Ranking all Wublins in Order in MSM

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Screemu and poewk are amazing even if you don't have screemu you can still hear it whenever poewk is playing they are built for eachother


In my opinion, Gheegur is taking number 3 for me. It is really funny how he realizes he messes up in the song and tries to count himself back in. (Is it just me, or is Gheegur’s design a little bit creepy?) Bona-Petite is second. Do I even have to explain? The sounds are just incredible. And taking first I have to go with Screemu as well. His design and sound are quite creepy, which I love, it fits Wublin island so well.


Finally someone who sees what synth is actually good for


What every child hears while running away from the shadow demons when they turn off the lights:


I love screemu.its so uniqye that it has an old voice and a young voice that sing at the same time i rly love it. He kinds seems like hes the kind of guy to pretend to be happy but yea i lovr screemu so much he goes so well with poewk


Maulch is good with Whajje combined, it makes it sound nice when putting them in the full song, it's kinda going on beat and combine wubbox and bam, the best trio in wublin Island.


when it comes to rating wublins i think its impossible because each one adds something not new, but also UNIQUE to the song. Every single one is incredibly differenty and if you rank how they sound in the actual song, i think all are equal.


Dwumroll at 9 is a crime. Song is nothing without him


Fleechwurm is one of my favorite monsters. It adds a lot to the song.


Fun fact when Screemu is singing you can hear a little child singing along.

Now you won't be able to unhear it thank me later 👍👍


Whajje is like a pokemon, he just says his name.


Yall noticed that the Wubbox turned into fleechwurm for a sec and astropod turned into a snail with the sound of pixolotl for a sec?


My ranking (yes I know, very original comment, thanks for asking):

Alright, he has a constantly worried face, sound amazing, LOOKS amazing, and messes up his part? What more could I ask for!?

I like his looks, how he moves, and basically everything about him.

This is a very unique combination of sounds mashed into one monster, and it was executed very well.

This monster sound great, and used to be my all time favorite. Then I discovered Gheegur and Tympa.

Overrated, but good none the less.

I like this one. It goes hand in hand with Poewk.

Alright, put down your pitchforks, its not my fault he's on the quiet side.

Don't know who to put next, and I guess I just like the others more. Still very good.

Its a good farm, and I like my farms. Also a bit underrated, but not by much.

What do you?

I liek mah kazoo

Its a good drummer, but it has the same problem as fleechworm, just not as bad. Great design however.

This is fairly good, but I just find it to be meh.

Its a nice design, but it gets outshined by other monsters.

Decent design, but the sound gets annoying whe-WILL YOU SHUT UP IM TRYING TO WAKE UP THE OTHERS!

Wait, you exist?

Don't know who to put next but I think it's a good design and an ok sound.


Never been a fan of this one.

Literally does nothing.


I am more surprised maulch actually says “get down get down” instead of “man down man down” then the fact you rated him the lowest tier He definitely at least deserved 17


Whaije: Why’d YA
Me: What did i do?
Tympa: Drsign?


Am i the only person who loves blipsqueak? When the whole song is playing blipsqueak adds quite a bit to the vibe


Honestly for me my 3 favorites are Poewk, Pixolotl, and Bona-Petite


The main reason really messy monsters and some weird combos is that Wublin Island is msm Jazz (Fusion to be exact). That's why you hear a big bass, organ, messy drums, sax, and lots of well-fitting synth sounds.

The whole island is meant to sound messy, yet together. That's what Jazz is about, but the fact that they went the extra step and made it fusion is the reason I love this island so much.


Okay so imma make the best ranking (cuz my opinion is the best obviously)

1: Gheegur. Not the best design, but by far the best sound. One of the best instrumentals in the whole game. He absolutely carries the intro to the song and any part he’s in. The detail of him forgetting what to play is so unique and adds so much character that barely any monsters in the game exhibit

2: Bona-Petite: Bona Petite beats Poewk simply because of the creativity in his design and sound. Three sound components, the teeth, xylophone ribs, and stomping, make for a three-in-one Wublin that elevates the song and is very audible even when you have all the wublins.

3: Poewk: what do I even need to say? This guy carries the best part of the song along with Screemu, and for being one of the earliest Wublins, he is sooo incredible.

4: Pixolotl: Just because a ton of people like it, doesn’t make it overrated. It’s deserving of praise because it’s SO good. I love the little digital lights on it, it’s super cool.

5: Screemu: Adds a massively needed vocal to the song, I love the sound and the design is one of my favorites.

6: Thwok: Provides EXCELLENT bass to the song. I won’t stand for people saying he gets drowned out! Not a huge fan of the colors but his sound is outstanding.

7: Whajje: The song wouldn’t be nearly the same without this guy. Love the tall legs and small body, looks super funny.

8: Astropod: Along with pixolotl and Fleechworm, it adds really cool digital sounds. Extremely good but some better ones are coming up

9: Dermit: Wonderful Wublin, I like his cool hunched over design and weird fins, and the bambabadoom sound works very well

10: Dwumrohl: a very nessecary addition to Wublin island. Basically backs up the whole song by providing a nice drum track.

11: Maulch. Hard disagree with the video on this guy. I LOVE his Get down and funky addition! I also like the design where it looks like he’s coming out of the floor.

12: Fleechwurm: I really like this one. It adds a ton to the song and goes along with Pixolotl and Astropod to add this digital futuristic aspect to the Wublin island that’s really brilliant. He’s lower down though since I really love all the Wublins!

13: Wubbox: although it’s one of the best fitting Wubboxes in the game, it’s still just a Wubbox. Most Wublins add something really cool beyond dubstep noises. Still really like it though!

14: Tympa: Probably a hot take, but I don’t really get this one too much? Maybe I’m giving too much credit to Dwumrohl, but I feel like Tympa’s sound kinda just fades into the drums from Dwumrohl and I don’t really hear it. I like the design though.

15: Zynth: (I’m not factoring in farms for this btw) Zynth is pretty good but I don’t really feel his presence at all once you get a good few Wublins going. Still, he has a good sound.

16: Brump: He’s iconic but the sound gets repetitive because you get him so early and it takes forever to get some more interesting Wublins going

17: Creepuscule: I like what it adds to the song, and the design is fun. It’s far lower down though, because it’s fairly drowned out.

18: Scargo. Although he adds a nice cymbal crash, it’s one of the more underwhelming Wublins.

19: Blipsqueak. Really doesn’t add much. It’s one of the easier ones and I still don’t bother with it for a while because it’s not worth the effort for minimal reward.

20: Zuuker. least interesting design (just looks like a naked dinosaur from the neck down)
Sound is drowned out worse than any other Wublin, and even when you zoom in to hear it, its sound sucks (zuuks?) and doesn’t go with the song. Genuinely the only Wublin I dislike, I like at least something about all the others.


Finally who give screemu the place he deserve, and I don’t care what other people say screemu carries almost hole island
