POV: You Live In Europe After USSR Colapse | Eastern Europe #shorts #map #europe #ussr #communism

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#shorts #map #mapping #europe #geography #communism #ussr #1991 #ecomony #war
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Here in Caucasus: *even worse*. Wars, ethnic cleansing, famine, plummeting economy, skyrocketing poverty, unemployment and huge homelessness as a result of the ethnic cleansing.


at the time of the collapse, Ukraine had 50 million people, now about 30 million, the Baltic states are also strange


Because the soviet union collapsed the finnish economy went really bad. There was a giant recession and unemployment went from 3% to 30% and inflation was at all time high.


Living in uk after WW2: 😞
Living in uk now: 😔


Finland it's not very happy because they got like everything from USSR


Ukraine was twice as wealthy as today, the Baltics were much wealthier than Russia in a per capita basis, east germany has never recovered and in western europe this increased neoliberalism, worsening the living conditions of the poor


the situation was actually worse. countries that were part of the USSR faced the same crisis as Russia. My parents told me that if in the USSR there was money but there was nothing to buy, then in 90 there was neither money nor food


Горбачев все развалил, Ельцин пропил.
Братские народы воют...
Прибалтика, где производили высококачественную электронику и поезда- стала энергодифицитным регионом, отказавшись от советской АЭС, где теперь ничего, кроме шпротов не делают, а население активно мигрирует в Европу на заработки.
Украина- самая богатая республика СССР, превратилась в самую бедную в Европе страну, где, со времен СССР ничего не было построено: страну грабили, люди на майдане попрыгали, региональный статус русского языка отменили, нацбаты оснавали, экономические договора с Россией в угоду западу разрывали, теперь воюем ...
Страны средней Азии, где Советский Союз заставил кочевников пойти в школы, строил им города, развивал инфраструктуру, наладил добычу урана, тяжелых металлов; хлопка, риса и других культур- теперь лидеры по коррупции и по выращиванию н*ркотиков, а часть населения работает в России, потому что на родине денег не платят...
Закавказье вообще погрязло в войнах... Пока Грузия кричала анти-Российские лозунги, не смотря на то, что вся их экономика была построена Россией и зависит от нее, Армения и Азербайджан воюют, а большая часть армян уехала из своей страны в другие страны, в основном в Россию ....


🇹🇷: Finally we can agree on something 🗿
🇬🇷: Yeah 🗿


Babies now in former Soviet States: 📉
Emigration now in former Soviet States: 📈


As a Russian im very happy because no more communism💀


Macedonia is like russia, serbia, croatia, bosnia and herzegovina


My Dad told me that when communism ended his parents were so happy but not alright....His Dad became suicidal and after a few days he actually commited to a hanging route😢His Mom then was Sad and she felt like she should do the same but she didnt "Luckily". His Granddad died to adrenalinic heart attack after 7hours it ended (Probably because of the happiness he got adrenaline)😭 . His grandma got stressed and became homeless😢😕 So she tried to get to my grandma's (My dads mom) house but she didnt make it because she was kill*d by a train😕❤️🧡💛 My dad talked very sadly but its alright now🙂Now he lives happilly😁in a Better life🥲👌But now IM Scared About HIM 😕 He eats A Lot and its bad but i hope hes gonna be okay🥲 I gotta pray for him✝️ Please Lord That Hes Gonna Be Alright 🫂 I hope Its Not so bad❤️❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Love yall If you read this✝️🫂❤️ And Pray For Others Because Even Communism Cant stop us🗿✝️


Me and my friends in 2021 to 2023:😂😀

Now: ( so many ppl left the group))


Russias situation was so bad a very high number(more than a million) Russian girls came to Turkey and started using their body to gain money, and most of the girls name was natasha so if you ever go to Turkiye, And say Natasha it isn't a name there Its a reason of PTSD on some people...


I’ll tell you what people in Eastern Europe would much rather go back to socialism than how it is now. For context I am mainly talking about the USSR and Yugoslavia I am aware life in eastern bloc nations was bad mainly because of horrible leaders.


Bulgaria was once a great country. There was a great industry, agricultural fields... Bulgaria had a very good economy, trade and political stability and even became the 8th economy in Europe. It had very good industries and without a doubt it was a country that managed to develop well at the time. But since the collapse until now he still hasn't recovered, although now he is a little better.


over years politics change
also macedonia wasnt independent until 1999
this map is inaccurate


It should be yellow in Poland.half of the population loved communism and the other half hated it


The main nightmare of the 20th century (after World War II).
Russia and Belarus: the think tank of the union, the titular republic (and the actual creator of the union), an example for all peoples to follow. After the collapse, it became mired in banditry, corruption, poverty and general idiocy. At the same time, she was bursting at the seams again and was not able to defend herself even from little Chechnya. And even today, the echoes of these problems haunt the country. Especially corruption.
The Baltic States: the showcase of the USSR, the largest fishing fleet, huge collective farms and factories, as well as high-quality electronics of all stripes. After the collapse, it is governed by fascist regimes, where in the 21st century there is a non-citizen status and the Russian population is being infringed. She was mired in poverty, lost all industry and almost all agriculture. The population is on the wane, and the majestic factories are now nothing more than ruins on the Vilnius— Tallinn route.
Ukraine: the richest republic, the breadbasket of Europe with a decent Black Sea Fleet, huge industry and a population of 50 million. Now it is a dead land, littered with the corpses of those who, just 10 years ago, wanted to "cut Rusnya".
Transcaucasia: beautiful spiritual republics with excellent mountain landscapes, excellent gardening and resource bases. Now they are fighting among themselves, and of what remains of the Union, they have only mountains.
Central Asia: a vast territory with a culture different from the Europeans. The place of the largest animal husbandry with a huge scale of agriculture, as well as the nuclear and space industries. It was from here, from Baikonur, that man first went into space. Now these are feudal principalities, which are sliding further and further into the savagery of the Middle Ages.
Moldova: a small agrarian republic with famous wine, semiconductors and light industry. Now this country does not actually exist, the people have dispersed to different countries, and the Romanian citizen as president is engaged only in the assimilation of this country and this people with Romania.
Here it is, the price of the Soviet collapse.
