Law Enforcement Resources: Drone Basics

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This video looks at some basic drone rules that law enforcement personnel should know when responding to a drone incident. What tests do drone pilots need to take? Does the drone have to be registered? How high are drones allowed to fly? These questions and more are answered here!
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@01:52 _"the drone must be registered with the FAA"_ I'm sorry but in the case of a recreational flyer that simply is not true. The *OPERATOR* must be registered (if the craft is >250g) but the drone does not. Registration of individual drones is required only for those operating without the exemption to part 107 (ie: non-recreational operators).

If the FAA doesn't understand its own rules, how can they expect LEOs or the general public to understand them?


A nice big Bugs Bunny “no” to all of that!


FAA computer failure today grounded all commercial airlines for hours but they know where all the toy ones are 😂


Once again the FAA speaker ( Kevin Morris ) LIES and at the end even admit their clueless actions by saying, " they are NOT Aviation experts" so how can they create regs, demand local law enforce know and enforce what they themselves can not grasp ?
His ENTIRE video is wrong in so many ways From registration and aircraft exemptions to commercialism. Plz get someone who actually is a recreational pilot ( not some CBO club member ) to explain the rules and regs you inept people continue to screw up


Common. An official video and less than ONE MINUTE into it it's giving incorrect information. Are the rules too complicated to be presented to the authorities that this video is intended?


#FPVresistance we will not comply with ur silly rules about our toys


About 90% of the information in this video is false. Please remove this video and review the information presented.


If Boeing made radio controlled toy aircraft for hobby fliers none of this would be required 😀


Also reported for misinformation since you’re misinforming your intended audience (law enforcement) about the laws that you’ve put into place

Hopefully everyone else does the same


This is a symptom of the excessive growth of our government (with media collaboration) and the justification of hundreds of thousands of unnecessary government employees.
At 60, this is the worst condition I've ever seen our country in. We have a lower standard of living, less freedom, a joke of an education system, a total disregard for our constitution, and it is getting worse, not better. When the government takes our taxes to attack a group of harmless hobbyists, it's an indication of bigger problems. Bruce, you care more about our country than most of it's citizens. I thank you for being so vigilant on our behalf. KEEP FLYING!


If I fly my drone behind my house and there are other aircraft operating there, I have bigger issues than not being able to see the drone.


Notice the lack of any mention of the fpv community or any mention of different kinds of quads and what they’re used for (ie. Freestyle quads vs a dji phantom)
If some Karen calls because somebody is flying a freestyle quad in a parking lot the cop is automatically going to think it’s some creep with a phantom being a weirdo when it’s just some kid trying to make a YouTube edit of his freestyle


Make some decent regulations and properly communicate them, and maybe, just maybe you will save zero lives because drones are both not dangerous nor are the thing that needs better safety procedures and the attention your giving them. Trust me, drones are not going to cause another 911.


Welp time for a healthy amount of civil disobedience I suppose


Now we're going to have to teach the 👮‍♂️ the rules. Lololol


How can you enact a TFR for drone users during presidential visits? There should be no way that we can cause any harm if we stay in our area of airspace.


As someone who understands that it would be a mess if local government agencies had any sort of control over the airspace and aircraft flying within it and that it's better for one agency to control the airspace (i.e. the FAA), this video is contradictory and upsetting in it's pussyfooting way of approaching what authority local law enforcement agencies actually have.
Why do the FAA and K. Morris state in other videos and documents that law enforcement cannot confiscate a person's drone or view their aerial photos/videos without a warrant, yet leave it so vague in this video or pretty much encourage it based on local interpretations of "authority" to do so? Same with what's said about use of counter UAS -- other official videos and documents state that any sort of interference with a UAS is a crime, yet this video ignores that and implies that it may be ok. Again, I'm glad that only one federal agency has aegis over the airspace, but this video series is BS.


So why do we have to pay to shoot video with our drones? you don't have to pay to shoot a video with a airplane or helicopter!!! that's like telling a truck driver they are not allowed to shoot videos with their trucks and post them ob social media!


I have a skydio 2 + with built-in RID. Skydio makes it sound like I must register my drone ON the FAA site. I fly for " fun " not for " money" Is it true ??


thank you it is very demonstrative video!
