I Made Over $3000 In A Week Flipping Cars | Car Flip 101

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How to make over $3000 in a week flipping cars is actually not as hard as you think. I breakdown in this video how the last 2 flips netted me serious profit in a week with simple and easy steps to ensure you maximize your earning. My flipping cars tips and secrets of sourcing cars that are good deals, negotiations with the seller, repair pricing and budgeting for profit, along with the detailing process I use to fix up these cars prior to listing online for sale.

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Due to factors beyond my control, I cannot guarantee against improper use of the information I share in my videos. James Stauffer (Stauffer Garage) assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not James Stauffer (Stauffer Garage).
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Get the sale price of only $14.99 before it goes back up to $70.99!


Thanks for the tip about selling directly to a dealership. That would be a huge time saver even if you likely have to sell it for cheaper.


I really enjoyed this video I’d appreciate more in the future! Even if it’s a single car it’d still be cool to see


some states will require you to get a dealer license if you sell so many cars in a year. i used to live down the street from a guy that did this and eventually he stopped. he sold one car a week.


There is a way around the state limit on the number of cars you can sell before you are required to get a dears license. This was done by a cop I had met who could not run afoul of any licensing laws. He was married so he bought and sold his allowed limit. Then he titled other cars in his 2wife's name and bought and sod her limit. he also had two children and bought and sold udner their names.


I'm wanting to enter the flipping market and this is just one of the many videos I've watched that you've posted that can help guide me there. Thanks a bunch and amazing guide to car flips James! 🎉🎉🔥🔥


I used to flip cars. mostly Hondas, specifically fits and civics. I’ve given up due to the fact that you just can’t find a decent car for under 4-5k. I live up north so anything cheaper is rusted and I wouldn’t feel right selling them to someone. I also work for a dealer and can’t even get the wholesale cars cheap anymore.


question: do you store the carpet solution or do you fill the pump sprayer before you start the car?


Lots of Elantra's, Rouge's and Terrain's come through our auction haha. That's Cool those are the ones you show🎉 You do a great job bro. I bet you're in the top 5% of cleaners in the country🎉 If you want a vehicle that comes through DAASW here in Phoenix hit me up.


You flipped the GMC so well, that it flipped into a Nissan Rogue mid way through 😂


Does your title transfers happen in a few days? Where I’m from it takes 3-5 weeks for a title transfer. Unless I jump titles i can flip a few cars within a week. Also where I’m from i can only sell 7 vehicles per year under my name. Since then I’ve sold cars under relatives and friends names. Can easily make $3k or more in a week if you know the tricks.


Love your videos, hope the mint shine turns up for sale sometime! 🙂👍


I live in Wilmington Ohio I got 3 cars wholes from a dealer for 2100 not a huge profit but I made 3200 1100 with little recon all 4 sold less than a month


How do you put more than 3 cars a year in your name? i dont understand that part, and thanks For the videos 👍🏼


I’m confused you made a different video of the gmc with the same numbers!?!? Did you get it from a dealer or Facebook market place🤔


do you recommend having a dealers license?


Nice video!! Really like seeing these!


Any recommendations on how to get started if you do not have the tools available to use?


What a great and informative vid! One tiny remark, at 4:39 you say you sold it for $ 3, 125, but the text states $ 3.150.


You really got me hooked on ceracoat I know I spelled it wrong but still used there trim kit now I want to try the ceramic coat
