the driver over reacts due to poor driving ability through lack of adequate training. If he was concentrating properly, he would not have gone off the road and then when he did, he should have been able to regain control easily. If he had been trained to concentrate and control the vehicle correctly, he would have been driving at the appropriate speed, fully focused on the task and been able to control the car properly if something did go wrong. Speed, in this example, would be a small factor and not cause of an incident like this. The TAC, police and government need to justify their revenue raising instead of investing money into proper driver training programs, which make it difficult to get your licence if you do not have the skill and co-ordination to drive a vehicle.
