Spirit Tells Theresa She Was MURDERED By Her Boyfriend | Long Island Medium

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In a spine-tingling session, Theresa Caputo communicates with a spirit who reveals a haunting truth—she was tragically murdered by her own boyfriend.

From season 6 episode 2

#tlcaustralia #LongIslandMedium
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To all the skeptics; even if you do not believe in her gift of speaking to departed loved ones, you have to acknowledge her gift of helping and healing broken hearts.


Sometimes as I watch these videos of Theresa, and hear the different stories, I am reminded of that book "The Five People You Meet in Heaven", and how all of our stories are similar and overlap like stones in the bottom of a stream. What Theresa describes in her readings is very similar to a dream I had where I saw all my departed family members. Things like this make me feel at peace.


Breaks my heart to just imagine what that young mom went through. Hearing she is at peace now, make mes happy. I look forward to returning home someday.


Theresa seems genuine and sincere. She's straightforward and doesn't do the 'fluff' ❤. I like that ❤


I would love to meet Theresa one day, what a beautiful gift she has


I would give almost anything & everything I have to get a reading with Theresa. So many questions. Questions that I could only get answers to if I, myself were also departed. Unfortunately chances of getting a reading from this wonderful, beautiful soul is 0%, I will have to get the answers I need my way.

I may never get a reading with her, I'm so happy to see the people do get some kind of peace & their questions answered. As someone else commented, even if you don't believe in what she does, there are many who do & you can't deny the healing you see on their faces & hear in their voices. That's priceless. Prayers to all those who have suffered loss & then found the peace & healing Theresa could give them. 🥰🙏😢


I have always wanted to have a reading by Teresa. I have lost two of my family members in the past year, my mother (5 years ago), my aunt about 3 years ago. I am constantly smelling cigarettes, and my mom perfume. I think my aunts are around me as well. I am a baker for a grocery store and when I am doing the chocolate icing on my donuts I always get hearts in my icing . I lost my mother and never got to say goodbye, as we hadn’t talked in years. I do miss her and think about her a lot.


I appreciate and love Theresa so much. What a lovely soul.


The most important message she gives each time is that our deceased family do see our progress on earth. They r aware.


I want Teresa to do a reading for my mom so bad my mom has had a lot of loss in her life and I feel like she could give her so much closure ❤ I love watching her videos cause she just has a warm spirit you could feel it through the screen


My sincere condolences to all the families. So sorry for your loss. Much love ❤️ from Canada 🇨🇦


I saw her in person at a group show and let me say I was blown away. She knew so much


I'm from British Columbia, Canada. I went to Teresa the first time in Kelowna British Columbia, then twice in Prince George in hopes that my sister would come through who has been missing since 1992. Unfortunately we still have no answers and she didn't come through for us. 😢 But all I could do is hope that maybe she would come through the Teresa but she didn't. The one time in Prince I even had my mother there who was not a believer unfortunately. Now my mom has dementia that she doesn't know us anymore. It's sad all she wanted to do was put her daughter to rest and now she can't 😢


I have chills. Oh man, to get a reading from Theresa.


oh to have a reading from this talented lady!!!!


I went to a “medium” once and it stunk…. I feel like it’s so rare to come across a real medium, I would love to believe in her gifts but the cameras and show aspect make it hard not to be skeptical …. I was reading that her staff talks to the clients prior and gathers info. I have no clue if it’s true? But dang it be so cool to really experience someone you can feel is valid!


Enjoyed this reading because you had closed caption!


I will never understand why a person would stay with someone that abuses them physically or emotionally. This woman had loving people all around her. She didn't need the love of her boyfriend.


Wooow. I got the chills because today is March 28th 2024 may he rest in peace 🕊️


I love watching Theresa she's brilliant what a gift ❤❤
