Fertilizing And Feeding Peas - Garden Quickie Episode 81

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Should We Fertilize Our Pea Plants? Well, the answer is maybe....but mostly likely, probably. Yes.

Its a complicated question that can only be solved by a Garden Quickie! Peas are legumes, yes, but is their ability to fix a little bit of nitrogen for themselves enough for us to get max harvests? Especially when nitrogen itself is not really responsible for blooming and pod formation? Well, watch on to find out! :-)

2022 is the Year of the Garden! We deserve it after the last little while, and growing our own food and self sufficiency is just the reward we need to get back on track!

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If you're just starting out gardening in 2022, please check out my Amazon Affiliate links below to get the right tools for the job! It doesn't cost you a cent, but this channel receives a small incentive for any items purchase through Amazon. Happy Gardening!

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Thanks for the video I was thinking if the peas needed a feed but. They are doing fine cheers my friend


Your short segments are always educating! I've planted peas in MT as you suggested a while back. I placed them in the ground w/a bit of Miracle grow, some crushed egg shells, & freeze-dried bloodworms w/seaweed. I actually used that formula on my entire garden. All my plants seem content but I'll admit I've never used such a formula. I also planted a couple handfuls of soup beans/legumes after soaking them for 4 days. I've NO clue what I'll get there but they're also climbing out of the ground & onto my jute twine trellis. If they produce any thing, half the joy is NOT knowing what plant is which. Thank you tons for all the straight-up advice you provide. Cheers, ~ Covah


Love it! My leaves have yellowed...not sure i can save them but will plant more.


When I plant peas, I don't usually fertilize them. The potting mix that I use has fertilizer in it. Usually, it is something like worm castings or other natural supplements.

Recently, I discovered a product called Agrothrive. It can be used in multiple ways, as a soil drench, a foliar spray, and in other systems like hydroponics. I'm still experimenting with it. But, I mixed some of it in a gallon of water and put it in a spray bottle then sprayed all of the plants in my garden. Whatever was left over, I used it to water the plants. It can be used every 1-2 weeks. I'm going to try it every two weeks and go from there. I'm probably trying to grow more than what I should; so, I think adding liquid fertilize might help a bit. Last year, I didn't use any liquid fertilizer at all. I just used the long acting dry fertilizer.


Thanks Jeff for these videos!!! I love sugar snap peas. Getting ready to plant some more seeds ready for fall tomatoes. Prayers for my hubby he is starting permanent Chemo.


Good to know. I feed mine today with seaweed feed. (UK)
They only about 8-10 cm tall and I wasn't sure how good the compost grow bag I bought to grow them in was, I'm not sure if it had feed in it as was cheap, but was a grow bag, flat bags, as peas have short roots I was told it be good to grow them in there up the fence panel.
I know for next year I need a more stable netting as my lab has pulled the canes out 2 times, naughty girl lol


Super video Jeff. I am harvesting sugar snap peas like crazy. I didn't fertilize but will next year for sure


Thanks! I will try this when it gets cooler here. There's someone commenting that their peas turn brown & die from the root up. Sounds just like mine...which I planted in late April or May, but that's too late here in zone 10. Got some to eat, but not the harvest I wanted. Next time I'll be sure to plant them in cooler weather & fertilize lightly, as you suggest.


I'm growing peas here in Southern Ontario and so far so good. They are growing, lush and green in their grow bags. I did use a potting mix that has a moisture protector in it (from Miracle-Gro) and a good 4 inches of mulch around the plants. Keeping my fingers crossed that they will make it through to the cooler months. lol


Great update thanks for sharing and take care 🙂


Pretty jelly. My peas started dying last week. Think it was just their time. Its gotten HOT down here. Heat index in the 110s. Already started planting the 1st set of the fall harvest tho.


thank you for your wisdom. i appreciate it so much. i need HELP! my peas keep getting sick!!! they keep dying from the root up! browning and crackling leaves eat the plant in a matter of cpl weeks. i have tried everything and they keep dying inevitably. what am i missing? could it really be this scorching sun and heat? how can i identify exactly what it could be and treat it? i keep having to plant new ones 5+ times in the year bc they grow fast, flower and fruit but they already started dying from the bottom up. by the time it reaches the top it maybe only gave me peas for just a couple meals. then i have to start again... can you please help me? do you read and respond to your comments? thank you!


Interesting that Jeff. Never fertilised my peas here in the uk and have a humongous bumper crop every time. I do however feed the soil and look after my beds all year and through the winter with cover crops, homemade compost and blood fish and bone amendment. If I get a bumper crop now, it would be very interesting too see what happens if I follow your advice next year, it's too late this year.
Love your videos Jeff, please keep them up.

P.S. what's the association with Canada? Always wearing a beanie hat with it on? Just intrigued as a lot of my family live in Edmonton.


Ok so are fruiting fertilizers lower in nitrogen than a all purpose fertilizer .


Gday I’m in the middle of winter now in Australia am i too late to plant peas? Thanks for your fantastic channel. 👍🏻


@0:20 I always thought legumes fixed nitrogen out of the air into the soil...


could you do a video quickie on the bottled fertiliser you used there i have balance and stuff but there are 2 parts please help i dont need to be killing off stuff unnessaserraly


Looks like the watering can Amazon link in the drop down doesn’t work anymore :(


My peas aren’t flowering 2 months in! I over fertilized with nitrogen, can you fix it??
