Taranis/OpenTX Quick Tip - Setting up a CROW mix - ADVANCED

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finally i got it working as i liked

thanks again


I did crow mix before this video came our by using knowledge from your previous video. Keep up good work.


Love it! One question when you put it into FM 1 (Crow) does the input for the flaps still work or is it only controlled by the Potentiometer knob?


Lee, Love your videos.
Having a problem with my Crow mixing. I have done as you have done here. I have 2 aileron servos on a Y lead into channel1, 2 flap servos on a Y lead into channel 5.
Flaps are lowered using the LS switch. Crow is activated on SF toward pilot. S1 setup as stated here.
When I activate Crow (flaps are up) the flaps move down as per setting in S!, Right Aileron goes up, but left Aileron goes down. Ailerons work normally though, Left turn Left Ail Up and Right Ail Down, vice versa for right turn.
I am baffled how to get the left Ail to go up in Crow. It looks like you used 2 ailerons both on channel 1 so not sure how you managed to get both Ail to go up.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I1:Ail Weight(+100%) Switch(SD?)
+= I1:Ail Weight(+80%) Switch(SD-) [AilMed]
+= I1:Ail Weight(+60%) Switch(SD?) [AilLow]
+= I6:Crow Weight(+100%) Flight modes(FM1:Crow, FM2, FM3, FM4, FM5, FM6, FM7, FM8) Offset(50%) Slow(u1:d1) [Crow]
I2:Ele Weight(+100%) Switch(SA?) [EleHigh]
+= I2:Ele Weight(+80%) Switch(SA-) [EleMed]
+= I2:Ele Weight(+60%) Switch(SA?) [EleLow]
+= LS Weight(+10%) Offset(-10%) [FlapEle]
I3:Thr Weight(+100%)
I4:Rud Weight(+100%) Switch(SG?) [RudHigh]
+= I4:Rud Weight(+80%) Switch(SG-) [RudMed]
+= I4:Rud Weight(+60%) Switch(SG?) [RudLow]
I5:Flap Weight(+100%) [Flap]
:= I6:Crow Weight(-100%) Flight modes(FM1:Crow, FM2, FM3, FM4, FM5, FM6, FM7, FM8) Offset(50%) Slow(u1:d1)


I was able to program crow brakes! I havent used a special switch like SF or S1.
I have flaps on SA and the offset for the ailerons also on SA. I have used the delay for the flaps in the mixer.
It works as it should.
But then I have programmed the flight mode on SA to get a delay for the crow brake at the aileron off set too. It fades in, but it doesnt fade out. Fade in and fade out are both at 2.0!
Any ideas why the ailerons jump back without delay?


Lee, can you please share these mixes in file form? crow..snap flap etc?
