21 Trials of Osiris Tips to Improve FAST!

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You want to visit the Lighthouse in Destiny 2? I asked my Twitter community about their best tips that helped them improve in Trials, as well as a number of questions they had for me.

In this video, I shared my favorite responses from this Twitter thread:

Let me know what your favorite tips were, and also leave a comment if there are any big tips that should have made it into the video!

I created an entire playlist of Trials content on my channel. This includes tips, gameplay examples, and some funny builds just to make you laugh.

Trials Tips Playlist:

Watch this next:
Are You Doing These 5 Things in PvP?

The Biggest Mistakes You're Making in PvP

Watch Benny play Trials 1v3's:

The Gear I use for Gaming, Streaming & YouTube:

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Honestly, if you cant do any of the other 21 strategies, make sure you master the one about NOT SPENDING 20 SECONDS OR MORE COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR DEATH! Make good callouts & help your team win in a down situation first & then complain all you want once they’ve clutched the round because you gave them key information! 💯😤


I hope Bungie make more symmetrical maps for the future of PvP. Maps like Dead cliffs A Flag Spawn or Altar of Flame C Flag Spawn can be devastating if good teams know how to pin you there.


omg that 3:19 headbounce into the immediate snipe was so clean


Its kinda connected to the tips u mentioned but i would add its ok to admit that the enemy player is better and to not challenge them. Example: in burnout the sniper duels (outside spawn going inside right and inside spawn going to bridge). Many times (in both solo and premade) people would tilt from dying and they would keep challenging and keep dying for the same reason over and over in the same place, making rounds hard or straight up losing them. Its ok to admit the other player knows better and try to adapt/counter instead repeatedly challenging them out of tilt.


"learn through osmosis"

*me checking my vault for any osmosis weapons xd*


For me, the best tip is focus on improvement and not winning. When I get in that mind set of needing to win, I then always blame myself when we fail, which leads to me to just get frustrated with myself. But a few months back, I started working out and trying to lose weight and by focusing on maintaining and improving instead of the results, I just naturally started to lose weight and gain muscle. It really opened my eyes to the growth mindset that I'm trying hard to maintain.

Another great video that helped me is Ascendant Nomad's Two Second Rule. As someone who naturally hesitates because I lack confidence in my skills, it made me more aggressive and I started to do a bit better as I went through the Showdown Playlist this week.

I just wish I was a better sniper. I always hesitate too much when shooting and as someone who excels at mid-range with pulse rifles, I feel like I should be a better sniper.


One thing I wanna build on from this vid, as a tip- TEAM COMP. The ideal team strat that I use when playing with my usual team is that we have two main positions- Anchor and Slayer, then outside of that we have Flex. I usually play Slayer while my playstyle allows me to flip from hyper aggressive to a supportive player on a dime (thanks slug shotguns)

However, if your team's playstyles truly mesh you will be almost unbeatable. Theres plenty of comps that can work- 3 anchors, 2 slayers and an anchor, 3 slayers, all flex, etc. But its how you understand your strategy that makes it nuts. My team uses the first ine I mentioned, the 1-1-1 comp. The Slayer positions themself away from the team to get a pick, but never too far so the flex can bail them out of need be, same for the slayer to come back and help the anchor/flex if need be. The team should move as a well oiled machine; the anchor using a bow/sniper rifle and moving to wherever would be advantageous or more annoying for the enemy team. An anchor can be aggressive if they need, they are there to be a pinpoint for your team's rotation. Flex is usually a stompee hunter/top tree dawnblade. Slayer is anybody who can confidently get kills and handle multiple players at once- middle tree arcstrider with a slug shotgun/mid-long range primary being perfect for this. Its all in how you run your team and understanding your individual role on that team. Im not going to go make a random flank 100m away and tell me anchor to come here- no, my anchor is 10000x better and holding a position than I am. I listen to them and I trust them when they tell me they need me/its good for me to push.

Also, COMMUNICATION. Flex usually doesnt give out too many call out or orders because theyre good enough to take in the information from the other two roles and support them accordingly. Its usually the slayer or anchor calling out the shots. If you can get this team comp down and really start understanding your team's playstyles, then you dont necessarily need to be using 100% meta and have crazy aim- you can pick out where the enemy is weak to your team and flex around it. Be the thorn in their side, eventually they will give way.


one thing not mentioned was, don't stall out 1v3's if you're the 1. you have to be decisive and work out whether you can win pretty quickly. the entire enemy team is charging super whilst your dead team mates aren't, so unnecessarily running away and stalling hurts your team in the next rounds


9:15 Khepris Horn is also shockingly useful for halting a team rush. If the enemy is at the apex of the fire stream, its a killing blow. Bottom tree solar drops the Sunspot, and now their team is taking burn damage if they were too close. Got me several double kills on Burnout


My fav: Don’t cry after a death. Cluttered coms kill me. Clutter coms w/ cry baby in its’ first perk slot, absolutely slay me.


On the topic of double primaries, I found that using Dead Mans Tale and Shayura's was very effective for this weeks trials map


I played trials yesterday for the first time since D1 and gotta say, I think I got pretty lucky because I went flawless going in solo. First team I queued up with was a pair of experienced players and they helped me easily get to lighthouse


Benny is an absolute beast! I highly recommend watching him for tips. Great video patty, as always.


i always love the background music u use, thank you pattycakes


I ran Travelers Chosen/Darkest Before pretty much all weekend last week. Had 6x Flawless and helped 7 other people get there for their first time while I ran different cards (didn’t get flawless myself since no mercy, but they did so that’s what matters)


Awesome tips definitely got to practice playing with my team a little more when playing with friends I don't normally play 3v3 with. I find sometimes my team is slightly out of sync when collapsing after getting a pick. Sometimes it takes me a second to long to push or I pushed a little too early ending with a death on my team and a possible revive for the other team.


patty, you are so helpful and way too underrated


Something I've been trying to implement when on LFG is calling out WHERE I got a kill, that way my team knows the general area of where the enemy res is, or if someone is flanking they have an idea where the other players are.


The focus on improving has been the biggest turnaround for my PvP play I think, looking for ways to do better instead of just being salty about being chaperoned or shatterdived for the nth time is a much more productive way to channel that energy


No joke that snipe you showed a few times when you are flying in by the door near zone c....nutty. Keep gettin nerdy with it Patty.
