Human Trafficking Awareness at Airports

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Human trafficking is the second largest criminal enterprise in the world, and it is estimated that 60%-70% of victims will pass through an airport at some point during their exploitation. Whether you’re a traveler or employee, YOU can help bring an end to this pervasive crime.
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Many years ago, when leaving Canada, an airport police officer of some kind noticed a man watching me and questioned me about him. The man was my brother, but I was very impressed that someone was paying such close attention.


It's not just the passengers and airport staff, but every person, especially the TSA should be on the lookout. The only employees that have authority to actually SCRUTINIZE passengers is the TSA. So vetting for human trafficking should be top priority for them. Make it so.


I'm a child sex trafficking survivor and I feel you made some real blunders in this video. First, you said that child sex trafficking victims are between 11 and 14, but then repeatedly referred to victims as teens. Many of are younger, sometimes *far* younger than teens. I cannot remember a time when I was not being trafficked. It started years before kindergarten. Second, you said to watch for kids who are not with their parents. But parents are very often the traffickers! This is especially true of kids trafficked before their teens. In most cases of kids trafficked very young, a family member is the trafficker. Finally, one survivor mentioned being drugged. This is important to stress. Victims are usually given downers, often heroin, to keep us quiet, compliant, and prone to amnesiac episodes. It's very hard to ask for help when you're so drugged (and often sleep deprived) that you barely even know what's going on. I'm glad videos like this are being made, but they could do a lot better.


Thank you for educating us! And blessings to all children (and babies) victims of trafficking and abuse.


This makes me so sick. These poor children. How do people become so vile?!


My wife is Asian--I'm Caucasian--so our three kids don't look a lot like me. One time a few years ago, my younger son and I traveled out of state for a soccer tournament. Both the airplane travel and the fact that we weren't traveling as a family were quite unusual, so I was initially surprised at the airport to return home when the TSA agent looked suspiciously at me and then started questioning my son about his last name and age. I quickly realized, "Oh--I'm a middle-aged white guy traveling with a teenage boy that doesn't look a lot like me. She thinks I'm a trafficker!" I was momentarily embarrassed, but my son, who was confused as to what was going on, just answered her questions matter-of-factly. I explained to him after we passed through what the lady was doing. Two thoughts came to mind regarding that incident. The first was, although it was awkward for me, I was *extremely* glad that I was getting profiled. That sentiment won't make some happy, and, ironically, the lady doing the profiling was of a race that has to deal with that far more than most. But if it helps even one victim to be saved, I am 100% for it. The second thought was more light-hearted: My family's picture from a vacation is the first thing you see when I open my phone. If I'm ever in that position again, I can easily pull that out, show my Asian wife and bi-racial kids, and be done with it.


We need messaging all over airports! In bathroom stalls and in clear view . In all languages.
Giving support and ways victims can escape. And perpetrators apprehended.


I would almost suspect that a teen NOT looking at their phone and still looking down, is a sign. I wish I could say most teens are upbeat and happy these days but that’s not the case. Most teens are depressed and constantly looking at their phone. So one without a phone and still not able to make eye contact, would be a sign for me.


" Evil is powerless when the good are unafraid "


And the most trafficking happens in the USA. Open your eyes, people!!!


YES/YES/YES! We were foster parents. We had 5 different children. Each was abused! Wake up America!


As a school bus driver, we have a similar training. Many kids are being groomed in schools by other students to become victims of trafficking. So sad.


These are great tips - but remember that sometimes “looks” can be deceiving. There have been multiple instances recently of mixed race families getting their travel disrupted because people flag them for trafficking - a black mom with her white looking daughter, a white man with his mixed daughter, etc.


I believe I can add useful information, to this excellent presentation. Coursework and training for preschool and elementary level teaching includes recognition of signs of sexual abuse of young children. One of the most significant signs of sexual abuse is dark circles under eyes. The act of using a young child for sex causes breakage of small capillary blood vessels, in girls and in boys. This breakage causes darkening of the blood, and in the area of eyes, where skin is transparent and thin, this darkening will show. For teachers of young children, this darkening under the eyes is a reportable sign. As teachers, we are mandated to report this, so that investigation can be initiated.
Dark circles under eyes are not just a sign of sleep deprivation. This darkening is a sign of repeated penetration.


Traffickers some times have spotters to be sure that the victim is taken to the destination. If a spotter find out that that the trafficker is held, they have no choice but to abort eluding capture at the same time.


Everybody should know the asl sign. Help Me


It is a difficult thing to do..separate the child from the trafficker..who will fight for his investment..they are not going to just let them go to a security guard...


Thank you for your awareness of airport personal 😇


I was staying in a motel in AZ and was driving my little SUV, pulled in beside a 4 door sedan. There was a preteen in the back who looked stoned out of her mind sitting between two women who did not look at all related. Thy were propping her up and trying to give her food and also wedging her in the back of the car. There was a man driving in the front who also did not look related. I immediately casually went and told the desk clerk who turned out to be a former Marine. He immediately ran outside but unfortunately they had left. Given what I later learned to be the nature of this motel, my intuition told me that this young lady was being sex trafficked This GIRL looked like she weighed 85-90 pounds. I only wish I had acted quicker.


Thanks, I sent this to all my family.
