Can a person be contagious more than five days after positive COVID test?

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Yes, a person still can be contagious more than five days after their first positive COVID test.
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After worked as a front line worker for 2 or more years since this covid panamic and I tested positive today 😞. It felt horrible with fever and headache. I hope I will get better soon after isolation. Stay safe everyone


I’m on my 4th day with Covid, doctor has giving me only 5 days (Kaiser) to quarantine. After that back to work even with a positive test and mild symptoms. No wonder why there’s more people getting sick again. Said wear a mask for five more days, but who’s gonna enforce that. We no longer have to wear them. Not saying I’m not, but I’m sure there’s many who won’t follow that suggestion


I had the symptoms ; soar throat, body ache, some coughing, some diarrhea on 1/21/22 .. on the 22nd my wife tested me using the home antigen kit and was negative. I had all the symptoms for 3days but even with all the symptoms I can actually do stuff. On the 24th I called my Doctor and asked for a another test and came back positive.On the fourth day, most of the symptoms have weakened, however I felt weaker up to the 10 th day. It took 7 days for my body to recuperate at least 80% of my strength. Now the 30th of January I still haven’t regained 100% of my self. Fortunately my wife who I exposed since the beginning is negative and didn’t show any symptoms. My daughter didn’t show any symptoms as well and be tested tomorrow to make sure she doesn’t have any of the virus. God bless everyone and be safe.


This is my seventh day after testing positive and actually 9th day after experiencing my first symptom but I still have a bad, dry cough and nasal congestion. I also get a little breathless when doing physical activity. I really cannot wait to go back to my normal, healthy self. 😟


And then they stand around scratching their heads wondering why our workforce is diminishing.


Sounds like they only shortened quarantine time for economic reasons.


Honestly everyone please even if you feel like these things don’t matter and Covid can still spread… wear your masks, wash your hands frequently, change out of dirty clothes and shower, & keep your distance as much as you can. It’s ppl out here who really care & have babies. I’m so scared for my little baby. We live with family who don’t really care as much as I do for the sake of my baby. And monkey pox is getting closer and closer… I’m so ready for my husband to come get us so we can be on base & in our own home. Pls be careful y’all and stay safe…


I'm a month out from being sick didn't test for first virus i got than only got two days in between getting sick with COVID and it's been over two weeks since COVID and a cough can that possibly make me still contagious? Oh and the fatigue is awful still not feeling even 50 percent of my energy


I tested positive and started to have symptoms. One day after me my husband showed symptoms but did not have strength to go get tested, he was vomiting, fever, rapid heart rate… about a week after we both continued to cough, and felt very weak. We both went to urgent care. He tested negative with all his symptoms, and I could definitely say his symptoms were worse than mine. I tested positive on pcr again. Not sure if any of these tests are reliable at all. I would say that this is nothing like any cold and everyone wear masks and do all you can to protect yourself. 4th week after I tested positive we both have severe fatigue and dry cough comes and goes.


In Singapore, you can resume normal life from self isolation on Day 7, regardless of ART results. It can be as early as within 3 days if ART is negative.


This is my 6th day with Covid-19. My body feels so bad. While I was said to remain in isolation for 7 days. I bet this is going to be a larger journey. Because I don't feel like getting better anytime soon. My body, mind, and soul is tired of feeling sick. Lord, have mercy! 😩☹️


My only symptoms were fatigue, sweats, and throat was irritated. By the third day I was just tired.

I could have easily done my job if I wasn't isolated due to the virus.


The misread, misinterpreted data shows that people are most contagious when they are asymptomatic, but this is really do to peoples behavior; believing that they aren’t sick and going about a normal social life. They are actually most contagious at peak viral load.


I'd prefer if they cited their sources in the description, so that I can go read it.


It was 10 days last year this year 5 days is the PC time.


Of course you can still be contagious after 5 days… how is this news?


I had something a week ago when I tested positive for Covid on a take home test. It wasn’t the worst flu I got (the worst one was months ago… lasted 2 weeks and to be fully recovered took a month but I think it was the OG Covid and I didn’t have a test to confirm). So I’m on day 10 now if this current whatever and have had two negative take home tests days apart. I’m just wondering if I could still potentially spread it (I have a cough or sneeze here or there) and someone in my household is still testing positive for it.


Yes I'm in a recovery program! I was diagnosed about 5 days with covid . GREETINGS FROM CAMP COVID 2022 there are 3 others with me .My test was done January 31 .we are all still sick 😫 I don't how we are not still contagious! Please go back previous quarantine and isolation guidelines! This will get bad, worse than before and people will not only get it but will die. If they want us to go to groups and meetings in the next couple of days everyone here runs the real risk if getting covid ! This is not like a little cold that's magically goes away. I've never been sick like this I'm 50 and it's the worst.


it’s my 8th-9th day n i’m still testing positive 😢 but i have zero symptoms and haven’t for about 5 days now. the first few days my head hurt bad. felt like my brain and eyeballs were gonna explode. never developed a fever tho. and only slight congestion/crunchy cough 😅 oh and i now can’t smell or rly taste anything. my sister has covid over a year ago and STILL can barely smell or taste. going to buy some essential oils tomorrow and try and do some stuff with them to bring back my smell 🤞🏼


Day 6 here of COVID-19. I'm unvaccinated. Symptoms started Wed. of last week with nausea and chills, by Thursday morning it was full blown...headache, fever, chills, nausea, leg pain that was unbearable, my teeth hurt...called the Dr that morning and was put on Hydroxychloroquin, steroids, and antibiotics. By Friday afternoon most of my symptoms improved. I am fever free 48 hrs, but still feel like I have a head cold. Sometimes I get shortness of breath. I also lost 9 pounds. I lost sense of smell but not taste. I am still testing positive which is sad because I am anxious in my room.

Praying for us all dealing with this beast of a plague. God will help us through.
