The Puppet Song - Animated Music Video by Simm (Song by TryHardNinja)

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Here you go guys. After seven months, it's finally done. Massive props to @TryHardNinja for this amazing song, which still remains one of my favorites.
This is a fan-made video. I don't own any rights for the song. The song belongs to TryHardNinja.
Please be sure to check out my other animations!

#fnaf #fnaf2 #fnaf6 #thepuppetsong #thepuppet #marionette #fnafpuppet #charlieemily #charlie #animation #animatedsong #musicvideo #animatedmusicvideo #charlotteemily #souls #goldenfreddy #psychicfriendfredbear #fredbearplush #freddyfazbearspizza
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Hey guys, thanks for 8M views! The support has been insane over these last two years. It's crazy that I'm still getting views on this video to this day. Anyways, if you're interested in indie animation or just want to support animated projects in general, you might like this little project I'm currently working on. I'm trying to fund my own solo project called The Night Bird. It's a teenage superhero series based on a graphic novel I did recently. I've launched a teaser page for you to sign up, so, if you're interested, it'd be amazing if you helped me bring my show to life. It's something I've been really passionate about.
Thanks again,


Awesome! I can tell you have your own unique style as well. Really, great job :D


The art style reminds me of Superhero Girls, the cartoon on Netflix.
The way you portray Charlie and how quick she is to accept her new identity as the Puppet and help the children is beautiful.

I also love the magical girl transformation she has.


We've already hit 10k views!!! 🤯🤯🤯 Thank you all SO MUCH for your support! I really appreciate it ❤️


I'm surprised you managed to emulate the DC Superhero Girls style so well, it's really cool!


While I like the 3D animated music videos that are prevalent in the community, it’s always great to see a newer 2D animation like this. They radiate a lot more personality than the 3D animations.


I love how she wasn't confused when she turned into puppet she knew exactly what she had to do


Honestly, while there is so much to love about this animation — the art style, the action, the Fanverse background cameos (I definitely recognized Candy, Flumpty, and Popgoes, not familiar with the pink rabbit unfortunately), the FNAF2 consistency — one thing that really stands out to me is that Charlie is never given a false sense of security.

I've seen multiple animations of her death where she apparently feels some relief at seeing William, but (though I haven't read the books) Charlie doesn't strike me as the kind of kid who would blindly trust just any adult. Like – sure, William is an adult she more-than-likely recognizes. That doesn't mean she trusts him. In fact, given her quick thinking gave the other victims a chance for revenge, I imagine her intuition is good enough that she just _knew_ Mr. Afton was super sketchy and maybe he gave her nightmares. Notably, going by *just* the FNAF2 Cake minigame, we see that Purple Guy showing up only made the kid stuck outside the pizzeria go from sad to actively freaking out. And I love to see that reflected here and integrated into the later expanded narrative.

This might be the weirdest praise for this magnificent animation you'll ever get and I know it sounds messed up, but the change from "Uncle Will! 😀" to "SOMEBODY HELP ME 😰" is just. Really refreshing to me, and for that (and many other reasons) I applaud you. 🖤


Боже....Я смотрю на это и мне хочется просто плакать на сколько это шикарно. Вы замечательно поработали и это выглядит не просто как анимация, это выглядит как нарисованное эффект просто замечательный, я не знаю как вы его добились, но вы смогли удивить до замирания сердца. "плачет" Вы, черт возьми, отличный аниматор! Я вас обожаю!


i was crying at the end, that was so sad yet such a good ending


Wow! The art style here is super wonderful. I really love the part where The Puppet was possessed (really love how it was animated), and I also really like the part where The Puppet was shorting out in the rain (just amazing). And that ending really gave me a "crying inside" feeling.


We hit 2M views! Thank you so much for following my channel. Stay tuned, something special is coming very soon!


I like to think the reason the ghosts use energy blasts to attack Purple Guy instead of luring him to the suit is because they decided that, even for him, a springlock failure would be too cruel, and the other way would be cooler.


2:40 We got a Miraculous-style transformation here


WOAH!!! Girl this Fnaf animation you made looks EXACTLY the same style of DC Superhero Girls 2019!!😃🔲🔳


This is one of the best FNAF animations I have seen in years. Your art style is so fitting and the music sync-ups are all done so does this have so few likes? Amazing job, I can tell your heart and soul went into it


Dude... One of the best done animations I've ever seen!... New DC style like Super Hero Girls! Really good!


The animation was so nice and smooth. Your style is really good too. I hope you get noticed.


This animation was really well made, with great attention to detail and staying true to the Five Nights at Freddy's lore. It was a pleasure to watch and I'm impressed with the work that went into it. I'd like to congratulate the creators for their hard work, and encourage them to keep up the good work!


When I look at this video. The animation looks like it was drawn from DC Super Hero Girls.

Great animation.
