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In today's video we'll be looking into the new skibidi toilet episode and find out every secret, easter egg & tell you all about the new theories and analyze every frame of the new skibidi toilet episode!

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Theory: Astro toilets can be mind controlled or going off a influence/forced, in episode 76 part 1 we can see a astro toilet getting stabbed by large cameraman and then we
think its dead, but why would the astro toilet hover back up after being Unconscious? maybe its being controlled by a force or someone, or just maybe the neck brace on the
astro toilet is controlling it when the astro toilet is on the vurge of dieing or is already dead, in episode 75 we can see the puppy astro toilet get seriously injured,
and was slashing at POV cameraman, and had a last stand before it ultimately died, in episode 72 we can see astro detainer getting beat up very badly, and then falls and
loses his 2 mechanic "claws", and yet still chooses to go up to g-man instead of going light speed, or even just flying away normally, why when astro toilets are heavely
damaged have a surge of the will to live, or as if someone takes control instead of the toilet itserf, and then goes to its full intent to kill whatever its after, i might
just be yapping about nonsense or the astro toilets are just beast.


Big theory this whole time the race of toilet was not here to hurt anyone. They have been hypnotized to do this. If you go back to episode two the woman said we’re not here to hurt anybody somebody hypnotize toilets, the Astro toilets all they say after the episode you betrayers they’ve never seen each other unless there’s someone on the inside getting all the information and then hypnotize


4:45 This is the first time I’ve ever hear you curse datte


“We ain’t here to hurt nobody.” I wouldn’t put it past Boom to have deliberately used the double negative as a distraction.


Mr. Boom is gonna send Elite the next leak printed out on a Papyrus in an old bottle


7:01 This can mean return of skibidi urinal from EP 2. Because we could hear these words from her.


quick lil rant bout the strike

Even though most of Dafuq's assets are taken from sfm, gmod and valve, DaFuqBoom still technically owns the intellectual property of his characters, as most of them are his own unique idea, if anyone of you played Roblox Piggy back in the day you would know that it was taken from granny, but the creator Minitoon made it diverse enough to the point where it wouldn't even be that noticeable as a granny copy, and it was diverse to the point where he could get his own intellectual property from it, anyways back to the topic most of these "horny" thumbnails and videos are using Dafuq's characters and his ideas, without his consent and he is most definitely able and allowed to take these down because it gives his name and company a bed rep, and it also leads some of his less mature audience into some bad stuff, Dafuq had something similar to this where someone was false striking his videos even though the striker was using HIS models and ideas, so its not likely at all Dafuq to try to take down Garry's mod


If Titan cameraman and tv man are both in ep 77 maybe titan tv man might do some stuff to try kill cameraman, like what sentinal prime did on the bridge fight in tf 3.

(He blocked the way of bee, mirage and sideswipe so they slowed down and tried to get them killed by the decepticons.)

And remember how in the secret scene of ep 76 how the tv man said "you will regret this."

Tv titan might not want to kill him but if gman and cameraman team up to kill some astros tv men might think that cameraman have betrayed them to work with gmans squad.

And then he will try to kill them both, but a new race arrives like pc men and that might be what the message means "we ain't here to hurt nobody."

And then we get introduced to there titan who tv race realises that the new races titan will kill the tv so he is instruced to get put of there for upgrades.

Then i think we won't see tv race for a few episodes lets say 6 to 8 episode later we see that the tv race has betrayed the alliance and works with astros.

P.S. this took a really long time to wright so please @dattebayo read this


I have theory that those words are from G man squad to titan cameraman why? "We aint here to hurt nobody" "We" "here"


6:49 Female urinal skibidi sang these words in the 2nd episode.


Love your videos dattebayo keep up good work love the theorys good luck on finding anything else


I wanna see pov titan cameraman escape from astro squad scene


I opened the thumbnails and died for 1 hour


Idk but I think people who hate the skibidi toilet series are trying to stop his production by making false claims about it and that is what I hate about haters


"We ain't here to hurt anybody" Would actually give more credits to my theory. Which is the skibidi race is actually helping the humans, not just by turning them into toilets. Because Gman knew that the astro would soon come and they will do a lot worse to the humans. That's why in the skibidi bunker, there are humans who are hypnotized, so that the process of turning them into a skibidi toilet wouldn't hurt them at all. However the hybrid skibidi and special agent skibidi. Is a complete resemblance of human, and human emotions. That's why they can think on their own and maybe this is the outcome if you undergo a complete hybrid form, which will allow you to keep your humanity side. However you will feel the whole process. G-Man and scientists might be the only one skibidi toilet knew what would happen and they are just trying to protect earth in their own way. Because if they truly want to conquer the earth Gman wouldn't say "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S COMING" a clear indication that G-Man and scientists are preparing for something big. That's why we are able to see the contract and the original body of G-man.

Or maybe there's another race saying that line.


Thank you dattebayo for the news and every day contend I love this serie and I love too youre teories and video thank you for everithing ;3


the girl never fails to entertain us 😂❤


I checked that stuff out, absolutely vile... I feel so bad for boom, he does not deserve such degeneracy for his characters


Guys, I have a theory, So, the leak phrase could give way to an incredible plot twist. It makes no sense for the Skibidi to say that, even if it is to convince the alliance. The Astros? There's no way for them to say that. So, what is the only remaining group that could say that? Exactly, the ComputerMan. This would look very good in the episode, since the last episodes ending in 7 were related to important events (47, 57, 67), so episode 77 part 1 would be something like this:
The titans meet GMan and the G-Squad, at first the titans attack GMan, while he tries to convince them to ally. Some Astros would join the battle, Both sides would fight against the Astros, and defeat them, as they were not very powerful Astros. GMan would try to show the Titans that only if they allied themselves could beat the Astros, but they would not listen to him and would attack him again, but before reaching him, the ComputerMan would make their epic entrance. (The Secret Agent's assistants, according to my previous theory) (part 1 could end here. Then, the ComputerMan would demonstrate incredible power, and would show the Titans how the little agents are being able to stand up to the Astros, just by allying themselves with the toilets. Then the Titans would agree to ally.

I hope this theory appears in one of your videos.


Hey dattabeyo if you go th ep 63 you can see whem the cameraman was shooting rockets you can see an astro arm just like astro detainer's arm but small
